Represents an operator that creates a message payload
+that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board.
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload
+that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board.
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload
+that stream containing synchronized data from Ecg and general-purpose ADC sensor reads.
A task that represents the asynchronous initialization operation. The value of
+the System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result parameter contains a new instance of
+the AsyncDevice class.
Represents an operator that parses a sequence of line text messages sent by Adafruit BNO055.
+The firmware is implemented by Adafruit-BNO055.ino firmware.
Represents an operator that creates a message payload
+that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board.
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload
+that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board.
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload
+that stream containing synchronized data from Ecg and general-purpose ADC sensor reads.
Represents an operator that parses a sequence of line text messages sent by Adafruit BNO055.
+The firmware is implemented by Adafruit-BNO055.ino firmware.
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+ Emotional Cities - Pluma Documentation
Search Results for
Emotional Cities - Pluma Documentation
Bonsai Library for interfacing with the eMOTIONAL Cities wearable data acquisition board.
These docs are under active development, feel free to contribute by either raising an issue or following the links to Improve this Doc.
This package was developed for the eMOTIONAL CITIES Project, which received funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under the grant agreement No 945307. The eMOTIONAL CITIES Project is a consortium of 12 partners co-coordinated by IGOT and FMUL, taking place between 2021 and 2025. More information at
diff --git a/index.json b/index.json
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+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.AccelerometerData.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.AccelerometerData.html",
+ "title": "Class AccelerometerData",
+ "keywords": "Class AccelerometerData Represents a register that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board. Inheritance System.Object AccelerometerData Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class AccelerometerData Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the AccelerometerData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 37 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterLength Represents the length of the AccelerometerData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int RegisterLength = 1 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterType Represents the payload type of the AccelerometerData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const PayloadType RegisterType = null Field Value Type Description PayloadType Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(MessageType, Byte) Returns a Harp message for the AccelerometerData register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(MessageType messageType, byte value) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. System.Byte value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the AccelerometerData register with the specified message type and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(Double, MessageType, Byte) Returns a timestamped Harp message for the AccelerometerData register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(double timestamp, MessageType messageType, byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. System.Byte value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the AccelerometerData register with the specified message type, timestamp, and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the payload data for AccelerometerData register messages. Declaration public static byte GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description System.Byte A value representing the message payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the timestamped payload data for AccelerometerData register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < System.Byte > A value representing the timestamped message payload."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.AsyncDevice.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.AsyncDevice.html",
+ "title": "Class AsyncDevice",
+ "keywords": "Class AsyncDevice Represents an asynchronous API to configure and interface with Pluma devices. Inheritance System.Object AsyncDevice Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class AsyncDevice : Bonsai.Harp.AsyncDevice Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ReadAccelerometerDataAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the contents of the AccelerometerData register. Declaration public Task ReadAccelerometerDataAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < System.Byte > A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadEcgAndAnalogDataAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the contents of the EcgAndAnalogData register. Declaration public Task ReadEcgAndAnalogDataAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < EcgAndAnalogDataPayload > A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadGsrDataAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the contents of the GsrData register. Declaration public Task ReadGsrDataAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < System.UInt16 > A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadOutputClearAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the contents of the OutputClear register. Declaration public Task ReadOutputClearAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < DigitalOutputs > A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadOutputSetAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the contents of the OutputSet register. Declaration public Task ReadOutputSetAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < DigitalOutputs > A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadOximeterDataAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the contents of the OximeterData register. Declaration public Task ReadOximeterDataAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < OximeterDataPayload > A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadPortDigitalInputAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the contents of the PortDigitalInput register. Declaration public Task ReadPortDigitalInputAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < DigitalInputs > A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadStreamsDisableAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the contents of the StreamsDisable register. Declaration public Task ReadStreamsDisableAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < Streams > A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadStreamsEnableAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the contents of the StreamsEnable register. Declaration public Task ReadStreamsEnableAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < Streams > A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadTimestampedAccelerometerDataAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the timestamped contents of the AccelerometerData register. Declaration public Task> ReadTimestampedAccelerometerDataAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < Timestamped < System.Byte >> A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the timestamped register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadTimestampedEcgAndAnalogDataAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the timestamped contents of the EcgAndAnalogData register. Declaration public Task> ReadTimestampedEcgAndAnalogDataAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < Timestamped < EcgAndAnalogDataPayload >> A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the timestamped register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadTimestampedGsrDataAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the timestamped contents of the GsrData register. Declaration public Task> ReadTimestampedGsrDataAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < Timestamped < System.UInt16 >> A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the timestamped register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadTimestampedOutputClearAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the timestamped contents of the OutputClear register. Declaration public Task> ReadTimestampedOutputClearAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < Timestamped < DigitalOutputs >> A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the timestamped register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadTimestampedOutputSetAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the timestamped contents of the OutputSet register. Declaration public Task> ReadTimestampedOutputSetAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < Timestamped < DigitalOutputs >> A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the timestamped register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadTimestampedOximeterDataAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the timestamped contents of the OximeterData register. Declaration public Task> ReadTimestampedOximeterDataAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < Timestamped < OximeterDataPayload >> A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the timestamped register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadTimestampedPortDigitalInputAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the timestamped contents of the PortDigitalInput register. Declaration public Task> ReadTimestampedPortDigitalInputAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < Timestamped < DigitalInputs >> A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the timestamped register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadTimestampedStreamsDisableAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the timestamped contents of the StreamsDisable register. Declaration public Task> ReadTimestampedStreamsDisableAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < Timestamped < Streams >> A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the timestamped register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadTimestampedStreamsEnableAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the timestamped contents of the StreamsEnable register. Declaration public Task> ReadTimestampedStreamsEnableAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < Timestamped < Streams >> A task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result property contains the timestamped register payload. | Improve this Doc View Source WriteOutputClearAsync(DigitalOutputs, CancellationToken) Asynchronously writes a value to the OutputClear register. Declaration public Task WriteOutputClearAsync(DigitalOutputs value, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description DigitalOutputs value The value to be stored in the register. System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task The task object representing the asynchronous write operation. | Improve this Doc View Source WriteOutputSetAsync(DigitalOutputs, CancellationToken) Asynchronously writes a value to the OutputSet register. Declaration public Task WriteOutputSetAsync(DigitalOutputs value, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description DigitalOutputs value The value to be stored in the register. System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task The task object representing the asynchronous write operation. | Improve this Doc View Source WriteStreamsDisableAsync(Streams, CancellationToken) Asynchronously writes a value to the StreamsDisable register. Declaration public Task WriteStreamsDisableAsync(Streams value, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description Streams value The value to be stored in the register. System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task The task object representing the asynchronous write operation. | Improve this Doc View Source WriteStreamsEnableAsync(Streams, CancellationToken) Asynchronously writes a value to the StreamsEnable register. Declaration public Task WriteStreamsEnableAsync(Streams value, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description Streams value The value to be stored in the register. System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken A System.Threading.CancellationToken which can be used to cancel the operation. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task The task object representing the asynchronous write operation."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Bno055CalibrationFlags.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Bno055CalibrationFlags.html",
