What is this project? :
- The vue-chartjs-gallery project is a collection of charts from chartJS/vue-chartjs that can be used in vue projects.
Setting up a cloned repo of this project :
- Requires: vue-chartjs, Bootstrap, Vue.js, Vue Router
- To install Vue Router you can install the node package with (npm install vue-router). Link for reference https://router.vuejs.org/installation.html#direct-download-cdn.
- To install vue-chartjs you can install the node package with (npm install vue-chartjs chart.js --save). Link for reference https://vue-chartjs.org/guide/#npm.
- For quick install use (npm install).
- To run the application use (npm run serve).
References for styling :
- https://hackernoon.com/creating-stunning-charts-with-vue-js-and-chart-js-28af584adc0a
- https://blog.vanila.io/chart-js-tutorial-how-to-make-gradient-line-chart-af145e5c92f9
Source :
- chartjs: https://www.chartjs.org/
To Do List:
- Make better navbar for application
- Make table of contents for home page