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File metadata and controls

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How to configure the application

Table of contents

General configuration

The application allows the configuration of:

  1. Issuing API

Via the WalletKitConfig protocol inside the logic-core module.

public protocol WalletKitConfig {
   * VCI Configuration
  var vciConfig: VciConfig { get }

Based on the Build Variant of the Wallet (e.g. Dev)

struct WalletKitConfigImpl: WalletKitConfig {

  let configLogic: ConfigLogic

  init(configLogic: ConfigLogic) {
    self.configLogic = configLogic

  var vciConfig: VciConfig {
    return switch configLogic.appBuildVariant {
    case .DEMO:
          issuerUrl: "your_demo_url",
          clientId: "your_demo_clientid",
          redirectUri: URL(string: "your_demo_redirect")!
    case .DEV:
          issuerUrl: "your_dev_url",
          clientId: "your_dev_clientid",
          redirectUri: URL(string: "your_dev_redirect")!
  1. Trusted certificates

Via the WalletKitConfig protocol inside the logic-core module.

public protocol WalletKitConfig {
   * Reader Configuration
  var readerConfig: ReaderConfig { get }
public struct ReaderConfig {
  public let trustedCerts: [Data]

The WalletKitConfigImpl implementation of the WalletKitConfig protocol can be located inside the logic-core module.

The application's IACA certificates are located here

  var readerConfigConfig: ReaderConfig {
    guard let cert = Data(name: "eudi_pid_issuer_ut", ext: "der") else {
      return .init(trustedCerts: [])
    return .init(trustedCerts: [cert])
  1. Preregistered Client Scheme

If you plan to use the Preregistered for OpenId4VP configuration, please add the following to the WalletKitConfigImpl initializer.

wallet.verifierApiUri = "your_verifier_url"
wallet.verifierLegalName = "your_verifier_legal_name"
  1. RQES

Via the RQESConfig struct, which implements the EudiRQESUiConfig protocol from the RQESUi SDK, inside the logic-business module.

final class RQESConfig: EudiRQESUiConfig {

  let buildVariant: AppBuildVariant
  let buildType: AppBuildType

  init(buildVariant: AppBuildVariant, buildType: AppBuildType) {
    self.buildVariant = buildVariant
    self.buildType = buildType

  var rssps: [QTSPData]

  // Optional. Default is false.
  var printLogs: Bool

  var rQESConfig: RqesServiceConfig

  // Optional. Default English translations will be used if not set.
  var translations: [String : [LocalizableKey : String]]

  // Optional. Default theme will be used if not set.
  var theme: ThemeProtocol

Based on the Build Variant and Type of the Wallet (e.g. Dev Debug)

final class RQESConfig: EudiRQESUiConfig {

  let buildVariant: AppBuildVariant
  let buildType: AppBuildType

  init(buildVariant: AppBuildVariant, buildType: AppBuildType) {
    self.buildVariant = buildVariant
    self.buildType = buildType

  var rssps: [QTSPData] {
    return switch buildVariant {
    case .DEV:
          name: "your_dev_name",
          uri: URL(string: "your_dev_uri")!,
          scaURL: "your_dev_sca"
    case .DEMO:
          name: "your_demo_name",
          uri: URL(string: "your_demo_uri")!,
          scaURL: "your_demo_sca"

  var printLogs: Bool {
    buildType == .DEBUG

  var rQESConfig: RqesServiceConfig {
    return switch buildVariant {
    case .DEV:
          clientId: "your_dev_clientid",
          clientSecret: "your_dev_secret",
          authFlowRedirectionURI: "your_dev_redirect",
          hashAlgorithm: .SHA256
    case .DEMO:
          clientId: "your_demo_clientid",
          clientSecret: "your_demo_secret",
          authFlowRedirectionURI: "your_demo_redirect",
          hashAlgorithm: .SHA256

DeepLink Schemas configuration

According to the specifications issuance and presentation require deep-linking for the same device flows.

If you want to change or add your own you can do it by adjusting the Wallet.plist file.


Let's assume you want to add a new one for the credential offer (e.g. custom-my-offer://) the Wallet.plist should look like this:


After the Wallet.plist adjustment, you must also adjust the DeepLinkController inside the logic-ui module.

