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apobekiaris edited this page Oct 17, 2020 · 20 revisions

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The Microsoft.Calendar package integrates with the Office365 Calendar cloud service.


Credits: to Brokero that sponsor the initial implementation of this module.

This is a platform agnostic module that authenticates against Azure using the Xpand.XAF.Modules.Microsoft package, for details head to it's wiki page.

The Xpand.XAF.Modules.Office.Cloud.Microsoft.Calendar provides a configurable two way synchronization between the IEvent Domain Components and the Microsoft.Graph.Event entity. All CRUD operations will execute the cloud api after a successful XAF transaction.

You can use the model to configure:

  • The subject Views, the target container Calendar and which Domain Component should be created when a NewCloudEvent. image
  • The CRUD SynchronizationType and the CallDirection. image

The package can operate without any configuration by executing a predefined map between the IEvent and OutlookEvent objects on Update and on Insert for both incoming and outgoing calls.

To customize the predefined map you can use a query like the next one which suffix the OutlookEvent subject with the current date:

    .Do(e => {
        var tuple = e.Instance;
        if (tuple.mapAction != MapAction.Delete){
            if (tuple.callDirection == CallDirection.In){
                tuple.local.Subject = $"{} - {DateTime.Now}";
            else if (tuple.callDirection == CallDirection.Out){
       = $"{tuple.local.Subject} - {DateTime.Now}";
            e.Handled = true;

Cloud to local synchronization: The package uses delta queries to track changes in Microsoft Graph data.

Possible future improvements:

Any other need you may have.

Let me know if you want me to implement them for you.


In the next screencast you can see all CRUD operations on the Event BO and how they synchronize with the Office365 Calendar, for both platforms Win, Web and both directions Incoming, Outgoing. At the bottom the Reactive.Logger.Client.Win is reporting as the module is used.

Xpand XAF Modules Office Cloud Microsoft Calendar



  1. First you need the nuget package so issue this command to the VS Nuget package console

    Install-Package Xpand.XAF.Modules.Office.Cloud.Microsoft.Calendar.

    The above only references the dependencies and next steps are mandatory.

  2. Ways to Register a Module or simply add the next call to your module constructor



The module is not bound to DevExpress versioning, which means you can use the latest version with your old DevExpress projects Read more.

The module follows the Nuget Version Basics.


.NetFramework: net461

DevExpress.Persistent.Base Any
DevExpress.ExpressApp Any
DevExpress.ExpressApp.Xpo Any
Fasterflect.Xpand 2.0.7
JetBrains.Annotations 2020.1.0
Microsoft.Graph.Beta 0.18.0-preview
Microsoft.Graph.Core 1.19.0
Microsoft.Identity.Client 4.13.0
Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.3
System.Reactive 4.4.1
System.ValueTuple 4.5.0
Xpand.Extensions 2.202.57
Xpand.Extensions.Office.Cloud 2.202.58
Xpand.Extensions.Reactive 2.202.58
Xpand.Extensions.XAF 2.202.58
Xpand.Extensions.XAF.Xpo 2.202.54
Xpand.XAF.Modules.Office.Cloud.Microsoft 2.202.59
Xpand.XAF.Modules.Reactive 2.202.58
Xpand.VersionConverter 2.202.10


To Step in the source code you need to enable Source Server support in your Visual Studio/Tools/Options/Debugging/Enable Source Server Support. See also How to boost your DevExpress Debugging Experience.

If the package is installed in a way that you do not have access to uninstall it, then you can unload it with the next call at the constructor of your module.



The module is tested on Azure for each build with these tests. All Tests run as per our Compatibility Matrix



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