The Skycoin wallet ships with a web interface which can be ran from the browser and/or Electron.
The project contains both the source (src) and target (dist) files of this web interface.
The Skycoin web interface requires Node 8.10.0 or higher, together with NPM 5.6 or higher.
This project is generated using Angular CLI, therefore it is adviced to first run npm install -g @angular/cli
Dependencies are managed with NPM 5, to install these run npm install
You will only have to run this again, if any dependencies have been changed in the package-lock.json
After pulling the latest code, you might first have to update your dependencies, in case someone else has updated them. You should always do this when compiling new production files:
rm -rf node_modules
npm install
This will remove the current dependencies, and install them from the package-lock.json
To compile new target files, you will have to run: npm run build
Run npm start
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Please note that you will most likely receive CORS errors as there's a difference between the port number of the source and destination.
As a work-around, the development server will create a proxy from http://localhost:4200/api
You can route all calls to this address by changing the url property on the ApiService class.
The wallet has a section for buying coins using the Swaplab service and, during development, it is possible to configure its operation,
in order to test its different parts without having to make a real exchange. The configuration is done by modifying the properties of
the swaplab
object in environment.ts.
If you set swaplab.activateTestMode
to true
, all operations made with the Swaplab integration will be faked. When creating a new
operation or opening an old one using the history, the system will show the operation progressing every few seconds, from the state in
which the user is expected to make the initial deposit to the moment in which the operation is completed.
If swaplabTests.activateTestMode
is false
, the integration will work as it should and you will be able to make real exchange transactions.
Also swaplab
has a property called endStatusInError
. If you set it to true
and swaplabTests.activateTestMode
is also true
all the faked operations will end in an error, instead of success.
Please note that at the moment the Purchase API (teller) is both offline and not supporting CORS headers.
While is not working, we will have to run the purchase API locally.
Similar as the solution for the above CORS issue, you can circumvent CORS issues by changing the url property to '/teller/'
As an Angular application, we try to follow the Angular style guide.
You can find information about how to work with translation files in the Translations README.