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mvp list

eric2523 edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 9 revisions

MVP List

UnoPeloton, a OnePeloton clone, is a website that displays OnePeloton's products and allows users to add items to their cart. This clone will also clone a "schedule" section to display a list of instructor led workouts.

1. Hosting on Heroku (10/13/2020)

2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login (10/13/2020, 2 days)

  • Users can sign up, sign in, and log out
  • Users can use a demo login
  • Users can upload a profile picture

3. Dashboard and Profile (10/15/2020, 3 days)

  • Users have personal dashboard of workouts they have attended
  • Users can search and follow other members
  • Users can view other member's profile

4. Classes (10/18/2020, 3 days)

  • Users sign up for an instructor-led workout
  • Users can browse different category of classes
  • Users can cancel previously signed-up classes
  • Live & Upcoming section displays upcoming classes with countdown

5. Challenges (10/21/2020, 3 days)

  • Users can browse different challenges
  • Users can join challenges
  • Users can view upcoming, active, and completed challenges
  • Each challenge displays the number of participants

6. Schedule (10/24/2020, 3 days)

  • Users can view a complete schedule of classes that are coming up
  • Users can cancel/join a class
  • Each class displays the instructor and their profile pictures

7. Production README (10/25/2020, 0.5 days)

BONUS: Homepage

  • Displays hero image and navigation bar
  • Displays description of Peloton's product

BONUS: Bikes

  • Displays Peloton's bike products


  • Users can add items to cart
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