+ "title": "Enum Bno055CalibrationFlags",
+ "keywords": "Enum Bno055CalibrationFlags Specifies the sensor fusion calibration status. Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax [Flags] public enum Bno055CalibrationFlags : byte Fields Name Description AccelerometerFull Specifies that the accelerometer is fully calibrated. AccelerometerLow Specifies that the accelerometer is poorly calibrated. AccelerometerMed Specifies that the accelerometer is partially calibrated. GyroscopeFull Specifies that the gyroscope is fully calibrated. GyroscopeLow Specifies that the gyroscope is poorly calibrated. GyroscopeMed Specifies that the gyroscope is partially calibrated. MagnetometerFull Specifies that the magnetometer is fully calibrated. MagnetometerLow Specifies that the magnetometer is poorly calibrated. MagnetometerMed Specifies that the magnetometer is partially calibrated. None Specifies that no sub-system is calibrated. SystemFull Specifies that sensor fusion is fully calibrated. SystemLow Specifies that sensor fusion is poorly calibrated. SystemMed Specifies that sensor fusion is partially calibrated."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Bno055DataFrame.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Bno055DataFrame.html",
+ "title": "Struct Bno055DataFrame",
+ "keywords": "Struct Bno055DataFrame Represents the 3D-orientation data produced by a Bosch Bno55 9-axis inertial measurement unit (IMU). Inherited Members System.ValueType.Equals(System.Object) System.ValueType.GetHashCode() System.ValueType.ToString() System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public struct Bno055DataFrame Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Accelerometer Gets the three axis of acceleration (gravity + linear motion) in m/s^2. Declaration public Point3f Accelerometer Field Value Type Description Point3f | Improve this Doc View Source Calibration Gets the sensor fusion calibration status. Declaration public Bno055CalibrationFlags Calibration Field Value Type Description Bno055CalibrationFlags | Improve this Doc View Source Euler Gets the 3D orientation in Euler angle format with units of degrees. Declaration public Point3f Euler Field Value Type Description Point3f | Improve this Doc View Source Gravity Gets the three axis of gravitational acceleration (minus any movement) in m/s^2. Declaration public Point3f Gravity Field Value Type Description Point3f | Improve this Doc View Source Gyroscope Gets the three axis of rotation speed in rad/s. Declaration public Point3f Gyroscope Field Value Type Description Point3f | Improve this Doc View Source LinearAccel Gets the three axis of linear acceleration data (acceleration minus gravity) in m/s^2. Declaration public Point3f LinearAccel Field Value Type Description Point3f | Improve this Doc View Source Magnetometer Gets the three axis of magnetic field sensing in micro Tesla (uT). Declaration public Point3f Magnetometer Field Value Type Description Point3f | Improve this Doc View Source Temperature Gets the ambient temperature in degrees celsius. Declaration public float Temperature Field Value Type Description System.Single"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateAccelerometerDataPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateAccelerometerDataPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateAccelerometerDataPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateAccelerometerDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board. Inheritance System.Object CreateAccelerometerDataPayload CreateTimestampedAccelerometerDataPayload Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateAccelerometerDataPayload Properties | Improve this Doc View Source AccelerometerData Gets or sets the value that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board. Declaration public byte AccelerometerData { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.Byte Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(MessageType) Creates a message that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new message for the AccelerometerData register. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload() Creates a message payload for the AccelerometerData register. Declaration public byte GetPayload() Returns Type Description System.Byte The created message payload value."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stream containing synchronized data from Ecg and general-purpose ADC sensor reads. Inheritance System.Object CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload CreateTimestampedEcgAndAnalogDataPayload Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Adc Gets or sets a value to write on payload member Adc. Declaration public ushort Adc { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.UInt16 | Improve this Doc View Source Ecg Gets or sets a value to write on payload member Ecg. Declaration public ushort Ecg { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(MessageType) Creates a message that stream containing synchronized data from Ecg and general-purpose ADC sensor reads. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new message for the EcgAndAnalogData register. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload() Creates a message payload for the EcgAndAnalogData register. Declaration public EcgAndAnalogDataPayload GetPayload() Returns Type Description EcgAndAnalogDataPayload The created message payload value."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateGsrDataPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateGsrDataPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateGsrDataPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateGsrDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stream containing data from Gsr sensor reads. Inheritance System.Object CreateGsrDataPayload CreateTimestampedGsrDataPayload Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateGsrDataPayload Properties | Improve this Doc View Source GsrData Gets or sets the value that stream containing data from Gsr sensor reads. Declaration public ushort GsrData { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(MessageType) Creates a message that stream containing data from Gsr sensor reads. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new message for the GsrData register. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload() Creates a message payload for the GsrData register. Declaration public ushort GetPayload() Returns Type Description System.UInt16 The created message payload value."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateMessage.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateMessage.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateMessage",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateMessage Represents an operator which creates standard message payloads for the Pluma device. Inheritance System.Object CreateMessage Implements INamedElement Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateMessage : CreateMessageBuilder, INamedElement Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CreateMessage() Initializes a new instance of the CreateMessage class. Declaration public CreateMessage() Implements INamedElement See Also CreateStreamsEnablePayload CreateStreamsDisablePayload CreateOximeterDataPayload CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload CreateGsrDataPayload CreateAccelerometerDataPayload CreatePortDigitalInputPayload CreateOutputSetPayload CreateOutputClearPayload"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateOutputClearPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateOutputClearPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateOutputClearPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateOutputClearPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that clear the specified digital output lines. Inheritance System.Object CreateOutputClearPayload CreateTimestampedOutputClearPayload Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateOutputClearPayload Properties | Improve this Doc View Source OutputClear Gets or sets the value that clear the specified digital output lines. Declaration public DigitalOutputs OutputClear { get; set; } Property Value Type Description DigitalOutputs Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(MessageType) Creates a message that clear the specified digital output lines. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new message for the OutputClear register. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload() Creates a message payload for the OutputClear register. Declaration public DigitalOutputs GetPayload() Returns Type Description DigitalOutputs The created message payload value."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateOutputSetPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateOutputSetPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateOutputSetPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateOutputSetPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that set the specified digital output lines. Inheritance System.Object CreateOutputSetPayload CreateTimestampedOutputSetPayload Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateOutputSetPayload Properties | Improve this Doc View Source OutputSet Gets or sets the value that set the specified digital output lines. Declaration public DigitalOutputs OutputSet { get; set; } Property Value Type Description DigitalOutputs Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(MessageType) Creates a message that set the specified digital output lines. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new message for the OutputSet register. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload() Creates a message payload for the OutputSet register. Declaration public DigitalOutputs GetPayload() Returns Type Description DigitalOutputs The created message payload value."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateOximeterDataPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateOximeterDataPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateOximeterDataPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateOximeterDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stream containing data from Oximeter sensor reads. Inheritance System.Object CreateOximeterDataPayload CreateTimestampedOximeterDataPayload Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateOximeterDataPayload Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Channel0 Gets or sets a value to write on payload member Channel0. Declaration public byte Channel0 { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.Byte | Improve this Doc View Source Channel1 Gets or sets a value to write on payload member Channel1. Declaration public byte Channel1 { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.Byte | Improve this Doc View Source Channel2 Gets or sets a value to write on payload member Channel2. Declaration public byte Channel2 { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.Byte | Improve this Doc View Source Channel3 Gets or sets a value to write on payload member Channel3. Declaration public byte Channel3 { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.Byte Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(MessageType) Creates a message that stream containing data from Oximeter sensor reads. