A libre Programming Software for PLC comply with IEC 61131-3.
Copyright 2012-2019 Eric Nicolás Pernia.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
For more information about the license, read the files
COPYING.LESSER.txt and COPYING.txt located in the
IDE4PLC_LICENSE directory.
- Web sites:
- IDE4PLC project E-mail: [email protected]
- Soft-PLC development group of CIAA project: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ciaa-software-plc
- Esp. Ing. Eric Nicolás Pernia ([email protected]). Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Professor-Researcher at Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ).
- Responsible for Software-PLC in CIAA Project.
- Dr. Lic. Carlos Lombardi.
- Sub-responsable for Software-PLC in CIAA Project.
- Mariano Cerdeiro. Responsible for Firmware in CIAA Project.
- Pablo Ridolfi. Responsible for Hardware in CIAA Project.
- Juan Cecconi. Sub-responsable for CIAA-IDE in CIAA Project.
- Leandro Kollenberger.
- Gerardo Sager.
- María de los Angeles Gómez López.
- Marcelo Chichiri.
- "Instalation" guide.
- Guia de "instalación".
- [Guia de uso.](docs/IDE4PLC-Guia de uso-v1.0.4-v0.75.pdf)
- Workshop SASE 2016:
- [Modulo 1.](docs/SASE_2016_Workshop/SASE 2016 - Workshop IDE4PLC - Modulo 1.pdf)
- [Modulo 2.](docs/SASE_2016_Workshop/SASE 2016 - Workshop IDE4PLC - Modulo 2.pdf)
- [Modulo 3.](docs/SASE_2016_Workshop/SASE 2016 - Workshop IDE4PLC - Modulo 3.pdf)
- Generar imagen de IDE4PLC para Linux desde el codigo fuente.
- Release date: 2019/06/22.
- Supported Operative Systems: GNU/Linux x86, GNU/Linux x64 and Windows (x86 and x64).
- Supported boards: CIAA-NXP y EDU-CIAA-NXP.
- Support firmware_v3.
This software is under development. The present version can program the platforms CIAA-NXP and EDU-CIAA-NXP in LADDER DIAGRAM IEC 61131-3 language.
The generated program called MAIN_TASK runs in a single periodic task every 10 ms. This task triggers a program organization unit (POU) of type Program called MAIN_PROGRAM.
MAIN_PROGRAM is the only POU that allows modifying the program, contains previously declared interface variables and Digital Outputs, and some internal variables.
In the CIAA-NXP the Digital Inputs are I0 to I7 and the Digital Outputs are from Q0 to Q7. Not support for analog inputs or outputs yet.
In the EDU-CIAA-NXP the Digital Inputs are TEC1 to TEC4 and the Digital Outputs correspond to LEDR, LEDG, LEDB, LED1, LED2 And LED3. Not support for analog inputs or outputs yet.