This is an introductory example. The arrays, addModelKey, deleteModelKey topic has another nested form example.
// Import the initial model and the validation schema from the nested form.
import EmergencyContact, {
initialModel as contactInitialModel,
validationSchema as contactValidationSchema
} from './EmergencyContact.jsx';
// Compose the initial model.
const initialModel = {
name: '',
roomNumber: '',
emergencyContact1: contactInitialModel,
emergencyContact2: contactInitialModel
// Compose the validation schema using the 'schema' property to keep things DRY.
const validationSchema = {
fields: {
'name': { required: true, validate: validateName },
'roomNumber': { required: true }
scopes: {
'emergencyContact1': { schema: contactValidationSchema },
'emergencyContact2': { schema: contactValidationSchema }
export default function EmergencyContacts({model})
// If you're editing a model, it will already be composed.
const initialFormstate = () => rff.initializeFormstate(model || initialModel, validationSchema);
const [formstate, setFormstate] = useState(initialFormstate);
const form = {
adaptors: [InputAndFeedback],
calculatePrimed: rff.primeOnChange
// Use the nestedForm property to ask RFF to create specially-scoped versions of formstate and form and to pass them to your component.
return (
<form onSubmit={(e) => submit(e, form)}>
<FormScope formstate={formstate} form={form}>
<FormField name='name'>
<InputAndFeedback type='text' label='Name'/>
<FormField name='roomNumber'>
<InputAndFeedback type='text' label='Room Number'/>
<FormScope name='emergencyContact1'>
<EmergencyContact nestedForm title='Emergency Contact 1'/>
<FormScope name='emergencyContact2'>
<EmergencyContact nestedForm title='Emergency Contact 2'/>
<input type='submit' value='Submit'/>
function validateName(name) {
if (name[0] === name[0].toLowerCase()) {
return 'Name must be capitalized.';
// Submit handler not shown.
// Export these so the parent form can use them.
export const initialModel = {
name: '',
email: ''
export const validationSchema = {
fields: {
'name': { required: true },
'email': { required: true, validate: validateEmail }
export default function EmergencyContact({formstate, form, title}) {
// The formstate and form props passed to this component are in a nested scope.
// Model keys used in this component are relative to the emergency contact model, not the root model.
// For instance, this nested form doesn't need the model for anything, but if it did, then
const model = rff.getValue(formstate, '');
// would provide the relevant emergency contact model: { name: '', email: '' }
// and NOT the formstate.model:
// { name: '', roomNumber: '', emergencyContact1: { name: '', email: ''}, emergencyContact2: { name: '', email: ''}}
// Here is how you can add additional form configuration if necessary:
let adaptors = form.adaptors || [];
adaptors = [...adaptors, InputAndFeedback];
form = {...form, adaptors};
// Note you could nest another form here using the same pattern...
return (
<div style={{border: 'solid'}}>
<FormScope formstate={formstate} form={form}>
<FormField name='name'>
<InputAndFeedback type='text' label='Name'/>
<FormField name='email'>
<InputAndFeedback type='text' label='Email' inputProps={{handleChange: handleEmailChange}}/>
function validateEmail(value) {
if (!/^\S+@\S+\.\S+$/.test(value)) {
return 'Not a valid email address';
// Demonstrate the lookup functions
function handleEmailChange(form, value, id)
form.setFormstate((fs) => {
if (rff.isInputDisabled(fs)) {return fs;}
// This returns 'email'
const modelKey = rff.getModelKey(fs, id);
// This returns '' or ''
const rootModelKey = rff.getRootModelKey(fs, id);
// Getting the id from a model key is useful in input components.
const reverseLookupId = rff.getId(fs, modelKey);
// This returns 'emergencyContact1' or 'emergencyContact2'
const scopeKey = rff.getRootModelKey(fs, fs.nestedScopeId);
// Use model key here, NOT root model key. (RFF recognizes nestedScopeId in the fs object.)
// This way, you can remain ignorant of the parent scope.
return rff.changeAndValidate(fs, 'email', value, form);