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new message for the OximeterData register. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload() Creates a message payload for the OximeterData register. Declaration public OximeterDataPayload GetPayload() Returns Type Description OximeterDataPayload The created message payload value."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreatePortDigitalInputPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreatePortDigitalInputPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreatePortDigitalInputPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreatePortDigitalInputPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that reflects the state of DI digital lines of each Port. Inheritance System.Object CreatePortDigitalInputPayload CreateTimestampedPortDigitalInputPayload Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreatePortDigitalInputPayload Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PortDigitalInput Gets or sets the value that reflects the state of DI digital lines of each Port. Declaration public DigitalInputs PortDigitalInput { get; set; } Property Value Type Description DigitalInputs Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(MessageType) Creates a message that reflects the state of DI digital lines of each Port. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new message for the PortDigitalInput register. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload() Creates a message payload for the PortDigitalInput register. Declaration public DigitalInputs GetPayload() Returns Type Description DigitalInputs The created message payload value."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateStreamsDisablePayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateStreamsDisablePayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateStreamsDisablePayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateStreamsDisablePayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that disables the generation of events for the respective streams. Inheritance System.Object CreateStreamsDisablePayload CreateTimestampedStreamsDisablePayload Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateStreamsDisablePayload Properties | Improve this Doc View Source StreamsDisable Gets or sets the value that disables the generation of events for the respective streams. Declaration public Streams StreamsDisable { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Streams Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(MessageType) Creates a message that disables the generation of events for the respective streams. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new message for the StreamsDisable register. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload() Creates a message payload for the StreamsDisable register. Declaration public Streams GetPayload() Returns Type Description Streams The created message payload value."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateStreamsEnablePayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateStreamsEnablePayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateStreamsEnablePayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateStreamsEnablePayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that enables the generation of events for the respective streams. Inheritance System.Object CreateStreamsEnablePayload CreateTimestampedStreamsEnablePayload Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateStreamsEnablePayload Properties | Improve this Doc View Source StreamsEnable Gets or sets the value that enables the generation of events for the respective streams. Declaration public Streams StreamsEnable { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Streams Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(MessageType) Creates a message that enables the generation of events for the respective streams. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new message for the StreamsEnable register. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload() Creates a message payload for the StreamsEnable register. Declaration public Streams GetPayload() Returns Type Description Streams The created message payload value."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedAccelerometerDataPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedAccelerometerDataPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateTimestampedAccelerometerDataPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateTimestampedAccelerometerDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board. Inheritance System.Object CreateAccelerometerDataPayload CreateTimestampedAccelerometerDataPayload Inherited Members CreateAccelerometerDataPayload.AccelerometerData CreateAccelerometerDataPayload.GetPayload() CreateAccelerometerDataPayload.GetMessage(MessageType) System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateTimestampedAccelerometerDataPayload : CreateAccelerometerDataPayload Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(Double, MessageType) Creates a timestamped message that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(double timestamp, MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new timestamped message for the AccelerometerData register."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedEcgAndAnalogDataPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedEcgAndAnalogDataPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateTimestampedEcgAndAnalogDataPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateTimestampedEcgAndAnalogDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stream containing synchronized data from Ecg and general-purpose ADC sensor reads. Inheritance System.Object CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload CreateTimestampedEcgAndAnalogDataPayload Inherited Members CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload.Ecg CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload.Adc CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload.GetPayload() CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload.GetMessage(MessageType) System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateTimestampedEcgAndAnalogDataPayload : CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(Double, MessageType) Creates a timestamped message that stream containing synchronized data from Ecg and general-purpose ADC sensor reads. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(double timestamp, MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new timestamped message for the EcgAndAnalogData register."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedGsrDataPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedGsrDataPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateTimestampedGsrDataPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateTimestampedGsrDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stream containing data from Gsr sensor reads. Inheritance System.Object CreateGsrDataPayload CreateTimestampedGsrDataPayload Inherited Members CreateGsrDataPayload.GsrData CreateGsrDataPayload.GetPayload() CreateGsrDataPayload.GetMessage(MessageType) System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateTimestampedGsrDataPayload : CreateGsrDataPayload Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(Double, MessageType) Creates a timestamped message that stream containing data from Gsr sensor reads. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(double timestamp, MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new timestamped message for the GsrData register."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedOutputClearPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedOutputClearPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateTimestampedOutputClearPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateTimestampedOutputClearPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that clear the specified digital output lines. Inheritance System.Object CreateOutputClearPayload CreateTimestampedOutputClearPayload Inherited Members CreateOutputClearPayload.OutputClear CreateOutputClearPayload.GetPayload() CreateOutputClearPayload.GetMessage(MessageType) System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateTimestampedOutputClearPayload : CreateOutputClearPayload Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(Double, MessageType) Creates a timestamped message that clear the specified digital output lines. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(double timestamp, MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new timestamped message for the OutputClear register."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedOutputSetPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedOutputSetPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateTimestampedOutputSetPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateTimestampedOutputSetPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that set the specified digital output lines. Inheritance System.Object CreateOutputSetPayload CreateTimestampedOutputSetPayload Inherited Members CreateOutputSetPayload.OutputSet CreateOutputSetPayload.GetPayload() CreateOutputSetPayload.GetMessage(MessageType) System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateTimestampedOutputSetPayload : CreateOutputSetPayload Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(Double, MessageType) Creates a timestamped message that set the specified digital output lines. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(double timestamp, MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new timestamped message for the OutputSet register."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedOximeterDataPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedOximeterDataPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateTimestampedOximeterDataPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateTimestampedOximeterDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stream containing data from Oximeter sensor reads. Inheritance System.Object CreateOximeterDataPayload CreateTimestampedOximeterDataPayload Inherited Members CreateOximeterDataPayload.Channel0 CreateOximeterDataPayload.Channel1 CreateOximeterDataPayload.Channel2 CreateOximeterDataPayload.Channel3 CreateOximeterDataPayload.GetPayload() CreateOximeterDataPayload.GetMessage(MessageType) System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateTimestampedOximeterDataPayload : CreateOximeterDataPayload Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(Double, MessageType) Creates a timestamped message that stream containing data from Oximeter sensor reads. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(double timestamp, MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new timestamped message for the OximeterData register."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedPortDigitalInputPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedPortDigitalInputPayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateTimestampedPortDigitalInputPayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateTimestampedPortDigitalInputPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that reflects the state of DI digital lines of each Port. Inheritance System.Object CreatePortDigitalInputPayload CreateTimestampedPortDigitalInputPayload Inherited Members CreatePortDigitalInputPayload.PortDigitalInput CreatePortDigitalInputPayload.GetPayload() CreatePortDigitalInputPayload.GetMessage(MessageType) System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateTimestampedPortDigitalInputPayload : CreatePortDigitalInputPayload Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(Double, MessageType) Creates a timestamped message that reflects the state of DI digital lines of each Port. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(double timestamp, MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new timestamped message for the PortDigitalInput register."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedStreamsDisablePayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedStreamsDisablePayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateTimestampedStreamsDisablePayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateTimestampedStreamsDisablePayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that disables the generation of events for the respective streams. Inheritance System.Object CreateStreamsDisablePayload CreateTimestampedStreamsDisablePayload Inherited Members CreateStreamsDisablePayload.StreamsDisable CreateStreamsDisablePayload.GetPayload() CreateStreamsDisablePayload.GetMessage(MessageType) System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateTimestampedStreamsDisablePayload : CreateStreamsDisablePayload Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(Double, MessageType) Creates a timestamped message that disables the generation of events for the respective streams. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(double timestamp, MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new timestamped message for the StreamsDisable register."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedStreamsEnablePayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.CreateTimestampedStreamsEnablePayload.html",
