- A new mandatory argument, "device_publickey", has been added. This new attribute is the wallet instance public key.
- Added a tutorial on how to use Pytest, which can be found in the tests folder, "Pytest_Tutorial.md".
- Modifications to the /get_pid and /pid routes: when the "country" parameter is empty, the user is redirected to the /pid route to choose the corresponding country. In the /pid route, when a card is selected, the user is redirected back to /getpid, now with the desired country information.
- Correction in the encoding process where the data was encoded twice in base64. Rectified to just base64 encoding.
Added tutorial on using the Robot framework, found in the tests folder under the name, "robot_tutorial.md".
Added functionality for issuing mDL requests, both in CBOR and SD-JWT format. To use the "/mdl" and "/getmdl" routes, the operation and arguments required are the same as for the PID.
Added metadata to the PID ("issuance_date", "expiry_date", "issuing_authority" and "issuing_country").
Added the "un_distinguishing_sign" attribute to the mDL.
20 Jun 2024
- Support notification endpoint - OID4VCI draf13
- Support deferred flow - OID4VCI draft 13
- Support dynamic-credential-request - OID4VCI draft 13
- Support Pre-Authorized Code Flow - OID4VCI draft 13
- Support credential offer - OID4VCI draft 13
- Configure a new generic IdP based on OIDC
- Support batch flow - OID4VCI draft 13
- Update current flows to OID4VCI draft 13
- Remove /oidc route
- A more dynamically built form and country selection
- Changed doctype and namespace from "eudiw" to "eudi" in pid and age verification credentials.
- UI scalling for mobile devices
- Pull #11 Fix date validation for issue_date and expiry_date for doc_type org.iso.18013.5.1.mDL
- Pull #7 Fix Directory /tmp/log does not exist
04 Oct 2024
- Docker
- config with environment variables
- Issue Photo ID attestation
- Issue attestations needed for the LSP POTENTIAL
- Endpoint to create a credential offer, from an external request
- Credential offer guides to the front page
- Issuing PID/EAA with optional attributes
- Added information to the metadata on how the attribute will be sourced
- UI changes in the credential offer and authorisation pages
- change the way optional attributes are managed
- dynamic generation of Issuer managed attributes (issuance date, expiration date, issuing authority, issuing country, ...)
- Improve responsiveness to the issuer profile and service (including UI) to improve usability and accessibility
- Fixed form data being prematurely removed
- Conflicting dependencies
- Dynamic Issuing always requests full PID attestation instead of the required attributes.