To build:
docker-compose build
To run:
docker-compose -p ssh-honeypot up
Certain amount of control is given through following environment variables
- SSH_BANNER # Value set here will be passed as -b argument to the service
- SSH_BANNER_INDEX # Value set here will be passed as -i argument to the service
- SSH_JSON_LOG_SERVER # Value set here will be passed as -J argument to the service
- SSH_JSON_LOG_SERVER_PORT # Value set here will be passed as -P argument to the service
Following paths are mounted as volumes by default
- /home/honeycomb/log # Log files
- /home/honeycomb/rsa # Generated RSA key is held here. If you have your own key, you can replace sshd-key.rsa file
- As per docker support, any additional path(s) can be mounted as volume(s); Note that this could have side-effects.
- RSA key is generated during stage 2. If file already exists, it will not be generated again.