Adding new Province, Regencies, Sub-Districts and Villages based on 2015 data. Now with a total of 34 Provinces, 514 Regencies, 7.042 Sub-Districts and 81.873 Villages.
- Programming Language - Java
- IDE - Netbeans 7.2
- DB - MySQL
- Framework - Hibernate ORM - JaxWS 2.2
- Build Tool - Maven
- Restore dbgis.sql into existing MySql database.
- Make sure you have Internet Connection
- Open project using Netbeans
- Right click on your project, and build (be patience, Maven will download libraries needed automatically)
- Press F6 to Run your project
- You will find your service on this url, http://localhost:8084/GISService/Service.
There are 4 requests provided, getProvinsis, getKabupatens, getKecamatans and getDesas. Messaging is done by using xml formats (webservice), and you could get this project's wsdl from browser (http://localhost:8084/GISService/Service?wsdl) or from Service.wsdl file.
Here is the example of getProvinsis request.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">
and here is the response
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:getProvinsisResponse xmlns:ns2="">
Provinces, Regencies, Sub-Districts and Villages datas are provided by kind permission from Panji09 ( and from