diff --git a/main.go b/main.go index 903f134..0f352c0 100644 --- a/main.go +++ b/main.go @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ var Version = "dev" // Options contains the flag options type Options struct { Methods map[string]int64 `short:"m" long:"method" description:"A map from json rpc methods to their weight" default:"eth_getCode:100" default:"eth_getLogs:250" default:"eth_getTransactionByHash:250" default:"eth_blockNumber:350" default:"eth_getTransactionCount:400" default:"eth_getBlockByNumber:400" default:"eth_getBalance:550" default:"eth_getTransactionReceipt:600" default:"eth_call:2000"` - Web3Endpoint string `long:"rpc" description:"Ethereum JSONRPC provider, such as Infura or Cloudflare" default:"https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/af500e495f2d4e7cbcae36d0bfa66bcb"` // Versus API key on Infura + Web3Endpoint string `long:"rpc" description:"Ethereum JSONRPC provider, such as Infura or Cloudflare" default:"https://eth.drpc.org"` // Versus API key on Infura RateLimit float64 `short:"r" long:"ratelimit" description:"rate limit for generating jsonrpc calls"` Version bool `long:"version" description:"Print version and exit."`