Current Implementation:

public extension DeepLink {
  enum Action: String, Equatable {

    case openid4vp
    case credential_offer
    case external

    static func parseType(
      with scheme: String,
      and urlSchemaController: UrlSchemaController
    ) -> Action? {
      switch scheme {
      case _ where openid4vp.getSchemas(with: urlSchemaController).contains(scheme):
        return .openid4vp
      case _ where credential_offer.getSchemas(with: urlSchemaController).contains(scheme):
        return .credential_offer
        return .external

Adjusted with the new schema:

public extension DeepLink {
  enum Action: String, Equatable {

    case openid4vp
    case credential_offer
    case custom_my_offer
    case external

    static func parseType(
      with scheme: String,
      and urlSchemaController: UrlSchemaController
    ) -> Action? {
      switch scheme {
      case _ where openid4vp.getSchemas(with: urlSchemaController).contains(scheme):
        return .openid4vp
      case _ where credential_offer.getSchemas(with: urlSchemaController).contains(scheme):
        return .credential_offer
      case _ where custom_my_offer.getSchemas(with: urlSchemaController).contains(scheme):
        return .credential_offer
        return .external

Scoped Issuance Document Configuration

Currently, the application supports specific docTypes for scoped issuance (On the Add Document screen the pre-configured buttons like National ID, Driving License, and Age verification).

The supported list and user interface are not configurable because, with the credential offer, you can issue any format-supported document.

To extend the supported list and display a new button for your document, please follow the instructions below.

In LocalizableString.swift and Localizable.xcstrings, inside logic-resources module, add a new string for document title localization

Localizable.xcstrings Example:

"age_verification" : {
   "extractionState" : "manual",
   "localizations" : {
     "en" : {
	"stringUnit" : {
	"state" : "translated",
	"value" : "Age Verification"
"your_own_document_title" : {
   "extractionState" : "manual",
   "localizations" : {
     "en" : {
	"stringUnit" : {
	"state" : "translated",
	"value" : "Your Document Title"

LocalizableString.swift Example:

public extension LocalizableString {
  enum Key: Equatable {
   case yourOwn

public func get(with key: Key) -> String {
  return switch key {
    case .ageVerification:
      bundle.localizedString(forKey: "your_own_document_title")

In DocumentIdentifier, inside the logic-core module, you must add a new case to the enum with your doctype.


public enum DocumentTypeIdentifier: RawRepresentable, Equatable {

  case PID
  case MDL
  case AGE
  case YOUR_OWN
  case GENERIC(docType: String)

  public var localizedTitle: String {
    return switch self {
    case .PID:
      LocalizableString.shared.get(with: .pid)
    case .MDL:
      LocalizableString.shared.get(with: .mdl)
    case .AGE:
      LocalizableString.shared.get(with: .ageVerification)
    case .YOUR_OWN:
      LocalizableString.shared.get(with: .yourOwn)
    case .GENERIC(let docType):
      LocalizableString.shared.get(with: .dynamic(key: docType))

  public var rawValue: String {
    return switch self {
    case .PID:
    case .MDL:
    case .AGE:
    case .YOUR_OWN:
    case .GENERIC(let docType):

  public var isSupported: Bool {
    return switch self {
    case .PID, .MDL, .AGE, .YOUR_OWN: true
    case .GENERIC: false

  public init(rawValue: String) {
    switch rawValue {
    case Self.pidDocType:
      self = .PID
    case Self.mdlDocType:
      self = .MDL
    case Self.ageDocType:
      self = .AGE
    case Self.yourOwnDocType:
      self = .YOUR_OWN
      self = .GENERIC(docType: rawValue)

private extension DocumentTypeIdentifier {
  static let pidDocType = ""
  static let mdlDocType = "org.iso.18013.5.1.mDL"
  static let ageDocType = ""
  static let yourOwnDocType = "your_own_doctype"

In RequestDataUIModel, inside feature-common module, add a new RequestDataSection.Type


public extension RequestDataSection {
  enum `Type`: Equatable {
    case id
    case mdl
    case age
    case yourown
    case custom(String)

    public init(docType: DocumentTypeIdentifier) {
      switch docType {
      case .PID:
        self = .id
      case .MDL:
        self = .mdl
      case .AGE:
        self = .age
      case .YOUR_OWN:
        self = .yourown
      case .GENERIC(docType: let docType):
        self = .custom(docType)

In AddDocumentUIModel, inside feature-issuance module, please adjust the AddDocumentUIModel.items extension variable to add your new document.

public extension AddDocumentUIModel {

  static var items: [AddDocumentUIModel] {
        isEnabled: true,
        documentName: .pid,
        isLoading: false,
        type: .PID
        isEnabled: true,
        documentName: .mdl,
        isLoading: false,
        type: .MDL
        isEnabled: true,
        documentName: .ageVerification,
        isLoading: false,
        type: .AGE
        isEnabled: true,
        documentName: .yourOwn,
        isLoading: false,
        type: .YOUR_OWN

In AddDocumentInteractor, inside feature-issuance module, please adjust the fetchStoredDocuments function to add your new document.


let types ={
  var item = $0
  switch item.type {
    case .PID:
      item.isEnabled = true
    case .MDL:
      item.isEnabled = flow == .extraDocument
    case .AGE:
      item.isEnabled = flow == .extraDocument
    case .YOUR_OWN:
      item.isEnabled = flow == .extraDocument
    case .GENERIC:
  return item

How to work with self-signed certificates

This section describes configuring the application to interact with services utilizing self-signed certificates.