+ "title": "Class CreateTimestampedStreamsEnablePayload",
+ "keywords": "Class CreateTimestampedStreamsEnablePayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that enables the generation of events for the respective streams. Inheritance System.Object CreateStreamsEnablePayload CreateTimestampedStreamsEnablePayload Inherited Members CreateStreamsEnablePayload.StreamsEnable CreateStreamsEnablePayload.GetPayload() CreateStreamsEnablePayload.GetMessage(MessageType) System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class CreateTimestampedStreamsEnablePayload : CreateStreamsEnablePayload Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMessage(Double, MessageType) Creates a timestamped message that enables the generation of events for the respective streams. Declaration public HarpMessage GetMessage(double timestamp, MessageType messageType) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType Specifies the type of the created message. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A new timestamped message for the StreamsEnable register."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Device.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Device.html",
+ "title": "Class Device",
+ "keywords": "Class Device Generates events and processes commands for the Pluma device connected at the specified serial port. Inheritance System.Object Device Implements INamedElement Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class Device : Bonsai.Harp.Device, INamedElement Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Device() Initializes a new instance of the Device class. Declaration public Device() Fields | Improve this Doc View Source WhoAmI Represents the unique identity class of the EmotionalCities.Pluma device. This field is constant. Declaration public const int WhoAmI = 2110 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 Properties | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterMap Gets a read-only mapping from address to register type. Declaration public static IReadOnlyDictionary RegisterMap { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary < System.Int32 , System.Type > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateAsync(String) Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous API to configure and interface with Pluma devices on the specified serial port. Declaration public static Task CreateAsync(string portName) Parameters Type Name Description System.String portName The name of the serial port used to communicate with the Harp device. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < AsyncDevice > A task that represents the asynchronous initialization operation. The value of the System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result parameter contains a new instance of the AsyncDevice class. Implements INamedElement"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.DigitalInputs.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.DigitalInputs.html",
+ "title": "Enum DigitalInputs",
+ "keywords": "Enum DigitalInputs Specifies the state of port digital input lines. Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax [Flags] public enum DigitalInputs : byte Fields Name Description DI0 DI1 None"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.DigitalOutputs.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.DigitalOutputs.html",
+ "title": "Enum DigitalOutputs",
+ "keywords": "Enum DigitalOutputs Specifies the state of port digital output lines. Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax [Flags] public enum DigitalOutputs : byte Fields Name Description DO0 DO1 None"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.EcgAndAnalogData.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.EcgAndAnalogData.html",
+ "title": "Class EcgAndAnalogData",
+ "keywords": "Class EcgAndAnalogData Represents a register that stream containing synchronized data from Ecg and general-purpose ADC sensor reads. Inheritance System.Object EcgAndAnalogData Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class EcgAndAnalogData Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the EcgAndAnalogData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 35 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterLength Represents the length of the EcgAndAnalogData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int RegisterLength = 2 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterType Represents the payload type of the EcgAndAnalogData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const PayloadType RegisterType = null Field Value Type Description PayloadType Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(MessageType, EcgAndAnalogDataPayload) Returns a Harp message for the EcgAndAnalogData register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(MessageType messageType, EcgAndAnalogDataPayload value) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. EcgAndAnalogDataPayload value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the EcgAndAnalogData register with the specified message type and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(Double, MessageType, EcgAndAnalogDataPayload) Returns a timestamped Harp message for the EcgAndAnalogData register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(double timestamp, MessageType messageType, EcgAndAnalogDataPayload value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. EcgAndAnalogDataPayload value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the EcgAndAnalogData register with the specified message type, timestamp, and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the payload data for EcgAndAnalogData register messages. Declaration public static EcgAndAnalogDataPayload GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description EcgAndAnalogDataPayload A value representing the message payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the timestamped payload data for EcgAndAnalogData register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < EcgAndAnalogDataPayload > A value representing the timestamped message payload."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.EcgAndAnalogDataPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.EcgAndAnalogDataPayload.html",
+ "title": "Struct EcgAndAnalogDataPayload",
+ "keywords": "Struct EcgAndAnalogDataPayload Represents the payload of the EcgAndAnalogData register. Inherited Members System.ValueType.Equals(System.Object) System.ValueType.GetHashCode() System.ValueType.ToString() System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public struct EcgAndAnalogDataPayload Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source EcgAndAnalogDataPayload(UInt16, UInt16) Initializes a new instance of the EcgAndAnalogDataPayload structure. Declaration public EcgAndAnalogDataPayload(ushort ecg, ushort adc) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 ecg System.UInt16 adc Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Adc Declaration public ushort Adc Field Value Type Description System.UInt16 | Improve this Doc View Source Ecg Declaration public ushort Ecg Field Value Type Description System.UInt16"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.FilterRegister.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.FilterRegister.html",
+ "title": "Class FilterRegister",
+ "keywords": "Class FilterRegister Represents an operator that filters register-specific messages reported by the EmotionalCities.Pluma device. Inheritance System.Object FilterRegister Implements INamedElement Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class FilterRegister : FilterRegisterBuilder, INamedElement Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FilterRegister() Initializes a new instance of the FilterRegister class. Declaration public FilterRegister() Implements INamedElement See Also StreamsEnable StreamsDisable OximeterData EcgAndAnalogData GsrData AccelerometerData PortDigitalInput OutputSet OutputClear"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Format.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Format.html",
+ "title": "Class Format",
+ "keywords": "Class Format Represents an operator which formats a sequence of values as specific Pluma register messages. Inheritance System.Object Format Implements INamedElement Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class Format : FormatBuilder, INamedElement Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Format() Initializes a new instance of the Format class. Declaration public Format() Implements INamedElement See Also StreamsEnable StreamsDisable OximeterData EcgAndAnalogData GsrData AccelerometerData PortDigitalInput OutputSet OutputClear"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.GroupByRegister.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.GroupByRegister.html",
+ "title": "Class GroupByRegister",
+ "keywords": "Class GroupByRegister Represents an operator that groups the sequence of EmotionalCities.Pluma \" messages by register type. Inheritance System.Object GroupByRegister Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class GroupByRegister : Combinator> Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Process(IObservable) Groups an observable sequence of EmotionalCities.Pluma messages by register type. Declaration public override IObservable> Process(IObservable source) Parameters Type Name Description System.IObservable < HarpMessage > source The sequence of Harp device messages. Returns Type Description System.IObservable < IGroupedObservable < System.Type , HarpMessage >> A sequence of observable groups, each of which corresponds to a unique EmotionalCities.Pluma register."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.GsrData.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.GsrData.html",
+ "title": "Class GsrData",
+ "keywords": "Class GsrData Represents a register that stream containing data from Gsr sensor reads. Inheritance System.Object GsrData Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class GsrData Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the GsrData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 36 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterLength Represents the length of the GsrData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int RegisterLength = 1 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterType Represents the payload type of the GsrData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const PayloadType RegisterType = null Field Value Type Description PayloadType Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(MessageType, UInt16) Returns a Harp message for the GsrData register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(MessageType messageType, ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. System.UInt16 value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the GsrData register with the specified message type and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(Double, MessageType, UInt16) Returns a timestamped Harp message for the GsrData register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(double timestamp, MessageType messageType, ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. System.UInt16 value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the GsrData register with the specified message type, timestamp, and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the payload data for GsrData register messages. Declaration public static ushort GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description System.UInt16 A value representing the message payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the timestamped payload data for GsrData register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < System.UInt16 > A value representing the timestamped message payload."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.html",
