All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add FTS index (7054644)
- add initial version of db generator (92c86a5)
- add reading order (a9f3353)
- better sorting rule (dcf6469)
- change blendmode for better accesibility (a1939aa)
- disallow fuzzy search with a single kana (eb95071)
- don't expand pos entity (e1d2d5a)
- initial release (4126f60)
- lemmatise the words (54522fc)
- use custom sqlite with icu support (f9cc21b)
- use fts for reading and kanji (cfc78ea)
- also apply fuzzy filter on lens page (22b4177)
- ask for permission on android 13 (0c5edf8)
- incorrect join causing incomplete results (041b688)
- incorrect sorting behaviour (8e91e36)
- incorrect warning condition (efa646d)
- remove fetch duration after resetting (9e64e23)
- set max chars from entities to 0 (0a6d5c6)
- wrong regex (8b87a85)