Etherscan is a block explorer and analytics platform for Ethereum and EVM-compatible blockchains 🔎
- Etherscan - Ethereum mainnet explorer
- Goerli Etherscan - Goerli testnet explorer
- Sepolia Etherscan - Sepolia testnet explorer
- Difference between testnet vs mainnet network - Real money vs test money
- Wtf is a block explorer - The analogy of "Google" for blockchain
- Types of Tokens - Common standards for tokens and NFTs such as ERC20/ERC721/ERC1155
- Navigating Etherscan - A guided tour of main blockchain info
- Interacting with Contracts - Basic guide to reading and modifying smart contract data
- Knowledge Base - Official Etherscan and blockchain how-tos
- Unit Converter - Calculator for the metric units of ETH, such as gwei to wei
- Token Approval - List and revoke permission for contracts to spend your tokens
- Gas Tracker - Get the current fees to send a transaction on Ethereum
- Signatures - View, sign and verify messages signed by an Ethereum address
- Portfolio - View tokens and NFTs owned by an address
- Label Cloud - Collection of names and descriptions of known projects, hacks, exchanges etc
- Dex Tracker - List of trades placed on decentralised exchanges such as Uniswap
- NFT Tracker - List of trades placed on decentralised NFT marketplaces such as Opensea
- NFT Mints - Latest NFT tokens being minted
- Beacon Deposits/Withdrawals - Staking activity of Ethereum validators
- Charts - Dashboards and visualisation of blockchain data such as total transactions, ETH burnt
- Top Stats - Chad list for the richest ETH addresses, top token senders
- Etherscan API - Integrate blockchain data from Etherscan to your apps
- Metadata API - Integrate name tags, labels, ENS names, reputation of an address from Etherscan
- Common API Errors - Troubleshooting guide for API users
- What is Contract Verification - An explainer on how contract addresses are matched to the original Solidity source code
- Verified Contracts - Verified contract addresses and their Solidity source code
- Plugins for Contract Verification - Automate the process of contract verification
- Common Verification Errors - Troubleshooting guidelines for contract verification issues
- Blockscan - Search an address across multiple blockchains
- Blockscan Chat - DM any Ethereum address
- Advanced Filter - Microscopic capabilities for filtering transactions by specific criteria
- Code Reader - Ask GPT anything about a contract
- Faucet - A testnet faucet for Holesky/Sepolia, DM "/fund holesky" for testnet ETH
- Twitter - Official announcements, features and memes