+ "title": "Namespace EmotionalCities.Pluma",
+ "keywords": "Namespace EmotionalCities.Pluma Classes AccelerometerData Represents a register that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board. AsyncDevice Represents an asynchronous API to configure and interface with Pluma devices. CreateAccelerometerDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board. CreateEcgAndAnalogDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stream containing synchronized data from Ecg and general-purpose ADC sensor reads. CreateGsrDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stream containing data from Gsr sensor reads. CreateMessage Represents an operator which creates standard message payloads for the Pluma device. CreateOutputClearPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that clear the specified digital output lines. CreateOutputSetPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that set the specified digital output lines. CreateOximeterDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stream containing data from Oximeter sensor reads. CreatePortDigitalInputPayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that reflects the state of DI digital lines of each Port. CreateStreamsDisablePayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that disables the generation of events for the respective streams. CreateStreamsEnablePayload Represents an operator that creates a message payload that enables the generation of events for the respective streams. CreateTimestampedAccelerometerDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stream that generates an event on each triggered acquisition by the external accelerometer board. CreateTimestampedEcgAndAnalogDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stream containing synchronized data from Ecg and general-purpose ADC sensor reads. CreateTimestampedGsrDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stream containing data from Gsr sensor reads. CreateTimestampedOutputClearPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that clear the specified digital output lines. CreateTimestampedOutputSetPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that set the specified digital output lines. CreateTimestampedOximeterDataPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stream containing data from Oximeter sensor reads. CreateTimestampedPortDigitalInputPayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that reflects the state of DI digital lines of each Port. CreateTimestampedStreamsDisablePayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that disables the generation of events for the respective streams. CreateTimestampedStreamsEnablePayload Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that enables the generation of events for the respective streams. Device Generates events and processes commands for the Pluma device connected at the specified serial port. EcgAndAnalogData Represents a register that stream containing synchronized data from Ecg and general-purpose ADC sensor reads. FilterRegister Represents an operator that filters register-specific messages reported by the EmotionalCities.Pluma device. Format Represents an operator which formats a sequence of values as specific Pluma register messages. GroupByRegister Represents an operator that groups the sequence of EmotionalCities.Pluma \" messages by register type. GsrData Represents a register that stream containing data from Gsr sensor reads. OutputClear Represents a register that clear the specified digital output lines. OutputSet Represents a register that set the specified digital output lines. OximeterData Represents a register that stream containing data from Oximeter sensor reads. Parse Represents an operator which filters and selects specific messages reported by the Pluma device. ParseAdafruitBno055 Represents an operator that parses a sequence of line text messages sent by Adafruit BNO055. The firmware is implemented by Adafruit-BNO055.ino firmware. PortDigitalInput Represents a register that reflects the state of DI digital lines of each Port. StreamsDisable Represents a register that disables the generation of events for the respective streams. StreamsEnable Represents a register that enables the generation of events for the respective streams. TimestampedAccelerometerData Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the AccelerometerData register. TimestampedEcgAndAnalogData Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the EcgAndAnalogData register. TimestampedGsrData Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the GsrData register. TimestampedOutputClear Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OutputClear register. TimestampedOutputSet Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OutputSet register. TimestampedOximeterData Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OximeterData register. TimestampedPortDigitalInput Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the PortDigitalInput register. TimestampedStreamsDisable Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the StreamsDisable register. TimestampedStreamsEnable Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the StreamsEnable register. Structs Bno055DataFrame Represents the 3D-orientation data produced by a Bosch Bno55 9-axis inertial measurement unit (IMU). EcgAndAnalogDataPayload Represents the payload of the EcgAndAnalogData register. OximeterDataPayload Represents the payload of the OximeterData register. Enums Bno055CalibrationFlags Specifies the sensor fusion calibration status. DigitalInputs Specifies the state of port digital input lines. DigitalOutputs Specifies the state of port digital output lines. Streams Avaialble streams in the device."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.OutputClear.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.OutputClear.html",
+ "title": "Class OutputClear",
+ "keywords": "Class OutputClear Represents a register that clear the specified digital output lines. Inheritance System.Object OutputClear Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class OutputClear Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the OutputClear register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 40 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterLength Represents the length of the OutputClear register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int RegisterLength = 1 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterType Represents the payload type of the OutputClear register. This field is constant. Declaration public const PayloadType RegisterType = null Field Value Type Description PayloadType Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(MessageType, DigitalOutputs) Returns a Harp message for the OutputClear register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(MessageType messageType, DigitalOutputs value) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. DigitalOutputs value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the OutputClear register with the specified message type and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(Double, MessageType, DigitalOutputs) Returns a timestamped Harp message for the OutputClear register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(double timestamp, MessageType messageType, DigitalOutputs value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. DigitalOutputs value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the OutputClear register with the specified message type, timestamp, and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the payload data for OutputClear register messages. Declaration public static DigitalOutputs GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description DigitalOutputs A value representing the message payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the timestamped payload data for OutputClear register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < DigitalOutputs > A value representing the timestamped message payload."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.OutputSet.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.OutputSet.html",
+ "title": "Class OutputSet",
+ "keywords": "Class OutputSet Represents a register that set the specified digital output lines. Inheritance System.Object OutputSet Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class OutputSet Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the OutputSet register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 39 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterLength Represents the length of the OutputSet register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int RegisterLength = 1 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterType Represents the payload type of the OutputSet register. This field is constant. Declaration public const PayloadType RegisterType = null Field Value Type Description PayloadType Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(MessageType, DigitalOutputs) Returns a Harp message for the OutputSet register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(MessageType messageType, DigitalOutputs value) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. DigitalOutputs value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the OutputSet register with the specified message type and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(Double, MessageType, DigitalOutputs) Returns a timestamped Harp message for the OutputSet register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(double timestamp, MessageType messageType, DigitalOutputs value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. DigitalOutputs value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the OutputSet register with the specified message type, timestamp, and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the payload data for OutputSet register messages. Declaration public static DigitalOutputs GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description DigitalOutputs A value representing the message payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the timestamped payload data for OutputSet register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < DigitalOutputs > A value representing the timestamped message payload."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.OximeterData.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.OximeterData.html",
+ "title": "Class OximeterData",
