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wfs4BIGIoT-Adapter implements a configurable generic adapter, that requests standardized geospatial data from any, freely selectable Web Feature Service, which complies with OGC Web Feature Service Implementation Specification and then takes the WFS data to provide a BIG IoT offering mapped on a flattened JSON schema on the BIG IoT marketplace.

BIG IoT is a European project to enable IoT Ecosystems. The BIG IoT API and the BIG IoT Marketplace form an IoT ecosystem where European companies can exploit the business potential of the IoT sector.

Libraries and Licenses

Third party libraries and licenses

Library License Link/Source
Eclipse Bridge.IoT Eclipse Public License 2.0
Spring-framework Apache License Version 2.0
Simple Logging Facade for Java MIT License
commons-logging, commons-io Apache License Version 2.0
geotools GNU Lesser Public License Version 2.1
squreup retrofit Apache License Version 2.0
Joda-Time Apache License Version 2.0


Library License Link/Source
wfs4BIT-Adapter GNU General Public License v3.0


  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. Build the project: mvn clean install.


Register an organization and a provider:

  1. First, register an organization on the BIG IoT marketplace.

  2. Second, create a provider.

Provide provider ID and SECRET:

  • Once you've registered your provider, you can supply it's ID and SECRET:

    Create a file secret.yml in wfs4BIT-Adapter\src\main\resources\ and replace ID and SECRET of your registered provider:

          id: <YOUR_PROVIDER_ID>
          secret: <YOUR_PROVIDER_SECRET>

    You find ID and SECRET of your provider on the marketplace, when being logged in into your organization.

Configure application address and port:

Specify the WFS:

Specify the parameters for your Web Featire Service in lines 15-21 of application.yml.

Config Parameters Required Description Example
url YES The url-encoded base URL to your WebFeatureService url:
service YES The service on your URL must be wfs. Other services are not supported yet. service: WFS
version YES The version of your WFS. Supported version options are: 1.0.0,1.1.0, and 2.0.0. version: 1.0.0
request YES The request to your WFS must be GetFeature. Other requests are not supported yet. request: GetFeature
typeName YES The typeName is the name of the feature type, that you want to offer in the marketplace. typeName: cite:roadsegments
outputFormat YES The outputFormat of your data. This WFS-Adapter supports outputFormat GML. Supported versions are 2.0 - 3.1. GML 3.2 is currently not supported. The outputFormat must not be URL-encoded. outputFormat: text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2
srsName NO The spatial reference system of your data. If not set, the default reference system provided by the WFS is used. srsName: text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2

Specify the BIG IoT offering:

The information for the offering registration are located starting from line 23 of application.yml. The application.yml file is located in wfsadapter\src\main\resources\. You must specify the following specifications for your WFS and your desired BIG IoT offering:

