class: center, middle, inverse
class: center, middle, inverse
Volt is a Ruby web framework where your Ruby code runs on both the server and the client. It accomplishes this by leveraging a Ruby to JavaScript compiler called Opal.
class: center, middle, inverse
Volt is very, very similar to Angular. It uses two way data bindings to acheive lightning fast UI updates.
Because it's so very much like Angular, you have to get yourself out of the Rails mindset (if you're there), and think of the application architecture in more of an Angular way.
class: middle, inverse
That's right. In Volt all of the controllers run client side code:
module Main
class MainController < Volt::ModelController
model :store
def index
# Add code for when the index view is loaded
def select_conversation(user)
params._user_id = user._id
def is_current_user?(user) == Volt.current_user_id
class: middle, inverse
Views even look remarkably similar to Angular. It's also very similar to using the Liquid templating engine.
{{ if Volt.current_user }}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
{{ users.each do |user| }}
{{ unless is_current_user?(user) }}
<div class="contact {{ if params._user_id == }} active {{ end }}" e-click="select_conversation(user)">
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
class: center, middle, inverse
Currently, Volt only supports MongoDB (although it is rumored that both Postgres and RethinkDB will be supported soon).
This makes for incredibly easy persistence to the database, but at the cost of possibly not having strong data integrity.
You heard me right. Probably one of the coolest features that Volt has, is that Websockets come baked right in, so there's no setup at all.
Let's take a look at the chat demo that I made.....