A DDEV-based development system is available at https://github.com/slub/ddev-dfgviewer.
Build JavaScript and CSS bundles using Grunt:
cd Build/
nvm use
npm ci
npm run watch
npm run build
To preview the rendered output and automatically rebuild documentation on changes, you may spawn a local server. This supports auto-refresh and is faster than the official preview build, but omits some features such as syntax highlighting.
This requires Python 2 to be installed.
# First start: Setup Sphinx in a virtualenv
composer docs:setup
# Spawn server
composer docs:serve
composer docs:serve -- -E # Don't use a saved environment (useful when changing toctree)
composer docs:serve -- -p 8000 # Port may be specified
By default, the output is served to
Build documentation using the official Docker image:
# Full build
composer docs:t3 makehtml
# Only run sphinx-build
composer docs:t3 just1sphinxbuild
# (Alternative) Run docker-compose manually
docker-compose -f ./Build/Documentation/docker-compose.t3docs.yml run --rm t3docs makehtml