Some sensors I'm using at home are running on ESP8266. I've been trying for a long time to sync them to NTP and so to provide the timstamp of each readings. I've failed (in fact it works for some weeks and start failing afterwards, in the long run : not working) so I chose a safer route and created this program that forward the payload add the timestamp. In my case each ESP8266 sends a message to a topic with its Chip Id to keep the same code base for all ESPs.
You simply need Python3 (never tested with Python2.7) and the only dependency is paho-mqtt
(for MQTT broker interaction) so this line should be enough :
pip3 install paho-mqtt
Easy, first try a dry-run command :
./ -m -n -v
About the path to your credentials, you can also use the json directly instead of a path. See the docker-compose.yml
for more details.
and then a real command :
./ -a '{ "src": "dest" }' -m -n -v
With this exemple any message coming from the topic sensor/esp/src
will be forwarded to sensor/raw/dest
The hashmap can also be set with environment variables, see the help for more detail.
/ # --help
usage: [-h] [-m HOST] [-a HASHMAP] [-n] [-d DESTINATION]
[-t TOPIC] [-T TOPIC] [-v]
Send MQTT payload received from a topic to firebase.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m HOST, --mqtt-host HOST
Specify the MQTT host to connect to. (default:
-P PORT, --port PORT
MQTT boroker port to connect to. (default: 1883)
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
MQTT boroker login username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
MQTT boroker login password
-a HASHMAP, --hash-map HASHMAP
Specify the map of MQTT topics to forward.
-n, --dry-run No data will be sent to the MQTT broker. (default:
The destination MQTT topic base. (default: sensor/raw)
-t TOPIC, --topic TOPIC
The listening MQTT topic. (default: sensor/esp/#)
-v, --verbose Enable debug messages. (default: False)
I added a sample Dockerfile, I personaly use it with a docker-compose.yml
like this one :
version: '3'
image: mqtt_forwarder-python3:latest
restart: always
command: "-m mosquitto -v"
"src": "dest"
- None I hope ;).
This program is licenced with GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.