Calculator to show the loss between OpenWeatherMap's One Call API and Historical Bulk Data
Historical Data Purchased By: Jayden
Lat: 47.4
Long: -121.5
Historical Data Purchased By: Jayden
Lat: 44.2
Long: -119.6
Historical Data Purchased By: Jayden
Lat: 42.7
Long: -122.6
Feature: str, lat: str, lon: str, start date: unix epoch: str, number of timesteps: int, time between timesteps: in days: int, api key: str
Numpy Array correlating with the feature
To use the loader include the following:
#Import loader
import as ocal
#Example Call
data = ocal.load_data('temp','47.4','-121.4','1643803200',10,1,{api_key})
Feature: str, lat: str, lon: str, start date: unix epoch: str, number of timesteps: int, time between timesteps: in days: int
Numpy Array correlating with the feature
Feature, start date, number of timesteps, time between timesteps
Mean Absolute Error between the two APIs at all three locations