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Security: domfarolino/mage



Security considerations

The boundary between less-privileged processes and more-privileged processes is crucial to audit when determining what capabilities or information is shared across processes. Since this boundary is largely defined by the IPC implementation being used1, IPC libraries tend to care a lot about security.

This is particularly important because less-privileged processes might be compromised by some sort of application code, so the protection of more-privileged process depends on it being safe from whatever possibly-malicious content a less-privileged one might try and throw at it. Some great documentation about protecting against this can be found in the Chromium source tree about compromised renderer processes.

A non-exhaustive list of security considerations that an IPC library might have are:

  1. A less-privileged process should never be able to terminate a more-privileged one
    • Giving control of the lifetime a privileged process to a compromised one could result in the corruption of user data, an unusable application, or other harmful side effects
  2. The library should validate deserialized data
    • A compromised process may write arbitrary data to a message that breaks the data serialization rules in hopes of triggering undefined behavior in a more-privileged receiver of the message. The deserialization code in the target process is responsible for safely validating messages it receives before handing them to user code. When the library catches invalid data in a received message, it should attempt to kill the process that sent the message, and refuse to pass the message on to the usual receiving code
  3. IPC libraries often have the concept of a single "master" process that is responsible for brokering communication between other processes that don't otherwise have the ability to communicate on their own. In Chromium, this is literally called the "Broker" process. This is important especially in sandboxed environments where less-privileged processes can't do many things (including spawn child process) and require the Broker to grant powerful capabilities
  4. Much more...

As it stands right now, Mage is mostly written as a proof-of-concept, for use in applications but not audited to uphold the security guarantees (including the ones above) that might be required by major, critical applications in production. It would be great if Mage could get to this point, and it's certainly within reach, but right now Mage has not been designed for these purposes.

Writing safe IPCs

Not all IPC security can be taken care of by an IPC library. Much care needs to be taken in how interfaces are defined across processes, so that it is not possible to introduce new, subtle security bugs manually. Here are a list of good security pointers to keep in mind when writing IPCs, especially those that communicate across privilege gradients:


  1. Another tool that contributes to defining the process boundary for an application is whatever sandboxing library is being used, if any. Here are some examples of open source ones: openjudge/sandbox, Chromium sandbox, google/sandboxed-api.

There aren’t any published security advisories