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Releases: epam/edp-admin-console
Releases · epam/edp-admin-console
v2.14.0 - 2022-12-06
- Added a stub linter EPMDEDP-10536
- Move creation of codebasebranch for default branch to operator EPMDEDP-10733
Code Refactoring
- Disable V1 REST API and WebUI EPMDEDP-10750
- Update current development version EPMDEDP-10274
- Add git-chglog installation to Makefile EPMDEDP-10482
- Add deprecation warning EPMDEDP-10761
v2.13.0 - 2022-08-26
- Switch to V1 for rest of CDs EPMDEDP-10079
- Switch to use V1 apis of EDP components EPMDEDP-10079
- Add different build tools for Kubernetes and GitOps libraries EPMDEDP-8257
- Add Kubernetes and GitOps as a libraries EPMDEDP-8257
Bug Fixes
- Incorrect subsequent CDPipeline Stage creation in Headlamp EPMDEDP-10327
- Fix ArgoCD build tool name typo EPMDEDP-8257
Code Refactoring
- Remove status creation for CodebaseBranch EPMDEDP-10122
- Upgrade go version to 1.18 EPMDEDP-10110
- Fix Jira Ticket pattern for changelog generator EPMDEDP-10159
- Update alpine base image to 3.16.2 version EPMDEDP-10274
- Update alpine base image version EPMDEDP-10280
- Change 'go get' to 'go install' for git-chglog EPMDEDP-10337
- Remove VERSION file EPMDEDP-10387
- Remove support Kubernetes and GitOps languages type EPMDEDP-10397
- Add gcflags for go build artifact EPMDEDP-10411
- Update current development version EPMDEDP-8832
- Align EPMDEDP-10274
v2.12.0 - 2022-05-17
- Add Container as a library EPMDEDP-8341
- Implement v2 get "/overview" request EPMDEDP-8382
- prepare chi-based v2 html rendering EPMDEDP-8384
- add cd pipeline overview page EPMDEDP-8399
- get /v2/admin/edp/cd-pipeline/create request implemented. EPMDEDP-8400
- implemented GET /admin/edp/cd-pipeline/{pipelineName}/update request EPMDEDP-8401
- post /v2/admin/edp/cd-pipeline//{pipelineName}/update request implemented. EPMDEDP-8402
- post /v2/admin/edp/cd-pipeline request implemented. EPMDEDP-8403
- implemented v2/admin/edp/application/overview route EPMDEDP-8404
- implemented GET method /v2/admin/edp/application/create route EPMDEDP-8405
- add post application handler route EPMDEDP-8406
- post /v2/admin/edp/cd-pipeline/delete request implemented. EPMDEDP-8407
- get codebase overview request EPMDEDP-8408
- get codebase update page EPMDEDP-8409
- get codebases request - added fields to the response. EPMDEDP-8412
- get codebase request - added fields to the response. EPMDEDP-8412
- add auth for v2/admin EPMDEDP-8416
- get codebase request - added commitMessagePattern-field to the response. EPMDEDP-8457
- add new fields to responses. EPMDEDP-8479
- role access middleware EPMDEDP-8483
- add post branch handler route EPMDEDP-8484
- post /v2/admin/edp/codebase/:name/update request implemented. EPMDEDP-8495
- POST /v2/admin/edp/codebase request implemented. EPMDEDP-8508
- Implement v2 get "/cd-pipeline/{pipelinename}/overview" request EPMDEDP-8802
- Implemented POST /v2/admin/edp/codebase/branch/delete request in chi-router. EPMDEDP-8814
- Add additional logging EPMDEDP-8821
- Ability to set suffix for branch version EPMDEDP-8945
Bug Fixes
- fix page rendering when using docker image EPMDEDP-8384
- Fix changelog generation in GH Release Action EPMDEDP-8386
- fix SetupAuthController if auth disabled EPMDEDP-8482
- change logic of applications payload EPMDEDP-8538
- Revert action-target for the delete_confirmation_template.html template. EPMDEDP-8785
- Fix existed v2 pages EPMDEDP-8795
- CSRF verification fixed for the operations: Create codebase branch, delete application. EPMDEDP-8807
- CSRF verification fixed for the operation: delete codebase branch. EPMDEDP-8810
- Jenkins branch url fix EPMDEDP-8811
- Hide xsrfdata EPMDEDP-8813
- Add annotation for non-first stage EPMDEDP-8815
- Failed to fet the CodebaseImageStream CR when branch name contains '/' EPMDEDP-8883
- Make sure we store applications for CDPipelines EPMDEDP-8929
- Update release flow for GH EPMDEDP-8383
- Update current development version EPMDEDP-8383
- extended logging for the get stage info request. EPMDEDP-8497
- Update base docker image to alpine 3.15.4 EPMDEDP-8853
- Update changelog EPMDEDP-9185
use gorilla's csrf implementation instead of beego's xsrf.
v2.11.2 - 2022-02-22
- get codebase request - added commitMessagePattern-field to the response. EPMDEDP-8457
Bug Fixes
- Fix changelog generation in GH Release Action EPMDEDP-8386
[v2.11.1] - 2022-02-17
- get codebase request - added fields to the response. EPMDEDP-8412
- get codebases request - added fields to the response. EPMDEDP-8412
- Update release flow for GH EPMDEDP-8383
[v2.11.0] - 2022-02-10
- Update Makefile changelog target EPMDEDP-8218
- k8s namespaced client draft EPMDEDP-8229
- GetImageStreamFromStage implementation EPMDEDP-8260
- implemented logic to get input image stream for the next (non-first) stage EPMDEDP-8262
- reworked logic to get input image stream for the (non-first) stage EPMDEDP-8262
- prepare chi-based v2 api route. EPMDEDP-8264
- handler preparation EPMDEDP-8265
- pipeline-stage handler EPMDEDP-8265
- add SetupNamespacedClient func EPMDEDP-8265
- get pipeline request using custom resource as a source. EPMDEDP-8281
- get codebases request using custom resource as a source. EPMDEDP-8282
- get sinlge-codebase request using custom resource as a source. EPMDEDP-8324
- new fields to get codebase response EPMDEDP-8325
Code Refactoring
- Address golangci-lint issues EPMDEDP-7945
- Remove unused helm chart EPMDEDP-7997
- remove init() funcs. EPMDEDP-8263
- stub tests files. EPMDEDP-8263
- use Makefile to make build and to make test. EPMDEDP-8264
- add fake k8s config. EPMDEDP-8264
- increase test coverage. EPMDEDP-8264
- Add test for SetupNamespacedClient EPMDEDP-8265
- Update release CI pipelines EPMDEDP-7847
[v2.10.0] - 2021-12-07
Bug Fixes
- Fix CI Pipelines EPMDEDP-7847
- Use Default branch for branch creation EPMDEDP-7552
- Empty 'Deployment Script' field in Admin Console by default EPMDEDP-7280
Code Refactoring
- Set ormDebug to false by default EPMDEDP-7847
- add explicit names EPMDEDP-7847
- Prepare for release EPMDEDP-7847
- Update docker image EPMDEDP-7895
- Update the link to documentation EPMDEDP-7781