+ "keywords": "Class OximeterData Represents a register that stream containing data from Oximeter sensor reads. Inheritance System.Object OximeterData Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class OximeterData Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the OximeterData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 34 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterLength Represents the length of the OximeterData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int RegisterLength = 4 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterType Represents the payload type of the OximeterData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const PayloadType RegisterType = null Field Value Type Description PayloadType Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(MessageType, OximeterDataPayload) Returns a Harp message for the OximeterData register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(MessageType messageType, OximeterDataPayload value) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. OximeterDataPayload value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the OximeterData register with the specified message type and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(Double, MessageType, OximeterDataPayload) Returns a timestamped Harp message for the OximeterData register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(double timestamp, MessageType messageType, OximeterDataPayload value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. OximeterDataPayload value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the OximeterData register with the specified message type, timestamp, and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the payload data for OximeterData register messages. Declaration public static OximeterDataPayload GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description OximeterDataPayload A value representing the message payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the timestamped payload data for OximeterData register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < OximeterDataPayload > A value representing the timestamped message payload."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.OximeterDataPayload.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.OximeterDataPayload.html",
+ "title": "Struct OximeterDataPayload",
+ "keywords": "Struct OximeterDataPayload Represents the payload of the OximeterData register. Inherited Members System.ValueType.Equals(System.Object) System.ValueType.GetHashCode() System.ValueType.ToString() System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetType() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public struct OximeterDataPayload Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source OximeterDataPayload(Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte) Initializes a new instance of the OximeterDataPayload structure. Declaration public OximeterDataPayload(byte channel0, byte channel1, byte channel2, byte channel3) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte channel0 System.Byte channel1 System.Byte channel2 System.Byte channel3 Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Channel0 Declaration public byte Channel0 Field Value Type Description System.Byte | Improve this Doc View Source Channel1 Declaration public byte Channel1 Field Value Type Description System.Byte | Improve this Doc View Source Channel2 Declaration public byte Channel2 Field Value Type Description System.Byte | Improve this Doc View Source Channel3 Declaration public byte Channel3 Field Value Type Description System.Byte"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Parse.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Parse.html",
+ "title": "Class Parse",
+ "keywords": "Class Parse Represents an operator which filters and selects specific messages reported by the Pluma device. Inheritance System.Object Parse Implements INamedElement Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class Parse : ParseBuilder, INamedElement Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Parse() Initializes a new instance of the Parse class. Declaration public Parse() Implements INamedElement See Also StreamsEnable StreamsDisable OximeterData EcgAndAnalogData GsrData AccelerometerData PortDigitalInput OutputSet OutputClear"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.ParseAdafruitBno055.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.ParseAdafruitBno055.html",
+ "title": "Class ParseAdafruitBno055",
+ "keywords": "Class ParseAdafruitBno055 Represents an operator that parses a sequence of line text messages sent by Adafruit BNO055. The firmware is implemented by Adafruit-BNO055.ino firmware. Inheritance System.Object ParseAdafruitBno055 Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class ParseAdafruitBno055 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Process(IObservable) Parses an observable sequence of line text messages sent by Adafruit BNO055. Declaration public IObservable Process(IObservable source) Parameters Type Name Description System.IObservable < System.String > source The sequence of raw text messages sent by the firmware. Returns Type Description System.IObservable < Bno055DataFrame > A sequence of Bno055DataFrame objects containing sensor data."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.PortDigitalInput.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.PortDigitalInput.html",
+ "title": "Class PortDigitalInput",
+ "keywords": "Class PortDigitalInput Represents a register that reflects the state of DI digital lines of each Port. Inheritance System.Object PortDigitalInput Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class PortDigitalInput Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the PortDigitalInput register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 38 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterLength Represents the length of the PortDigitalInput register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int RegisterLength = 1 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterType Represents the payload type of the PortDigitalInput register. This field is constant. Declaration public const PayloadType RegisterType = null Field Value Type Description PayloadType Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(MessageType, DigitalInputs) Returns a Harp message for the PortDigitalInput register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(MessageType messageType, DigitalInputs value) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. DigitalInputs value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the PortDigitalInput register with the specified message type and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(Double, MessageType, DigitalInputs) Returns a timestamped Harp message for the PortDigitalInput register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(double timestamp, MessageType messageType, DigitalInputs value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. DigitalInputs value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the PortDigitalInput register with the specified message type, timestamp, and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the payload data for PortDigitalInput register messages. Declaration public static DigitalInputs GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description DigitalInputs A value representing the message payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the timestamped payload data for PortDigitalInput register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < DigitalInputs > A value representing the timestamped message payload."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Streams.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.Streams.html",
+ "title": "Enum Streams",
+ "keywords": "Enum Streams Avaialble streams in the device. Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax [Flags] public enum Streams : byte Fields Name Description Accelerometer Ecg Gsr None Oximeter"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.StreamsDisable.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.StreamsDisable.html",
+ "title": "Class StreamsDisable",
+ "keywords": "Class StreamsDisable Represents a register that disables the generation of events for the respective streams. Inheritance System.Object StreamsDisable Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class StreamsDisable Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the StreamsDisable register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 33 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterLength Represents the length of the StreamsDisable register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int RegisterLength = 1 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterType Represents the payload type of the StreamsDisable register. This field is constant. Declaration public const PayloadType RegisterType = null Field Value Type Description PayloadType Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(MessageType, Streams) Returns a Harp message for the StreamsDisable register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(MessageType messageType, Streams value) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. Streams value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the StreamsDisable register with the specified message type and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(Double, MessageType, Streams) Returns a timestamped Harp message for the StreamsDisable register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(double timestamp, MessageType messageType, Streams value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. Streams value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the StreamsDisable register with the specified message type, timestamp, and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the payload data for StreamsDisable register messages. Declaration public static Streams GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Streams A value representing the message payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the timestamped payload data for StreamsDisable register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < Streams > A value representing the timestamped message payload."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.StreamsEnable.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.StreamsEnable.html",
+ "title": "Class StreamsEnable",
+ "keywords": "Class StreamsEnable Represents a register that enables the generation of events for the respective streams. Inheritance System.Object StreamsEnable Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class StreamsEnable Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the StreamsEnable register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 32 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterLength Represents the length of the StreamsEnable register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int RegisterLength = 1 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RegisterType Represents the payload type of the StreamsEnable register. This field is constant. Declaration public const PayloadType RegisterType = null Field Value Type Description PayloadType Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(MessageType, Streams) Returns a Harp message for the StreamsEnable register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(MessageType messageType, Streams value) Parameters Type Name Description MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. Streams value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the StreamsEnable register with the specified message type and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source FromPayload(Double, MessageType, Streams) Returns a timestamped Harp message for the StreamsEnable register. Declaration public static HarpMessage FromPayload(double timestamp, MessageType messageType, Streams value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double timestamp The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. MessageType messageType The type of the Harp message. Streams value The value to be stored in the message payload. Returns Type Description HarpMessage A object for the StreamsEnable register with the specified message type, timestamp, and payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the payload data for StreamsEnable register messages. Declaration public static Streams GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Streams A value representing the message payload. | Improve this Doc View Source GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage) Returns the timestamped payload data for StreamsEnable register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetTimestampedPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < Streams > A value representing the timestamped message payload."
