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Nette GraphQL

This package is implementation of efabrica/graphql and generates GraphQL schema from nette database explorer.


Via composer

composer require efabrica/nette-graphql



# config.neon

    graphql: Efabrica\GraphQL\Nette\Bridge\DI\NetteGraphQLExtension
    - Symfony\Component\String\Inflector\EnglishInflector

            - #...

            - #...

Loader options

Option Description
setExceptTables Blacklist tables from schema generation
setOnlyTables Whitelist tables in schema generation
setExceptTableColumns Blacklist table columns from schema generation
setOnlyTableColumns Whitelist table columns in schema geneartion
setForcedHasManyLongName When disabled, has many relation field names will be generated in format 'users' (table_name) instead of 'users__user_id' (table_name__referencing_column). This looks prettier, but can change your API in future (if there was only one reference to table but later on is added another, field name will change from short to long syntax as there can't be multiple fields with same name).
setBelongsToReplacePattern This pattern will be used when creating relation field names from referencing columns. Matching pattern will be removed from column name. By default text after last '_' will be removed e.g 'user_id' -> 'user'
addMorphRelationDefinition You can define morph relaiton that will be added to every resource. You need to define table that has morph relations, name of id and table columns that reference to morph resource and name of the relation that will be used by graphql server

Resolver options

Option Description
setFirstParty This option will enable more complex queries, as column names won't be escaped. This for example enables you to add conditions on relations using 'related.colum' as column name. THIS WILL ENABLE SQL INJECTION! Use only when necessary and used only by trusted parties.

Query execution

$input = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
$response = $graphQL->executeQuery($input['query']);