From 413933b5a35dccd8c40dcb6b8b4882b0075b11d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Etienne Bacher <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 13:14:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fix PR urls, add "last updated"
dashboard.Rmd | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dashboard.Rmd b/dashboard.Rmd
index f9e83c8..7d6ce47 100644
--- a/dashboard.Rmd
+++ b/dashboard.Rmd
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ params:
value: PUBLIC
title: "`r params$title`"
+date: "Last updated: `r Sys.Date()`"
```{r setup, include = FALSE}
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ main_repos <- c("bayestestR", "correlation", "datawizard", "easystats", "effects
#' @param required Required amount of points you need for the next step
#' When using the built-in GITHUB_TOKEN in GitHub Actions, the rate limit is 1,000 requests per hour per repository
wait_for_rate <- function(required = 100) {
# Rate limit ----
ratelimit <- "query {
viewer {
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ message("Rate value:", rate_value)
if (rate_value[[1]]$rateLimit$remaining < required) {
# remaining seconds
remaining <- round(as.numeric(as.duration(as_datetime(rate_value[[1]]$rateLimit$resetAt) - now())))
message(paste("Let's wait a little", round(remaining/60), "minutes"))
} else {
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ row_details <- function(index) {
pkg <- packageDescription(main_repos[index])
urls <- unlist(strsplit(gsub(",", " , ", pkg$URL[1], perl = TRUE), "[ \n]"))
pkg$Author <- gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)", "", pkg$Author)
pkg_field <- function(name, ...) {
if (any( NULL
else tagList(div(class = "detail-label", name), ...)
@@ -144,11 +145,11 @@ cran_checks <- function(pkg) {
html_page <- xml2::read_html(url)
html_table <- rvest::html_table(html_page)
check_status <- html_table[[1]]$Status
if (all(check_status == "OK")) {
n_notes <- length(which(check_status == "NOTE"))
n_warnings <- length(which(check_status %in% c("WARN", "WARNING")))
n_errors <- length(which(check_status == "ERROR"))
@@ -183,8 +184,8 @@ cran_checks <- function(pkg) {
# Get data on each repo
repo_data <- map(orgs, org_data, privacy)
-repo_summary <- map_dfr(repo_data, "summary") %>%
- distinct(owner, repo, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
+repo_summary <- map_dfr(repo_data, "summary") %>%
+ distinct(owner, repo, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
filter(tolower(owner) %in% tolower(orgs), repo %in% main_repos) %>%
select(-owner, -description, -p1, -features, -bugs, -unlabeled)
@@ -213,11 +214,11 @@ for (i in seq_along(repo_summary$repo)) {
### Get number of downloads in last 7 days
-# downloads <- cran_downloads(when = "last-week", packages = unique(repo_summary$repo)) %>%
-# group_by(package) %>%
-# mutate(downloads_last_week = sum(count)) %>%
-# ungroup() %>%
-# select(package, downloads_last_week) %>%
+# downloads <- cran_downloads(when = "last-week", packages = unique(repo_summary$repo)) %>%
+# group_by(package) %>%
+# mutate(downloads_last_week = sum(count)) %>%
+# ungroup() %>%
+# select(package, downloads_last_week) %>%
# distinct()
downloads <- data.frame(
package = repo_summary$repo,
@@ -237,12 +238,12 @@ coverage <- data.frame(
### Clean data and make table
-repo_summary <- left_join(repo_summary, downloads, by = c("repo" = "package")) %>%
- left_join(last_published_cran, by = "repo") %>%
- left_join(coverage, by = "repo") %>%
+repo_summary <- left_join(repo_summary, downloads, by = c("repo" = "package")) %>%
+ left_join(last_published_cran, by = "repo") %>%
+ left_join(coverage, by = "repo") %>%
select(repo, last_published_cran, watchers, open_issues, prs, everything()) %>%
select(-default_branch) %>%
- relocate(n_weeks, checks, .after = last_published_cran) %>%
+ relocate(n_weeks, checks, .after = last_published_cran) %>%
Repository = repo,
"Last published on CRAN" = last_published_cran,
@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ repo_summary <- left_join(repo_summary, downloads, by = c("repo" = "package")) %
# "Downloads last week" = downloads_last_week,
Coverage = coverage_badge,
`R CMD check` = check_badge
- ) %>%
+ ) %>%
@@ -340,34 +341,34 @@ substitute_emoji <- function(x) {
issues <- map_dfr(repo_data, "issues") %>%
distinct(owner, repo, issue, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
- filter(tolower(owner) %in% tolower(orgs)) %>%
+ filter(tolower(owner) %in% tolower(orgs)) %>%
issues_2 <- list()
for (i in main_repos) {
- issues_2[[i]] <- gh::gh("/repos/:repo/issues?state=open", repo = paste0("easystats/", i)) %>%
+ issues_2[[i]] <- gh::gh("/repos/:repo/issues?state=open", repo = paste0("easystats/", i)) %>%
repo = i,
- author = map(., "user") %>%
+ author = map(., "user") %>%
map_chr(., "login"),
created = map_chr(., "created_at"),
updated = map_chr(., "updated_at"),
issue = map_int(., "number")
- ) %>%
+ ) %>%
issues_2 <-, issues_2)
# linkify the titles, and replace emoji
issue_table <- issues %>%
- left_join(issues_2, by = c("repo", "issue")) %>%
+ left_join(issues_2, by = c("repo", "issue")) %>%
title = glue::glue('{title}'),
# Modify issue after title
issue = glue::glue('{issue}'),
labels = substitute_emoji(map_chr(labels, paste, collapse = ", "))
) %>%
- select(repo, issue, title, author, created, updated, labels) %>%
+ select(repo, issue, title, author, created, updated, labels) %>%
Repository = repo,
Issue = issue,
@@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ issue_table <- issue_table[order(issue_table$Updated, decreasing = TRUE), ]
searchable = TRUE,
- pagination = FALSE,
+ pagination = FALSE,
highlight = TRUE,
filterable = TRUE,
columns = list(
@@ -432,13 +433,13 @@ prs <- list()
for (i in main_repos) {
tmp <- gh::gh("/repos/:repo/pulls?state=OPEN", repo = paste0("easystats/", i))
if (length(tmp) == 0) next
for (j in seq_along(tmp)) {
prs[[paste0(i, "_", j)]] <- tibble(
repo = i,
issue = tmp[[j]]$number,
title = tmp[[j]]$title,
- url = tmp[[j]]$url,
+ url = tmp[[j]]$html_url,
author = tmp[[j]]$user$login,
created = tmp[[j]]$created_at,
updated = tmp[[j]]$updated_at,
@@ -446,18 +447,18 @@ for (i in main_repos) {
review_requested = as.logical(length(tmp[[j]]$requested_reviewers) > 0)
prs <-, prs)
pr_table <- prs %>%
title = paste0("", title, ""),
draft = ifelse(draft, "Yes", "No"),
review_requested = ifelse(review_requested, "Yes", "No")
- ) %>%
- select(repo, issue, title, author, created, updated, draft, review_requested) %>%
+ ) %>%
+ select(repo, issue, title, author, created, updated, draft, review_requested) %>%
Repository = repo,
PR = issue,
@@ -474,7 +475,7 @@ pr_table <- pr_table[order(pr_table$Updated, decreasing = TRUE), ]
searchable = TRUE,
- pagination = FALSE,
+ pagination = FALSE,
highlight = TRUE,
filterable = TRUE,
columns = list(