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Releases: epigen-UCSD/epigen_ucsd_django

Can handle 10xRNA

09 Jul 07:59
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in both:

  • Seqmanager for demultiplex
  • scAPP for processing by calling cellranger

Encode function tested for atac and atac_chip

02 Mar 21:58
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include delete ENCODE temp fastq files

add encode function

29 Jan 21:28
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In metaData and SetQC apps

10x(TA) demux can handle customized mask

12 Dec 22:14
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solved extra pars in 10x demux for masking

Add singlecell app + bulk edits

18 Oct 19:03
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  1. added single cell app
  2. added bulk edits tab for meta data app

Finished integrating 10x ATAC into our LIMS.


The last column TenX Processed is showing the status of 10x cellranger pipeline. If shown Yes there, you can click the Yes and open the web_summary.html from 10x pipeline and share the link with colaborators.


If you want input 10x-ATAC libraries into your LIMS, please redownload the template.xlsx and select Experiment type as 10xATAC. Otherwise, the LIMS won’t recognize it is a 10x library.

Any other things changed?

No. As long as you import your library as 10xATAC, you can do the same setQC request. The 10x pipeline will automatically added and the results will display in the detail page of the setQC, similar to


@brandon Gonzalez - contribute the most of the work
@Yuxin (edited)

Handle 10x ATAC in setQC app

22 Sep 06:30
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  1. Able to qsub 10x cellranger jobs for 10xATAC libs in a setqc

Decoupled from Google Spread sheet

21 Aug 19:59
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With this version release, we formally disconnected our LIMS with our previous Google Spreadsheet tracking systems. Now:

  1. The LIMS is providing a template.xslx for users to craft any information they want to input into our LIMS. Simply copy & paste will do the job of input data into LIMS.

  2. The LIMS is also providing an export function to export all user's metaData in one Excel file. The exported excel file contains the same sheets and the same columns as template.xslx, only lacking of validation part.

  3. We've finished all comparison between GS and LIMS to make sure there is no data lost or changed between the OLD and NEW system.

launched admin app to handle collaborators.

04 Jun 22:52
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confirm delete phone app

snATAC_V2 demux capability

16 Jan 17:14
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fixed a bug in show Mysample/lib/seq details'

setQC run pipeline (fastq,atac,chip-seq)

04 Jan 19:06
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