Zephyr-based firmware PLT Demo V2. This repository is used to demonstrate the use of Hardware CI using the BCD demo board and the PLT.
- Build platform: macOS, Linux
- Host platform: PLT Demo V2 (nRF52)
- Target platform: PLT Demo V2 (nRF52)
- Linux hosts or Apple Mac computer running macOS
- Docker
From terminal, execute
make docker
to end up with build artifacts in dist/
- Linux hosts or Apple Mac computer running macOS
- Linux:
- Zephyr SDK
- device-tree-compiler
- cmake
- ninja
- dfu-util
- macOS:
- Install GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain, Version 10-2020-q4-update :
Install the Mac OS X 64-bit Package (Signed and notarized),
, from https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads This will install the toolchain in/Applications/ARM
brew install cmake ninja gperf python3 ccache qemu dtc
- Install GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain, Version 10-2020-q4-update :
Install the Mac OS X 64-bit Package (Signed and notarized),
- Linux:
export ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR="/opt/zephyr-sdk"
- macOS:
make prereq
to install build pre-requisitesmake dist
to end up with build artifacts indist/