Data collected in DEEP is available through a public API. All requests and responses are done via HTTP and all content is in json format.
All active API services are accessed by /api/v2/<objects>/
. Only GET method is supported currently for accessing the DEEP data.
All successful responses are in format:
'status': true,
'data': [
// actual response data, usually a list of objects
'extra': {
// in case extra data is requested
For the users of DEEP, event refers to crisis which can either be an active crisis or a global monitoring event.
Get all events:
Get particular event:
/api/v2/events/?id=<unique int id>
data: [
id: <unique_int_id>,
countries: [ <list of country codes> ],
assigned_to: [ <list of names of users assigned to this event> ],
glide_number: ,
spill_over: ,
start_date: ,
end_date: ,
status: <either Global monitoring or Active crisis>
Get all countries:
Get particular country:
/api/v2/countries/?code=<ISO3 country code>
data: [
code: <unique ISO3 country code>,
key_figures: {
hdi_index: ,
u5m: ,
number_of_refugees: ,
number_of_returned_refugees: ,
number_of_idps: ,
inform_risk_index: ,
inform_lack_of_coping_capacity: ,
inform_vulnerability: ,
inform_hazard_and_exposure: ,
last_checked: ,
media_sources: {
Newspaper: [ name: , link: , ],
Specialized: [ name: , link: , ],
Twitter: [ name: , link: , ],
regions: { <type>: <name>, ... },
admin_levels: [
level: ,
name: ,
property_name: <feature property that defines area name in the geojson file>,
property_pcode: <feature property that defines area pcode in the geojson file>,
geojson: <web url of the geojson file for this admin level>
Get all leads
Get leads belonging to a particular event
/api/v2/leads/?event=<event id>
Get particular lead
/api/v2/leads/?id=<unique lead id>
data: [
id: <unique lead id>,
event: <id of event this lead belongs to>,
created_at: ,
created_by: <user id>,
created_by_name: <user name>,
name: ,
source: ,
assigned_to: <user id>,
assigned_to_name: <user name>,
published_at: ,
confidentiality: <UNP for Unprotected, PRO for Protected, RES for Restricted, CON for Confidential>,
status: <PEN for Pending, PRO for Processed>,
lead_type: <URL for web url, MAN for Manual entry, ATT for attachment>,
description: <manual text entry when lead_type == MAN>,
url: <web url when lead_type == URL>,
website: <website name when lead_type == URL>,
attachment: {
name: <filename>, url: <web url to access attached file>
} <when lead_type == ATT>
Get all survey of surveys
Get survey of surveys belonging to a particular event
/api/v2/survey-of-surveys/?event=<event id>
Get particular survey-of-survey
/api/v2/survey-of-survey/?id=<unique sos id>
data: [
id: <unique sos id>,
event: <id of event this sos belongs to>,
created_at: ,
created_by: <user id>,
created_by_name: <user name>,
lead: <id of lead this sos was entered for>,
lead_title: <title of lead this sos was entered for>
title: ,
lead_organization: ,
partners: ,
proximity_to_source: ,
sampling_type: ,
frequency: ,
status: ,
confidentiality: ,
start_data_collection: ,
end_data_collection: ,
unit_of_analysis: [ <list> ],
data_collection_technique: [ <list> ],
affected_groups: [ <list> ],
areas_summary: <comma separated list of names of geo areas selected for this sos>,
sectors_covered: [
<title>: { quantification: , analytical_value: , },
Get all entries
Get entries belonging to a particular event
/api/v2/entries/?event=<event id>
Get particular entry
/api/v2/entries/?id=<unique entry id>
Get extra reference objects
/api/v2/entries/?id=<unique entry id>&extra=pillars,subpillars,sectors,subsectors
data: [
id: <unique entry id>,
event: <id of event this entry belongs to>,
lead: <id of lead this entry belongs to>,
lead_title: <title of lead this entry belongs to>,
lead_url: <web url of lead when lead type is either URL or attachment>,
lead_source: , lead_published_at: ,
modified_at: ,
modified_by: <user id>,
modified_by_name: <user name>,
informations: [
excerpt: ,
attributes: [ <list> ],
affected_groups: [ <list> ],
demographic_groups: [ <list> ],
specific_needs_groups: [ <list> ],
date: ,
reliability: ,
severity: ,
map_selections: [
name: , pcode: , country: ,
level: <admin level>,
keyword: <special keyword used by DEEP for unique map selections>
attributes: [
pillar: <pillar id : see extra below>,
subpillar: <subpillar id : see extra below>,
sector: <sector id : see extra below>,
subsector: [ < list of ids of subsectors : see extra below> ]
extra <if requested>: {
pillars: [
id: ,
name: ,
has_sectors: <whether one can select sectors under this pillar,
belongs_to: <the tab is report panel where this pillar may belong to>,
subpillars: [ { id: , name: , pillar <id of pillar this subpillar belongs to> }, ... ],
sectors: [ { id: , name: , icon: <image url for sector icon> }, ... ],
subsectors: [ { id: , name: , sector: <id of sector this subsector belongs to> }, ... ],