Disclaimer: this software is currenly a tech preview. We will do our best to keep it stable and make no breaking changes but we don't guarantee anything. Things can and will break.
Turbo-Geth is a fork of Go-Ethereum with focus on performance.
The current version is currently based on Go-Ethereum 1.9.15.
> make tg
> ./build/bin/tg
See more detailed overview of functionality and current limitations. It is being updated on recurring basis.
Flat KV storage. Turbo-Geth uses a key-value database and storing accounts and storage in a simple way. See our detailed DB walkthrough here.
Preprocessing. For some operations, turbo-geth uses temporary files to preprocess data before inserting it into the main DB. That reduces write amplification and DB inserts sometimes are orders of magnitude quicker.
Plain state.
Single accounts/state trie. Turbo-Geth uses a single Merkle trie for both accounts and the storage.
Turbo-Geth uses a rearchitected full sync algorithm from Go-Ethereum that is split into "stages".
It uses the same network primitives and is compatible with regular go-ethereum nodes that are using full sync, you do not need any special sync capabilities for turbo-geth to sync.
When reimagining the full sync, we focused on batching data together and minimize DB overwrites. That makes it possible to sync Ethereum mainnet in under 2 days if you have a fast enough network connection and an SSD drive.
Examples of stages are:
Downloading headers;
Downloading block bodies;
Executing blocks;
Validating root hashes and building intermediate hashes for the state Merkle trie;
And more...
In turbo-geth RPC calls are extracted out of the main binary into a separate daemon. This daemon can use both local or remote DBs. That means, that this RPC daemon doesn't have to be running on the same machine as the main turbo-geth binary or it can run from a snapshot of a database for read-only calls.
For local DB
> make rpcdaemon
> ./build/bin/rpcdaemon --chaindata ~/Library/TurboGeth/tg/chaindata --http.api=eth,debug
For remote DB
Run turbo-geth in one terminal window
> ./build/bin/tg --private.api.addr=localhost:9090
Run RPC daemon
> ./build/bin/rpcdaemon --private.api.addr=localhost:9090
Currently supported JSON-RPC calls:
Apart from JSON-RPC daemon, Turbo-Geth also contains REST API daemon. It uses turbo-geth remote DB functionality.
Run turbo-geth in one terminal window
> ./build/bin/tg --private.api.addr=localhost:9090
Run REST daemon
> make restapi
> ./build/bin/restapi --private.api.addr=localhost:9090
This API is very limited at the moment too:
GET /api/v1/accounts/<accountAddress>
GET /api/v1/storage/?prefix=PREFIX
The main discussions are happening on our Discord server.
To get an invite, send an email to tg [at] torquem.ch
with your name, occupation,
a brief explanation of why you want to join the Discord, and how you heard about Turbo-Geth.
Send an email to security [at] torquem.ch
Core contributors:
Alexey Akhunov (@realLedgerwatch)
Alex Sharov (AskAlexSharov)
Andrew Ashikhmin (yperbasis)
Boris Petrov (b00ris)
Eugene Danilenko (JekaMas)
Igor Mandrigin (@mandrigin)
Giulio Rebuffo
Thanks to:
All contributors of Turbo-Geth
All contributors of Go-Ethereum
Our special respect and graditude is to the core team of Go-Ethereum. Keep up the great job!
Happy testing! 🥤