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedAccelerometerData.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedAccelerometerData.html",
+ "title": "Class TimestampedAccelerometerData",
+ "keywords": "Class TimestampedAccelerometerData Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the AccelerometerData register. Inheritance System.Object TimestampedAccelerometerData Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class TimestampedAccelerometerData Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the AccelerometerData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 37 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns timestamped payload data for AccelerometerData register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < System.Byte > A value representing the timestamped message payload. See Also AccelerometerData"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedEcgAndAnalogData.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedEcgAndAnalogData.html",
+ "title": "Class TimestampedEcgAndAnalogData",
+ "keywords": "Class TimestampedEcgAndAnalogData Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the EcgAndAnalogData register. Inheritance System.Object TimestampedEcgAndAnalogData Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class TimestampedEcgAndAnalogData Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the EcgAndAnalogData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 35 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns timestamped payload data for EcgAndAnalogData register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < EcgAndAnalogDataPayload > A value representing the timestamped message payload. See Also EcgAndAnalogData"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedGsrData.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedGsrData.html",
+ "title": "Class TimestampedGsrData",
+ "keywords": "Class TimestampedGsrData Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the GsrData register. Inheritance System.Object TimestampedGsrData Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class TimestampedGsrData Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the GsrData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 36 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns timestamped payload data for GsrData register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < System.UInt16 > A value representing the timestamped message payload. See Also GsrData"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedOutputClear.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedOutputClear.html",
+ "title": "Class TimestampedOutputClear",
+ "keywords": "Class TimestampedOutputClear Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OutputClear register. Inheritance System.Object TimestampedOutputClear Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class TimestampedOutputClear Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the OutputClear register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 40 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns timestamped payload data for OutputClear register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < DigitalOutputs > A value representing the timestamped message payload. See Also OutputClear"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedOutputSet.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedOutputSet.html",
+ "title": "Class TimestampedOutputSet",
+ "keywords": "Class TimestampedOutputSet Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OutputSet register. Inheritance System.Object TimestampedOutputSet Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class TimestampedOutputSet Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the OutputSet register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 39 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns timestamped payload data for OutputSet register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < DigitalOutputs > A value representing the timestamped message payload. See Also OutputSet"
+ },
+ "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedOximeterData.html": {
+ "href": "api/EmotionalCities.Pluma.TimestampedOximeterData.html",
+ "title": "Class TimestampedOximeterData",
+ "keywords": "Class TimestampedOximeterData Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OximeterData register. Inheritance System.Object TimestampedOximeterData Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class TimestampedOximeterData Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the OximeterData register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 34 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns timestamped payload data for OximeterData register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < OximeterDataPayload > A value representing the timestamped message payload. See Also OximeterData"
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+ "title": "Class TimestampedStreamsEnable",
+ "keywords": "Class TimestampedStreamsEnable Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the StreamsEnable register. Inheritance System.Object TimestampedStreamsEnable Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.ToString() Namespace : EmotionalCities.Pluma Assembly : EmotionalCities.Pluma.dll Syntax public class TimestampedStreamsEnable Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Address Represents the address of the StreamsEnable register. This field is constant. Declaration public const int Address = 32 Field Value Type Description System.Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetPayload(HarpMessage) Returns timestamped payload data for StreamsEnable register messages. Declaration public static Timestamped GetPayload(HarpMessage message) Parameters Type Name Description HarpMessage message A object representing the register message. Returns Type Description Timestamped < Streams > A value representing the timestamped message payload. See Also StreamsEnable"
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+ "title": "Getting Started",
+ "keywords": "Getting Started Download Bonsai . From the package manager, search and install the Emotional Cities - Pluma package."
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+ "title": "Emotional Cities - Pluma Documentation",
+ "keywords": "Emotional Cities - Pluma Documentation Bonsai Library for interfacing with the eMOTIONAL Cities wearable data acquisition board. Warning These docs are under active development, feel free to contribute by either raising an issue or following the links to Improve this Doc . This package was developed for the eMOTIONAL CITIES Project, which received funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under the grant agreement No 945307. The eMOTIONAL CITIES Project is a consortium of 12 partners co-coordinated by IGOT and FMUL, taking place between 2021 and 2025. More information at"
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+ color: #767676;
+.tryspan:hover {
+ background-color: #3b8bd0;
+ color: white;
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+.codewrapper:hover .tryspan {
+ display: block;
+.sample-response .response-content{
+ max-height: 200px;
+footer {
+ position: absolute;
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+ right: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ z-index: 1000;
+.footer {
+ border-top: 1px solid #e7e7e7;
+ background-color: #f8f8f8;
+ padding: 15px 0;
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+ #sidetoggle.collapse {
+ display: block;
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+ float: none;
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+ float: none;
+ display: inline-block;
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+ display: block;
+ }
+ /* TOC display for responsive */
+ .article {
+ margin-top: 30px !important;
+ }
+ header {
+ position: static;
+ }
+ .topnav {
+ text-align: center;
+ }
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+ display: inline-block;
+ }
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+ margin-left: -3px;
+ margin-right: 5px;
+ content: ", ";
+ color: #666666;
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+ display: block;
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+ display: none;
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+ /*.expand-all {
+ display: none;
+ }*/
+ .sideaffix {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .mobile-hide {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .breadcrumb {
+ white-space: inherit;
+ }
+ /* workaround for #hashtag url is no longer needed*/
+ h1:before,
+ h2:before,
+ h3:before,
+ h4:before {
+ content: '';
+ display: none;
+ }
+/* For toc iframe */
+@media (max-width: 260px) {
+ .toc .level2 > li {
+ display: block;
+ }
+ .toc .level2 > li:after {
+ display: none;
+ }
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+ background-color: #f1f2f3;
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+a code:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline;
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+ color: rgb(86,156,214);
+.hljs-string {
+ color: rgb(214, 157, 133);
+pre {
+ border: 0;
+/* For code snippet line highlight */
+pre > code .line-highlight {
+ background-color: #ffffcc;
+/* Alerts */
+.alert h5 {
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 0;
+.alert h5:before {
+ position:relative;
+ top:1px;
+ display:inline-block;
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+ line-height:1;
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+ -moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;
+ margin-right: 5px;
+ font-weight: normal;
+.alert-info h5:before {
+ content:"\e086"
+.alert-warning h5:before {
+ content:"\e127"
+.alert-danger h5:before {
+ content:"\e107"
+/* For Embedded Video */
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+ width: 100%;
+div.embeddedvideo iframe {
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+ margin-left: 0px;
+ }
+ .sideaffix {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .mobile-hide {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .footer {
+ display: none;
+ }
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+.tabGroup {
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+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
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+ list-style: none;
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .tabGroup a[role="tab"] {
+ color: #6e6e6e;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding: 5px 7.5px;
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+ .tabGroup a[role="tab"]:hover, .tabGroup a[role="tab"]:focus, .tabGroup a[role="tab"][aria-selected="true"] {
+ border-bottom: 2px solid #0050C5; }
+ .tabGroup a[role="tab"][aria-selected="true"] {
+ color: #222; }
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+ color: #0050C5; }
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+ outline: 1px solid #0050C5;
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+ .tabGroup section[role="tabpanel"] > pre {
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+ margin-right: -16px; }
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+ margin-top: 0; }
+ .tabGroup section[role="tabpanel"] > pre:last-child {
+ display: block;
+ margin-bottom: -16px; }
+.mainContainer[dir='rtl'] main ul[role="tablist"] {
+ margin: 0; }
+/* Color theme */
+/* These are not important, tune down **/
+.decalaration, .fieldValue, .parameters, .returns {
+ color: #a2a2a2;
+/* Major sections, increase visibility **/
+#fields, #properties, #methods, #events {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 2em;
diff --git a/styles/docfx.js b/styles/docfx.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf907a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/styles/docfx.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1206 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+$(function () {
+ var active = 'active';
+ var expanded = 'in';
+ var collapsed = 'collapsed';
+ var filtered = 'filtered';
+ var show = 'show';
+ var hide = 'hide';
+ var util = new utility();
+ workAroundFixedHeaderForAnchors();
+ highlight();
+ enableSearch();
+ renderTables();
+ renderAlerts();
+ renderLinks();
+ renderNavbar();
+ renderSidebar();
+ renderAffix();
+ renderFooter();
+ renderLogo();
+ breakText();
+ renderTabs();
+ window.refresh = function (article) {
+ // Update markup result
+ if (typeof article == 'undefined' || typeof article.content == 'undefined')
+ console.error("Null Argument");
+ $("article.content").html(article.content);
+ highlight();
+ renderTables();
+ renderAlerts();
+ renderAffix();
+ renderTabs();
+ }
+ // Add this event listener when needed
+ // window.addEventListener('content-update', contentUpdate);
+ function breakText() {
+ $(".xref").addClass("text-break");
+ var texts = $(".text-break");
+ texts.each(function () {
+ $(this).breakWord();
+ });
+ }
+ // Styling for tables in conceptual documents using Bootstrap.
