In this section we will import tabular data (e.g.: CSV file) with lat, long coordinates into a geo format, using GDAL/OGR.
First of all, install GDAL. These are the instructions for Ubuntu:
Here are instructions for other platforms:
A the end of the installation, you shoud be able to open a terminal in your OS, and type:
ogrinfo --version
Warning Ensure that the file you want to convert is in OCSV format and that it has two separate fields for storing the latitude and longitude coordinates, in decimals. Also take note of the CRS of the data.
Create a virtual data source text file, with a content that describes your data (see the example bellow). Save it with a ".vrt" extension.
<OGRVRTLayer name="masked">
<GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="X" y="Y"/>
Warning Ensure that the x and y field names match the names of your latitude and longitude fields.
Run ogrinfo, to ensure it recognizes the data source:
ogrinfo masked.vrt masked -fid 1
Export the data source into a GeoJSON:
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON masked.geojson masked.vrt
Export the data source into a GeoPackage:
ogr2ogr -f GPKG masked.gpkg masked.vrt