Add these lines of code to the top of the file WalletKitController, inside the logic-core module, just below the import statements.

class SelfSignedDelegate: NSObject, URLSessionDelegate {
  func urlSession(
    _ session: URLSession,
    didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge,
    completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void
  ) {
    // Check if the challenge is for a self-signed certificate
    if challenge.protectionSpace.authenticationMethod == NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust,
       let trust = challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust {
      // Create a URLCredential with the self-signed certificate
      let credential = URLCredential(trust: trust)
      // Call the completion handler with the credential to accept the self-signed certificate
      completionHandler(.useCredential, credential)
    } else {
      // For other authentication methods, call the completion handler with a nil credential to reject the request
      completionHandler(.cancelAuthenticationChallenge, nil)

let walletSession: URLSession = {
  let delegate = SelfSignedDelegate()
  let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
  return URLSession(
    configuration: configuration,
    delegate: delegate,
    delegateQueue: nil

Once the above is in place add the following:

wallet.urlSession = walletSession

in the initializer. This change will allow the app to interact with web services that rely on self-signed certificates.

Theme configuration

The application allows the configuration of:

  1. Colors
  2. Images
  3. Shape
  4. Fonts
  5. Dimension

Via the ThemeConfiguration struct.

Pin Storage configuration

The application allows the configuration of the PIN storage. You can configure the following:

  1. Where the pin will be stored
  2. From where the pin will be retrieved
  3. Pin matching and validity

Via the LogicAuthAssembly inside the logic-authentication module.

public final class LogicAuthAssembly: Assembly {

  public init() {}

  public func assemble(container: Container) {

You can provide your storage implementation by implementing the PinStorageProvider protocol and then providing the implementation inside the Assembly DI Graph LogicAuthAssembly

Implementation Example:

final class KeychainPinStorageProvider: PinStorageProvider {

  private let keyChainController: KeyChainController

  init(keyChainController: KeyChainController) {
    self.keyChainController = keyChainController

  func retrievePin() -> String? {
    keyChainController.getValue(key: KeychainIdentifier.devicePin)

  func setPin(with pin: String) {
    keyChainController.storeValue(key: KeychainIdentifier.devicePin, value: pin)

  func isPinValid(with pin: String) -> Bool {
    keyChainController.getValue(key: KeychainIdentifier.devicePin) == pin

Config Example:

container.register(PinStorageProvider.self) { r in
  KeychainPinStorageProvider(keyChainController: r.force(KeyChainController.self))

Analytics configuration

The application allows the configuration of multiple analytics providers. You can configure the following:

  1. Initializing the provider (e.g. Firebase, Appcenter, etc...)
  2. Screen logging
  3. Event logging

Via the AnalyticsConfig and LogicAnalyticsAssembly inside the logic-analytics module.

protocol AnalyticsConfig {
   * Supported Analytics Provider, e.g. Firebase
  var analyticsProviders: [String: AnalyticsProvider] { get }

You can provide your implementation by implementing the AnalyticsProvider protocol and then adding it to your AnalyticsConfigImpl analyticsProviders variable. You will also need the provider's token/key, thus requiring a [String: AnalyticsProvider] configuration. The project utilizes Dependency Injection (DI), thus requiring adjustment of the LogicAnalyticsAssembly graph to provide the configuration.

Implementation Example:

struct AppCenterProvider: AnalyticsProvider {
  func initialize(key: String) {
      withAppSecret: key,
      services: [
  func logScreen(screen: String, arguments: [String: String]) {
    if Analytics.enabled {
      logEvent(event: screen, arguments: arguments)
  func logEvent(event: String, arguments: [String: String]) {
    Analytics.trackEvent(event, withProperties: arguments)

Config Example:

struct AnalyticsConfigImpl: AnalyticsConfig {
  var analyticsProviders: [String: AnalyticsProvider] {
    return ["YOUR_OWN_KEY": AppCenterProvider()]

Config Construction via DI Graph Example:

container.register(AnalyticsConfig.self) { _ in