Downloads Images and attaches them to ImageViews.
- Disk & in-memory caching.
- Efficient image decoding.
- inBitmap support.
- Cross-fade support.
void attachImage(String imgUrl, ImageView imageView)
void attachImage(String imgUrl, ImageView imageView, int crossFadeMillis)
void attachImage(String imgUrl, ImageView imageView, ImageReshaper reshaper, int crossFadeMillis)
void attachImage(String imgUrl, ImageView imageView, ImageReshaper reshaper, int crossFadeMillis, ImageFetchListener listener)
void attachImage(String imgUrl, ImageView imageView, ImageReshaper reshaper, int crossFadeMillis, ImageFetchListener listener, Bitmap inBitmap)
Bitmap getImage(String imgUrl) throws Exception
Bitmap getImage(String imgUrl, ImageView hintImageView, ImageReshaper reshaper) throws Exception
void clearCacheOlderThan(int hours)
See constructor, BitmapMemoryCache
, BitmapDiskCache
Modifies (resizes, rounds corners, etc.) bitmaps in background & caches the result.
String getCacheId()
Pair<CompressFormat, Integer> getCacheFormat(String mimeType)
Bitmap.Config getBitmapConfig()
int getImageWidthHint()
int getImageHeightHint()
Bitmap reshape(Bitmap bm)
See AbstractImageReshaper for default implementation.
Receives fetch cycle callbacks.
void onFetchAdded(ImageView imageView, String imgUrl)
void onFetchProgressChanged(ImageView imageView, String imgUrl, int kBTotal, int kBReceived)
void onFetchFailed(ImageView imageView, String imgUrl, Exception e)
void onFetchCompleted(ImageView imageView, String imgUrl, Bitmap bm)
ImageFetcher can be paused while scrolling.
See ImageListAdapter
from DroidPartsGram for an example.
public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
switch (scrollState) {
case OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_FLING: