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Oxygen developer guide

This is a developer guide for Oxygen. We will write a handler for, which is a performance testing tool.

Getting started


Python 3

What is our goal?

The performance tests are defined in python files which look like following:

from locust import HttpUser, task, between

class QuickstartUser(HttpUser):
    wait_time = between(5000, 15000)

    def index_page(self):

And the output of the tests are .csv files which look like following:

"Type","Name","Request Count","Failure Count","Median Response Time","Average Response Time","Min Response Time","Max Response Time","Average Content Size","Requests/s","Failures/s","50%","66%","75%","80%","90%","95%","98%","99%","99.9%","99.99%","99.999%","100%"

Our goal is to write an handler, which is able to execute the locust tests inside Robot Framework and provide the test results in user-friendly format in the Robot Framework log files.

Start developing

Let's create a virtual environment and install oxygen.

python3 -m venv locustenv
source locustenv/bin/activate

Install Oxygen by running the following:

$ pip install robotframework-oxygen

Let's start developing by creating a working folder

cd locustenv
mkdir locusthandler
cd locusthandler

Writing LocustHandler and unit tests

Let's create to our locustenv/locusthandler folder. Next we can create to locustenv/locusthandler folder with following content:

import json
import csv

from oxygen import BaseHandler
from robot.api import logger

from oxygen.errors import SubprocessException
from oxygen.utils import run_command_line, validate_path

class LocustHandler(BaseHandler):

    def run_locust(self, result_file, command, check_return_code=False, **env):
            output = run_command_line(command, check_return_code, **env)
        except SubprocessException as e:
            raise LocustHandlerException(e) ## It is best practice to raise LocustHandlerException so we know that LocustHandler caused the error.'Result file: {}'.format(result_file))
        return result_file

    def parse_results(self, result_file):
        return self._transform_tests(validate_path(result_file).resolve())

    def _transform_tests(self, file):
        with open(file, newline='') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
            test_cases = []
            for row in reader:
                failure_count = row['Failure Count']
                success = failure_count == '0'
                keyword = {
                    'name': " | ".join(row),
                    'pass': success,
                test_case = {
                'name': 'Locust test case',
                'keywords': [keyword]
            test_suite = {
            'name': 'Locust Scenario',
            'tests': test_cases,
            return test_suite

class LocustHandlerException(Exception):

Method run_locust can be used from robot tests, and it executes the command which runs the locust tests. It returns a path to the locust test results, which is processed by method parse_results, which calls _transform_tests function which purpose is to transfer the locust result file into a format which can be seen in the Robot Framework log files.

Let's create a locustenv/locusthandler/tests folder. Then we write there test file with following content:

from unittest import TestCase

from pathlib import Path
from locusthandler import LocustHandler

class TestLocust(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        config = {'handler': 'LocustHandler', 'keyword': 'run_locust', 'tags': 'LOCUST'}
        self.handler = LocustHandler(config)
        path = Path.cwd() / 'resources/requests.csv'
        self.test_suite = self.handler.parse_results(path)

    def test_suite_has_four_cases(self):

    def test_pass_is_true_when_failure_request_is_zero(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.test_suite['tests'][0]['keywords'][0]['pass'], True)

    def test_pass_is_false_when_failure_request_is_not_zero(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.test_suite['tests'][1]['keywords'][0]['pass'], False)

Next we create locustenv/locusthandler/resources folder and add there test data file requests.csv which has the following:

"Type","Name","Request Count","Failure Count","Median Response Time","Average Response Time","Min Response Time","Max Response Time","Average Content Size","Requests/s","Failures/s","50%","66%","75%","80%","90%","95%","98%","99%","99.9%","99.99%","99.999%","100%"

Now we can run unit tests from the locustenv/locusthandler folder with command

python -m unittest tests/

and all 3 tests should pass.

Configuring LocustHandler to Oxygen

Let's open the python interpreter by running python from the locustenv directory and check that we can import the locusthandler:

(locustenv) $ python
Python 3.7.7 
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import locusthandler.locusthandler

Running this should not produce any errors, and we can import file from /locusthandler folder we created. Read more about packaging python projects from here. Next we can exit the python intepreter (CTRL + D) and write following lines to the end of lib/python3.7/site-packages/oxygen/config.yml:

  handler: LocustHandler
  keyword: run_locust
  tags: oxygen-locusthandler

Test your edit by running:

$ python -m oxygen --version

You shouldn't get any errors. If you do, check that your edits are valid YAML syntax.

Install demoapp to run tests against

Next we we install and run demo-app that we run the locust tests against.

Open up another terminal and run following commands:

git clone
cd WebDemo
python3 demoapp/

Running Locust with LocustHandler in Robot test

First we install Locust to our locustenv virtualenv:

pip install locust

Then we add file to locustenv/locusthandler folder which contains the commands for the performance test:

from locust import HttpUser, task, between

class QuickstartUser(HttpUser):
    wait_time = between(5000, 15000)

    def index_page(self):

Let's write test.robot file to locustenv/locusthandler folder which contains test case that runs locust from command line:

*** Settings ***
Library   oxygen.OxygenLibrary
Library   OperatingSystem

*** Variables ***
${STATS_FILE}       ${CURDIR}/../example_stats.csv
${FAILURE_FILE}     ${CURDIR}/../example_failures.csv
${HISTORY_FILE}     ${CURDIR}/../example_stats_history.csv
${LOCUSTCOMMAND}    locust -f ${LOCUSTFILEPATH} --headless --host http://localhost:7272 -u 5 -r 1 --run-time 1m --csv=example

*** Keywords ***

Remove csv file
  [Arguments]             ${path}
  Remove file             ${path}
  File should not exist   ${path}

Remove csv files
  Remove csv file         ${STATS_FILE}
  Remove csv file         ${FAILURE_FILE}
  Remove csv file         ${HISTORY_FILE}

*** Test Cases ***

Performance test should pass
  [Tags]                  performance-tests
  Remove csv files
  Run Locust
    ...   ${STATS_FILE}
    ...   ${LOCUSTCOMMAND}

We can run the test from locustenv folder by using command

robot --listener oxygen.listener --pythonpath . --variable LOCUSTFILEPATH:locusthandler/ locusthandler/test.robot

The test should execute for about 60 seconds. After this you can see the statistics of the performance tests in log.html and report.html.

If the test case fails, check first that Oxygen's config.yml is correctly configured from the previous section. You can set variable check_return_code to "True" in order to get more specific logging:

*** Test Cases ***

Performance test should pass
  [Tags]                  performance-tests
  Remove csv files
  Run Locust
    ...   ${STATS_FILE}
    ...   ${LOCUSTCOMMAND}
    ...   check_return_code=${True}

Defining your own parameters

In our first solution the Locust test case will fail if even one request fails during the performance testing. However this might not be the best way to determine was the performance test successfull or not. Let's implement a solution, where you can define failure_percentage , which is the highest percentage of failed request that is allowed in order that the test still passes.

Let's define the value of failure_percentage in /lib/python3.7/site-packages/oxygen/config.yml:

  handler: LocustHandler
  keyword: run_locust
  tags: oxygen-locusthandler
  failure_percentage: 20

Let's implement function, which returns the failure_percentage to locustenv/locusthandler/

    def _get_treshold_failure_percentage(self):
        failure_percentage = self._config.get('failure_percentage', None)

        if failure_percentage is None:
            print('No failure percentage configured, defaulting to 0')
            return 0

        failure_percentage = int(failure_percentage)

        if failure_percentage > 100:
            print('Failure percentage is configured too high, maximizing at 100')
            return 100

        return failure_percentage

and let's use it in _transform_tests function:

    def _transform_tests(self, file):
        with open(file, newline='') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
            test_cases = []
            for row in reader:
                failure_count = row['Failure Count']
                request_count = row['Request Count']
                failure_percentage = 100 * int(failure_count) / int(request_count)
                treshold_failure_percentage = self._get_treshold_failure_percentage()
                success = failure_percentage <= treshold_failure_percentage
                keyword = {
                    'name': " | ".join(row),
                    'pass': success,
                test_case = {
                'name': 'Locust test case',
                'keywords': [keyword]
            test_suite = {
            'name': 'Locust test suite, failure percentage {}'.format(treshold_failure_percentage),
            'tests': test_cases,
            return test_suite

Next we can update the unit tests in locusthandler/tests/ to test that the pass value is calculated correctly depending on the value of failure_percentage:

from unittest import TestCase

from pathlib import Path
from locusthandler import LocustHandler

class TestLocust(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        config = {'handler': 'LocustHandler', 'keyword': 'run_locust', 'tags': 'LOCUST'}
        self.handler = LocustHandler(config)
        path = Path.cwd() / 'resources/requests.csv'
        self.test_suite = self.handler.parse_results(path)

    def test_suite_has_four_cases(self):

    def test_pass_is_true_when_failure_request_percentage_is_below_default_value(self):
        config = config = {'handler': 'LocustHandler', 'keyword': 'run_locust', 'tags': 'LOCUST', 'failure_percentage': '10'}
        handler = LocustHandler(config)
        path = Path.cwd() / 'resources/requests.csv'
        test_suite = handler.parse_results(path)
        self.assertEqual(self.test_suite['tests'][0]['keywords'][0]['pass'], True)

    def test_pass_is_true_when_failure_request_percentage_is_default_value(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.test_suite['tests'][2]['keywords'][0]['pass'], True)

    def test_pass_is_false_when_failure_request_percentage_is_above_default_value(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.test_suite['tests'][1]['keywords'][0]['pass'], False)

    def test_failure_percentage_max_amount_is_one_hundred(self):
        config = config = {'handler': 'LocustHandler', 'keyword': 'run_locust', 'tags': 'LOCUST', 'failure_percentage': '101'}
        handler = LocustHandler(config)
        failure_percentage = handler._get_treshold_failure_percentage()
        self.assertEqual(failure_percentage, 100)

Now the unit tests should pass, run the tests from locustenv/locusthandler folder with command:

python -m unittest tests/

And we can also try out the robot tests using the new .yaml configuration. Run the tests from locustenv folder by using command

robot --listener oxygen.listener --pythonpath . --variable LOCUSTFILEPATH:locusthandler/ locusthandler/test.robot

Adding failure percentage as an robot test parameter

Our current solution works quite nicely, but let's imagine a situation where we run the performance tests on different parts of the software, where we wan't to determine different values for failure_percentage.

Let's change the functionality of locusthandler/

import json
import csv

from oxygen import BaseHandler
from robot.api import logger

from oxygen.errors import SubprocessException
from oxygen.utils import run_command_line, validate_path

class LocustHandler(BaseHandler):

    def run_locust(self, result_file, command, check_return_code=False, failure_percentage=None, **env):
            output = run_command_line(command, check_return_code, **env)
        except SubprocessException as e:
            raise LocustHandlerException(e) ## It is best practice to raise LocustHandlerException so we know that LocustHandler caused the error.'Result file: {}'.format(result_file))
        dictionary = dict()
        dictionary['result_file'] = result_file
        dictionary['failure_percentage'] = failure_percentage
        return dictionary

    def parse_results(self, dictionary):
        result_file = dictionary['result_file']
        failure_percentage = dictionary['failure_percentage']
        if failure_percentage is None:
            failure_percentage = self._config.get('failure_percentage', None)
        treshold_failure_percentage = self._get_treshold_failure_percentage(failure_percentage)
        return self._transform_tests(validate_path(result_file).resolve(), treshold_failure_percentage)

    def _transform_tests(self, file, treshold_failure_percentage):
        with open(file, newline='') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
            test_cases = []
            for row in reader:
                failure_count = row['Failure Count']
                request_count = row['Request Count']
                failure_percentage = 100 * int(failure_count) / int(request_count)
                success = failure_percentage <= treshold_failure_percentage
                keyword = {
                    'name': " | ".join(row),
                    'pass': success,
                test_case = {
                'name': 'Locust test case',
                'keywords': [keyword]
            test_suite = {
            'name': 'Locust test suite, failure percentage {}'.format(treshold_failure_percentage),
            'tests': test_cases,
            return test_suite

    def _get_treshold_failure_percentage(self, failure_percentage):
        if failure_percentage is None:
            print('No failure percentage configured, defaulting to 0')
            return 0

        failure_percentage = int(failure_percentage)

        if failure_percentage > 100:
            print('Failure percentage is configured too high, maximizing at 100')
            return 100

        return failure_percentage

class LocustHandlerException(Exception):

Notice that we return an dictionary object instead of result file in the run_locust method. This way we can use the failure_percentage value if it is defined. If it's not defined we will use the value what is defined in /lib/python3.7/site-packages/oxygen/config.yml. Now we can rewrite the robot tests in locusthandler/test.robot, one assigns the value from the parameter and the second test doesn't:

*** Test Cases ***

Critical performance test
  [Tags]                  performance-tests
  Remove csv files
  Run Locust
    ...   ${STATS_FILE}
    ...   ${LOCUSTCOMMAND}
    ...   failure_percentage=${1}

Normal performance test
  [Tags]                  performance-tests
  Remove csv files
  Run Locust
    ...   ${STATS_FILE}
    ...   ${LOCUSTCOMMAND}

In this case the Critical performance test could be a performance test for a system where the consequences of failure is much larger: Thus we define the failure_percentage to 1%. In the Normal performance test we use the value that is defined in the /lib/python3.7/site-packages/oxygen/config.yml.

Run the tests in locustenv/ folder with

robot --listener oxygen.listener --pythonpath . --variable LOCUSTFILEPATH:locusthandler/ locusthandler/test.robot

However now when you run the unit tests from locusthandler/ folder they fail:

python -m unittest tests/

Because we changed the functionality to use dictionary instead of result file path. Let's update the test case setup in tests/ and write a method dictionary_with_result_file:

    def dictionary_with_result_file(self):
        path = Path.cwd() / 'resources/requests.csv'
        dictionary = dict()
        dictionary['result_file'] = path
        return dictionary

    def setUp(self):
        config = {'handler': 'LocustHandler', 'keyword': 'run_locust', 'tags': 'LOCUST'}
        self.handler = LocustHandler(config)
        dictionary = self.dictionary_with_result_file()
        dictionary['failure_percentage'] = None
        self.test_suite = self.handler.parse_results(dictionary)

and run tests again. Still two test cases fail. This is because the _get_treshold_failure_percentage has an argument now instead of reading the value from the config. Let's update the failing test cases:

    def test_pass_is_true_when_failure_request_percentage_is_below_default_value(self):
        config = config = {'handler': 'LocustHandler', 'keyword': 'run_locust', 'tags': 'LOCUST'}
        handler = LocustHandler(config)
        dictionary = self.dictionary_with_result_file()
        dictionary['failure_percentage'] = 10
        test_suite = handler.parse_results(dictionary)
        self.assertEqual(self.test_suite['tests'][0]['keywords'][0]['pass'], True)

    def test_failure_percentage_max_amount_is_one_hundred(self):
        failure_percentage = self.handler._get_treshold_failure_percentage(101)
        self.assertEqual(failure_percentage, 100)

Now all tests should pass. Let's add two more test cases to see that the failure_precentage is set correctly from the parameter or config file.

    def test_parse_results_takes_failure_percentage_from_parameter_prior_to_config(self):
        config = {'handler': 'LocustHandler', 'keyword': 'run_locust', 'tags': 'LOCUST', 'failure_percentage': '70'}
        self.handler = LocustHandler(config)
        dictionary = self.dictionary_with_result_file()
        dictionary['failure_percentage'] = 75
        test_suite = self.handler.parse_results(dictionary)
        self.assertEqual(test_suite['name'], 'Locust test suite, failure percentage 75')

    def test_parse_results_takes_failure_percentage_correctly_from_config(self):
        config = {'handler': 'LocustHandler', 'keyword': 'run_locust', 'tags': 'LOCUST', 'failure_percentage': '70'}
        self.handler = LocustHandler(config)
        dictionary = self.dictionary_with_result_file()
        dictionary['failure_percentage'] = None
        test_suite = self.handler.parse_results(dictionary)
        self.assertEqual(test_suite['name'], 'Locust test suite, failure percentage 70')

All tests should pass. Now we have completed an LocustHandler with unit tests which test the most important functionalities.

How to package your project

Let's package our project in the same virtual environment . Add necessary files defined in this tutorial to locustenv folder and add following line yo your file in the setuptools.setup() object:


So that Oxygen including it's dependencies and Locust will be installed when your handler is installed. Next you can run following command from locustenv folder:

pip install wheel
python bdist_wheel

Which will create you a locustenv/dist folder. Next we will ensure that the installation works by creating another virtualenv. Open up another terminal, go backwards with cd .. same path where locustenv is and run following commands:

python3 -m venv packagenv
source packagenv/bin/activate
pip install locustenv/dist/NAME-OF-YOUR-PACKAGE.whl

You should now have a version of locusthandler in your packagenv environment. Let's verify this by opening python intepreter:

$ python
Python 3.7.7 
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import locusthandler.locusthandler

Which should succeed. Exit intepreter with CTRL+ D. Next we can add following to the packagenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oxygen/config.yml file:

  handler: LocustHandler
  keyword: run_locust
  tags: oxygen-locusthandler
  failure_percentage: 20

Next let's run the robot test case to make sure that it works. Next let's copy test.robot and files to packagenv/ folder so that we can run them easily from our new environment. Make the following changes to the variables in test.robot:

*** Variables ***
${STATS_FILE}       ${CURDIR}/example_stats.csv
${FAILURE_FILE}     ${CURDIR}/example_failures.csv
${HISTORY_FILE}     ${CURDIR}/example_stats_history.csv

Now we can run the robot tests from packagenv/ folder with command:

robot --listener oxygen.listener --pythonpath . test.robot

And the tests should run normally. Now we have verified that the packaging has been done correctly.

Improving the test result report

Our locusthandler works fine, but we could make the test results more clear. Let's change the transform_tests method of to make more clear test suite and keyword names, and show the performance test results as keyword messages:

    def _transform_tests(self, file, treshold_failure_percentage):
        with open(file, newline='') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
            test_cases = []
            for row in reader:
                messages = []
                for element in row:
                    messages.append('{}: {}'.format(element, row[element]))
                failure_count = row['Failure Count']
                request_count = row['Request Count']
                failure_percentage = 100 * int(failure_count) / int(request_count)
                success = failure_percentage <= treshold_failure_percentage
                keyword_name = '{} requests with {} failures '.format(request_count, failure_count)
                keyword = {
                    'name': keyword_name,
                    'pass': success,
                    'messages': messages,
                type_of_request = row['Type']
                path = row['Name']
                test_case_name = 'Testing {} requests to path {}'.format(type_of_request, path)
                if path == 'Aggregated':
                    test_case_name = 'Aggragated results of all Locust test cases:'              
                test_case = {
                'name': test_case_name,
                'keywords': [keyword]
            test_suite = {
            'name': 'Locust test case, failure percentage {}'.format(treshold_failure_percentage),
            'tests': test_cases,
            return test_suite

Now run the robot tests again from locustenv/ folder with

robot --listener oxygen.listener --pythonpath . --variable LOCUSTFILEPATH:locusthandler/ locusthandler/test.robot

And see the new test format in the generated log.html file.

Let's run the unit tests from locustenv/locusthandler folder:

python -m unittest tests/

We notice that two fail because we changed the name of test suite. Let's update the assert statements of the failing tests:

    def test_parse_results_takes_failure_percentage_from_parameter_prior_to_config(self):
        config = {'handler': 'LocustHandler', 'keyword': 'run_locust', 'tags': 'LOCUST', 'failure_percentage': '70'}
        self.handler = LocustHandler(config)
        dictionary = self.dictionary_with_result_file()
        dictionary['failure_percentage'] = 75
        test_suite = self.handler.parse_results(dictionary)
        self.assertEqual(test_suite['name'], 'Locust test case, failure percentage 75')

    def test_parse_results_takes_failure_percentage_correctly_from_config(self):
        config = {'handler': 'LocustHandler', 'keyword': 'run_locust', 'tags': 'LOCUST', 'failure_percentage': '70'}
        self.handler = LocustHandler(config)
        dictionary = self.dictionary_with_result_file()
        dictionary['failure_percentage'] = None
        test_suite = self.handler.parse_results(dictionary)
        self.assertEqual(test_suite['name'], 'Locust test case, failure percentage 70')

And we are done!


If you wish to delete your virtual environment do following:

rm -rf locustenv

And shutdown the demo-app which was tested by locust with CTRL+D. You can also deactivate and delete packagenv virtual environment if you wish.