Config Parameter Required Description Example
local_id YES The local_id identifies this offering on the BIG IoT marketplace. It must be unique and distinguishable among all offerings within your organization and provider. local_id: wfsOfferings-roadsegments
name NO The name for your offering. It will be added to the offeringDescription with .withName(NAME); If not specified, the offering name on the marketplace will be null. See example on Github
category YES The category of your offering. It will be added to the offeringDescription with .withCategory(CATEGORY); The category must already exist in the marketplace. If you can't find a matching category, then you have to create ("propose") a category on the marketplace web interface first. Once the category is created, you can use it using the prefix urn:proposed: See example on Github
timePeriod NO The timePeriod must specify startDate, and endDate. The startDate and endDate decribe a temporal time periode, in which the data of your offering are about. The DateTimes must be specified in yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss (ISO8601 format). See Example on Github
inRegion NO The inRegion descibes a spatial bounding box, in which the data of your offering are contained. The inRegion must specify x1, y1, x2, and y2. `(x1 y1)specifies the south western coordinate of the bounding box.(x2
inCity NO The inCity specifies a name of a city, to which the data of your offering refer to. It will be added to the offeringDescription with .inCity(INCITY) inCity: Hamburg
inCountry NO The inCountry specifies a name of a country, to which the data of your offering refer to. It will be added to the offeringDescription with .inCountry(INCITY) inCountry: Germany
route NO The route is the /bigiot/access/ROUTE access point to your data on the marketplace. It will be added to the offeringDescription with .withRoute(ROUTE); route: roadsegments
expireDate NO The expireDate specifies the DateTime until which your offering is marked as activated on the marketplace. Once, the exireDate is reached, the offering will become marked is not activated. The DateTime must be specified in yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss (ISO8601 format). expireDate: 2018-02-30T01:23:45
accessStreamTimeout NO The accessStreamTimeout specifies TODO: finish this sentence. The DateTime must be specified in yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss (ISO8601 format). accessStreamTimeout: 2018-02-30T01:23:45
licenseType NO The licenseType specifies the license of your offering's data. Possible options are OPEN_DATA_LICENSE,CREATIVE_COMMONS,NON_COMMERCIAL_DATA_LICENSE. licenseType: OPEN_DATA_LICENSE
price NO The price must specify pricingModel, price, and currency. The pricingModel can be one of FREE, PER_ACCESS, PER_BYTE, PER_MESSAGE, PER_MONTH. The price must be a double value. The currency can be one of Euros, USDollars}. See Example on Github
geometry NO If your WFS data contains features with default geometries, then you should specify the geometry property name and choose a schema. The geometry parameter is not required, but highly recommended, so that marketplace users can define and apply a custom spatial filter to your offering. see example on GitHub
featureIdentifiert NO If your WFS data features contain an default ID, then you should specify the featureID property name as featureID and choose a schema. The featureID parameter is not required, but highly recommended, so that marketplace users can define and apply a FeatureIDFilter to your offering. see example on GitHub
mapNullValues NO Some features might not contain all of your specified OutputDatas. In that case, the output for that feature will not contain that OutputData - if mapNullValues is set to false. If mapNullValues is set to true, the output for that feature will still contain that OutputData with value null. If missing or not set, mapNullValues is by default set to false. mapNullValues: true
outputData NO You must specify the properties delivered by your WFS, that you want to add as OfferingOutputData to the BIG IoT marketplace offering. For each property, you must specify NAME and SCHEMA of the property. The SCHEMA has to exist in the marketplace already. If it does not, you can create ("propose") it using the prefix proposed:. If there are featureProperties, that you do not want to be added as OutputData to your offering, then simply leave them out. see example on GitHub

How to deploy

This project is implemented using the spring-boot framework. Out of the box, Spring Boot provides an executable *.jar file, that can run the entire Spring application with no fuss: no build required, no setup, no web server configuration, etc.

1. Build the project with Maven: `mvn clean install`
2. Take the executable file `wfs4BIT-Adapter-0.1.jar` and move it to a application server of your choice (e.g. Apache Tomcat).
3. Run `java -jar /path/to/file/wfs4BIT-Adapter-0.1.jar`

Further reading:

Command line arguments

You can specify <PROVIDER_ID>, <PROVIDER_SECRET>, and/or </PATH/TO/application.yml> when starting the application from command line.

  •<PROVIDER_ID> use this argument to override the <PROVIDER_ID> in your secret.yml file
  • --bigiot.provider.secret=<PROVIDER_SECRET> use this argument to override the <PROVIDER_SECRET> in your secret.yml file
  • --spring.config.location=</PATH/TO/application.yml> use this argument to override the entire application configuration by providing an absolute path to an alternative application.yml file.

InputData - WFS GetFeature request parameters

GetFeature requests can return potentially a large amount of data. This wfs4BIGIoT-Adapter implements all GetFeature request parameters to limit the returned data to those features of interest. The GetFeature request parameters are added as InputData to your offering. The execution of multiple InputData Filters is possible - though not always reasonable. The following filters are available:

  • maxFeatures

    Limit the accessed features when consuming the offering by adding .addNameValue("maxFeature","N") to the AccessParameters - where N specifies the maximum amount of returned features. You can also add maxFeatures as an URL parameter to your offering with https://adress:port/bigiot/access/route?maxFeatures=N.

