The following authorization flows are supported:
- PAR + PKCE -> Pushed Authorization Request with PKCE.
- PAR -> Pushed Authorization Request without PKCE.
- PKCE -> Authorization Request with PKCE.
- Authorization Request -> Authorization Request without PKCE.
- Scope -> Using scope Parameter to Request Issuance of a Credential
- Authorization Details -> Using Authorization Details to Request Issuance of a Credential
Endpoint: (or https://localhost/pushed_authorizationv2 if installed locally)
The following parameters are supported:
- response_type - Required. Value must be “code”
- state - Recommended. Opaque value used by the client to maintain state between requests
- client_id - Required. The client identifier as described in RFC6749 (section 2.2)
- redirect_uri
- code_challenge - RFC 7636 see section 4.2 (PKCE)
- code_challenge_method - RFC 7636 see section 4.2 (PKCE)
- scope - Required if authorization_details is not used
- authorization_details - Required if scope is not used
Content-Type - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
response_type=code&state=af0ifjsldkj&client_id=ID&redirect_uri=...&code_challenge=-ciaVij0VMswVfqm3_GK758-_dAI0E9i97hu1SAOiFQ&code_challenge_method=S256& openid&authorization_details=[{"type": "openid_credential", "format": "vc+sd-jwt", "vct": ""}]
- expires_in - RFC 9126 see section 2.2
- request_uri - RFC 9126 see section 2.2
Endpoint: (or https://localhost/pushed_authorizationv2 if installed locally)
The following parameters are supported:
- response_type - Required. Value must be “code”
- state - Recommended. Opaque valued used by the client to maintain state between requests
- client_id - Required. The client identifier as described in RFC6749 (section 2.2)
- redirect_uri
- scope - Required if authorization_details is not used
- authorization_details - Required if scope is not used
Content-Type - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
response_type=code&state=af0ifjsldkj&client_id=ID&redirect_uri=...&scope= openid&authorization_details=[{"type": "openid_credential", "format": "vc+sd-jwt", "vct": ""}]
- expires_in - RFC 9126 see section 2.2
- request_uri - RFC 9126 see section 2.2
After the Push Authorization Request
(step 1 of the authorization flow) with or without PKCE.
Endpoint: (or https://localhost/authorizationV3 if installed locally)
The following parameters are supported:
- client_id - Required. The client identifier as described in RFC6749 2.2
- request_uri - RFC 9126 see section 2.2
At the end of user authentication, the following parameters are returned:
- state - Optional. Same value received from client
- code - Authorization code generated by authorization server
- iss
Endpoint: (or https://localhost/authorizationV3 if installed locally)
The following parameters are supported:
- response_type - Required. Value must be “code”
- state - Recommended. Opaque valued used by the client to maintain state between requests
- client_id - Required. The client identifier as described in RFC6749 (section 2.2)
- redirect_uri
- code_challenge - RFC 7636 see section 4.2 (PKCE)
- code_challenge_method - RFC 7636 see section 4.2 (PKCE)
- scope - Required if authorization_details is not used
- authorization_details - Required if scope is not used
Example:[{"type": "openid_credential","credential_configuration_id": ""},{"type": "openid_credential","credential_configuration_id":""}]
At the end of user authentication, the following parameters are returned:
- state - Optional. Same value received from client
- code - Authorization code generated by authorization server
- iss
Endpoint: (or https://localhost/authorizationV3 if installed locally)
The following parameters are supported:
- response_type - Required. Value must be “code”
- state - Recommended. Opaque valued used by the client to maintain state between requests
- client_id - Required. The client identifier as described in RFC6749 (section 2.2)
- redirect_uri
- scope - Required if authorization_details is not used
- authorization_details - Required if scope is not used
Example:[{"type": "openid_credential","credential_configuration_id": ""},{"type": "openid_credential","credential_configuration_id":""}]
At the end of user authentication, the following parameters are returned:
- state - Opcional. Same value received from client
- code - Authorization code generated by authorization server
- iss