+ // See
+ function renderTables() {
+ $('table').addClass('table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed').wrap('');
+ }
+ // Styling for alerts.
+ function renderAlerts() {
+ $('.NOTE, .TIP').addClass('alert alert-info');
+ $('.WARNING').addClass('alert alert-warning');
+ $('.IMPORTANT, .CAUTION').addClass('alert alert-danger');
+ }
+ // Enable anchors for headings.
+ (function () {
+ anchors.options = {
+ placement: 'left',
+ visible: 'hover'
+ };
+ anchors.add('article h2:not(.no-anchor), article h3:not(.no-anchor), article h4:not(.no-anchor)');
+ })();
+ // Open links to different host in a new window.
+ function renderLinks() {
+ if ($("meta[property='docfx:newtab']").attr("content") === "true") {
+ $(document.links).filter(function () {
+ return this.hostname !== window.location.hostname;
+ }).attr('target', '_blank');
+ }
+ }
+ // Enable highlight.js
+ function highlight() {
+ $('pre code').each(function (i, block) {
+ hljs.highlightBlock(block);
+ });
+ $('pre code[highlight-lines]').each(function (i, block) {
+ if (block.innerHTML === "") return;
+ var lines = block.innerHTML.split('\n');
+ queryString = block.getAttribute('highlight-lines');
+ if (!queryString) return;
+ var ranges = queryString.split(',');
+ for (var j = 0, range; range = ranges[j++];) {
+ var found = range.match(/^(\d+)\-(\d+)?$/);
+ if (found) {
+ // consider region as `{startlinenumber}-{endlinenumber}`, in which {endlinenumber} is optional
+ var start = +found[1];
+ var end = +found[2];
+ if (isNaN(end) || end > lines.length) {
+ end = lines.length;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // consider region as a sigine line number
+ if (isNaN(range)) continue;
+ var start = +range;
+ var end = start;
+ }
+ if (start <= 0 || end <= 0 || start > end || start > lines.length) {
+ // skip current region if invalid
+ continue;
+ }
+ lines[start - 1] = '' + lines[start - 1];
+ lines[end - 1] = lines[end - 1] + '';
+ }
+ block.innerHTML = lines.join('\n');
+ });
+ }
+ // Support full-text-search
+ function enableSearch() {
+ var query;
+ var relHref = $("meta[property='docfx\\:rel']").attr("content");
+ if (typeof relHref === 'undefined') {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ var worker = new Worker(relHref + 'styles/search-worker.js');
+ if (!worker && !window.worker) {
+ localSearch();
+ } else {
+ webWorkerSearch();
+ }
+ renderSearchBox();
+ highlightKeywords();
+ addSearchEvent();
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ //Adjust the position of search box in navbar
+ function renderSearchBox() {
+ autoCollapse();
+ $(window).on('resize', autoCollapse);
+ $(document).on('click', '', function (e) {
+ if ($('a')) {
+ $(this).collapse('hide');
+ }
+ });
+ function autoCollapse() {
+ var navbar = $('#autocollapse');
+ if (navbar.height() === null) {
+ setTimeout(autoCollapse, 300);
+ }
+ navbar.removeClass(collapsed);
+ if (navbar.height() > 60) {
+ navbar.addClass(collapsed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Search factory
+ function localSearch() {
+ console.log("using local search");
+ var lunrIndex = lunr(function () {
+ this.ref('href');
+ this.field('title', { boost: 50 });
+ this.field('keywords', { boost: 20 });
+ });
+ lunr.tokenizer.seperator = /[\s\-\.]+/;
+ var searchData = {};
+ var searchDataRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ var indexPath = relHref + "index.json";
+ if (indexPath) {
+'GET', indexPath);
+ searchDataRequest.onload = function () {
+ if (this.status != 200) {
+ return;
+ }
+ searchData = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
+ for (var prop in searchData) {
+ if (searchData.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
+ lunrIndex.add(searchData[prop]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ searchDataRequest.send();
+ }
+ $("body").bind("queryReady", function () {
+ var hits =;
+ var results = [];
+ hits.forEach(function (hit) {
+ var item = searchData[hit.ref];
+ results.push({ 'href': item.href, 'title': item.title, 'keywords': item.keywords });
+ });
+ handleSearchResults(results);
+ });
+ }
+ function webWorkerSearch() {
+ console.log("using Web Worker");
+ var indexReady = $.Deferred();
+ worker.onmessage = function (oEvent) {
+ switch ( {
+ case 'index-ready':
+ indexReady.resolve();
+ break;
+ case 'query-ready':
+ var hits =;
+ handleSearchResults(hits);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ indexReady.promise().done(function () {
+ $("body").bind("queryReady", function () {
+ worker.postMessage({ q: query });
+ });
+ if (query && (query.length >= 3)) {
+ worker.postMessage({ q: query });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Highlight the searching keywords
+ function highlightKeywords() {
+ var q = url('?q');
+ if (q !== null) {
+ var keywords = q.split("%20");
+ keywords.forEach(function (keyword) {
+ if (keyword !== "") {
+ $('.data-searchable *').mark(keyword);
+ $('article *').mark(keyword);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ function addSearchEvent() {
+ $('body').bind("searchEvent", function () {
+ $('#search-query').keypress(function (e) {
+ return e.which !== 13;
+ });
+ $('#search-query').keyup(function () {
+ query = $(this).val();
+ if (query.length < 3) {
+ flipContents("show");
+ } else {
+ flipContents("hide");
+ $("body").trigger("queryReady");
+ $('#search-results>.search-list>span').text('"' + query + '"');
+ }
+ }).off("keydown");
+ });
+ }
+ function flipContents(action) {
+ if (action === "show") {
+ $('.hide-when-search').show();
+ $('#search-results').hide();
+ } else {
+ $('.hide-when-search').hide();
+ $('#search-results').show();
+ }
+ }
+ function relativeUrlToAbsoluteUrl(currentUrl, relativeUrl) {
+ var currentItems = currentUrl.split(/\/+/);
+ var relativeItems = relativeUrl.split(/\/+/);
+ var depth = currentItems.length - 1;
+ var items = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < relativeItems.length; i++) {
+ if (relativeItems[i] === '..') {
+ depth--;
+ } else if (relativeItems[i] !== '.') {
+ items.push(relativeItems[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return currentItems.slice(0, depth).concat(items).join('/');
+ }
+ function extractContentBrief(content) {
+ var briefOffset = 512;
+ var words = query.split(/\s+/g);
+ var queryIndex = content.indexOf(words[0]);
+ var briefContent;
+ if (queryIndex > briefOffset) {
+ return "..." + content.slice(queryIndex - briefOffset, queryIndex + briefOffset) + "...";
+ } else if (queryIndex <= briefOffset) {
+ return content.slice(0, queryIndex + briefOffset) + "...";
+ }
+ }
+ function handleSearchResults(hits) {
+ var numPerPage = 10;
+ var pagination = $('#pagination');
+ pagination.empty();
+ pagination.removeData("twbs-pagination");
+ if (hits.length === 0) {
+ $('#search-results>.sr-items').html('
+ level++;
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ var item = model.items[i];
+ var href = item.href;
+ var name =;
+ if (!name) continue;
+ html += href ? '