  • featureID

    Obtain only one specific feature when consuming the offering by adding .addNameValue("featureID","ID")to the AccessParameters - where ID specifies the feature ID of the specific feature. You can also add maxFeatures as an URL parameter to your offering with https://adress:port/bigiot/access/route?featureID=ID.

  • propertyName

    Obtain the features and only the features, that contain specific attributes. You can specify a single attribute, or multiple attributes separated by commas. Apply the propertyName filter when consuming the offering by adding .addNameValue("propertyName", "ATTRIBUTE1,ATTRIBUTE2,...,ATTRIBUTEN") - where ATTRIBUTE1,ATTRIBUTE2,...,ATTRIBUTEN is a comma-separated list of feature attributes/OutputDataNames. You can also add maxFeatures as an URL parameter to your offering with https://adress:port/bigiot/access/route?propertyName=ATTRIBUTE1,ATTRIBUTE2,...,ATTRIBUTEN.

  • sortBy

    You can sort the obtaining features by attribute descending or ascending. Apply the sortBy filter when consuming the offering by adding .addNameValue("sortBy", "ATTRIBUTE") - where ATTRIBUTE is the feature attribute/OutputDataName and the returned features will be sorted by that attribute in descending (by default) order. You can also specify ATTRIBUTE+D to define descending order or ATTRIBUTE+A to define ascending order. You can also add sortBy as an URL parameter to your offering with ?sortBy=ATTRIBUT+A. Make sure to URL-encode the + with %2B in your URL, i.e. https://adress:port/bigiot/access/route?sortBy=ATTRIBUTE%2BA.

  • bbox

    Obtain only feature within a spatial bounding box when consuming the offering by adding .addNameValue("bbox","MIN_X,MIN_Y,MAX_X,MAX_Y") to the AccessParameters - where MIN_X,MIN_Y is the coordinate for the lower western point and MAX_X,MAX_Y is the upper eastern point of the bounding box. You can also add bbox as an URL parameter to your offering with https://adress:port/bigiot/access/route?bbox=MIN_X,MIN_Y,MAX_X,MAX_Y.

  • Filter

    The features can be filtered customly when consuming the offering by adding .addNameValue("Filter","FILTEREXPRESSION") to the AccessParameters - where FILTEREXPRESSION is a logical compound of Spatial Capabilities (i.e. Equals, Disjoint, Touches, Within, Overlaps, Crosses, Intersects, Contains, DWithin, BBOX), Comparison Operators (i.e. PropertyIsEqualTo (=), PropertyIsNotEqualTo (<>), PropertyIsLessThan (<), PropertyIsGreaterThan (>), PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo (<=), PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo (>=), PropertyIsLike, PropertyIsBetween (range)) and Logical Operators (And, Or, Not).

    • Example: PropertyIsBetween can be applied on an attribute avgSpeed with range [30,50] with the expression:
    • which can be added with .addNameValue("Filter","<PropertyIsBetween><PropertyName>avgSpeed</PropertyName><LowerBoundary><Literal>30</Literal></LowerBoundary><UpperBoundary><Literal>50</Literal></UpperBoundary></PropertyIsBetween>").
    • You can also add Filter as an URL parameter to your offering with https://adress:port/bigiot/access/route?Filter=<PropertyIsBetween><PropertyName>avgSpeed</PropertyName><LowerBoundary><Literal>30</Literal></LowerBoundary><UpperBoundary><Literal>50</Literal></UpperBoundary></PropertyIsBetween>.

Bugs and Feedback

Developer feedback goes a long way towards making this adapter even better. Submit a bug report or request feature enhancements to via mail to [email protected] or open a issue on this github repository.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688038.

enviroCar was successfully applied in the First Open Call of the EC funded BIG IoT project. Thus, the enviroCar project is one of the first projects to appear on the BIG IoT marketplace.


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