The goal of this crash course is to discover the principles of MDE (Model Driven Engineering) and more specifically SLE (Software Language Engineering) in a fast and pragmatic way: doing by yourself on an example.
It follows the concepts recommended by the book:
and applies them in order to create an example language (Logo turtle) using Xtext, Sirius , and GEMOC technologies. (Ie. with modern textual editor, graphical editor, simulation, animation and debug support)
The course is organized to be run in 4 sessions (half a day each).
1rst half day:
2nd half day:
3rd half day:
4th half day: (theoretical part [slides ]) (may be a short practical part will come too)
tip and tricks to write eclipse UI,
tip and trick to easily build (ie. target continuous integration) and deploy. Ie. how to achieve reproducible builds for demos and simplify distribution to the end-users. generalization, SLE in the web, recent progress about deploying your languages in the browser. (theoretical part)
Please feel free to contact me for reporting improvement or successful use of these course supports.