All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- improved Options menu by adding label "Warning: to use the simulated bluetooth in the simulator make sure you have PyBluez uninstalled!!"
- improved Options menu for windows we only have option "show simulator fullscreen on second screen" because on windows for none fullscreen mode the simulator is always opened on the default screen.
- improved Options menu for macos where we only have two options "show simulator fullscreen" and "show simulator on second screen". Latter option is added because when dragging window to other screen sometimes messes up the resolution of the window. By drawing the window already at startup at the second screen prevents this problem.
- improved Options menu by adding caption which explains the rpyc timeout you can configure under advanced options.
- fixed cleanup of files on EV3 by switching to new ev3devcmd library
- don't build sdist and upload packages anymore, because these wheels are also source packages and are better because they contain the requirements in metadata of the package, which thonny can fetch from the pypi server before installing.
- added building of wheels and uploading them to the pypi server
- adding the thonny-ev3dev package as a wheel fixed the refusal of thonny not installing the plugin with the message "Thonny plugin without requirements". The wheel fix it, because the install_requires from is stored in the wheel's xxx.dist-info/METADATA file under the Requires-Dist keys. The pip installer can then fetch this information from the pypi server under the info.requires_dist field, and then Thonny gets its wanted requirements.
- first official release of thonny-ev3dev for thonny3 which is ready for production
- support for thonny3
- added new version of simulator which supports two types of playfields (large/small)
- added extra configuration options for the EV3 simulator in the "options"->"EV3" tab
- added mirror command menu
- added ev3dev2 api button and menu
- added ev3dev2 doc menu
- added version file
- added about menu to show info about plugin
- moved to new project website from the previous website
- for older tags lower then 1.0.0 look at the old website at
- during the move python libraries ev3devlogging, ev3devcmd and ev3devrpy where split up into separate projects at the same organisation website.
- improved connection with ev3devcmd library: delays after command to make dialog readable before automatic closing are now set in thonny-ev3dev plugin, and not ad-hoc in the ev3devcmd library anymore
- moved from thonny2 to thonny3
- use an improved ev3devcmd (v0.39) library which supports new commands like mirror and cleanup
- added exclusion of mirroring pycache folders
- removed ev3devcontext library; on pc use ev3dev api from simulator, on ev3 use the official ev3dev api.
- If you import the ev3devrpyc library then we can still use remote steering mode.
- improved ev3devcmd which only uses paramiko and is not dependent on rpyc anymore
- improved ev3devcmd uses sftpclone to mirror a whole source directory to ev3
- mirror removes files/dirs on target which are not in source directory
- mirror excludes files and directories in the rootdir which names start with a '.' they are excluded both from mirroring as from deletion (if only at target, but not in sourcedir)
- NEW: ev3dev2simulator
- last version of thonny-ev3dev plugin which uses the ev3devcontext library with the three modes: rpyc, simulator, or original ev3dev