This is the CS331 Assignments page for Lucas Dunn and Garrett Biwer.
It contains the code for every project we complete in the CS 331 class. These all utilize skeleton code for initial setup, but the algorithms themselves were left for us to code ourselves.
The first project, entitled "8_puzzle" has code utilizing A* search to compare and contrast various heuristics. These include total city-block distance (AKA manhattan distance), number of misplaced tiles, and a intenitionally-worse heuristic which checks if the "1" "2" and "3" tiles are misplaced.
The second project, entitled "othello" has code utilizing alpha-beta pruning to find the optimal move on a simplified Othello board.
The final project, entitled "sentiment_analysis" has code utilizing a Naive Bayes algorithm to classify yelp reviews as either positive or negative, given some trainig set of yelp reviews and a label "positive or negative".