Static website creator for oj and the npm module Express templating engine and middleware
Include common modules
for m in ['path', 'fs', 'vm']
global[m] = require m
Include dependencies
_ = require 'underscore'
coffee = require 'coffee-script'
url = require 'url'
mkdirp = require 'mkdirp'
csso = require 'csso'
uglifyjs = require 'uglify-js'
Static site creation runs in the context of the dom and jQuery
jsdom = (require 'jsdom').jsdom
global.jQuery = global.$ = require 'jquery'
global.document = jsdom "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
global.window = document.createWindow()
Include the client library in this module
oj = require '../oj'
Indicate it is server side
oj.isClient = false
Export this module
module.exports = oj
Make sure jquery is hooked up
oj.$ = global.$
Store console codes for color logging =
reset: '\u001b[0m'
black: '\u001b[30m'
red: '\u001b[31m'
green: '\u001b[32m'
yellow: '\u001b[33m'
blue: '\u001b[34m'
magenta: '\u001b[35m'
cyan: '\u001b[36m'
gray: '\u001b[37m'
if require.extensions
coffee = require 'coffee-script'
stripBOM = (c) -> if c.charCodeAt(0) == 0xFEFF then (c.slice 1) else c
wrapJS = (code) ->
wrapCSMessage = (message, filepath) ->
"#{}coffee-script error in #{filepath}: #{message}#{}"
wrapJSMessage = (message, filepath) ->
"#{}javascript error in #{filepath}: #{message}#{}"
compileJS = (module, code, filepath) ->
code = wrapJS code
global.oj = oj
module._compile code, filepath
delete global.oj
Compile .oj files as javascript
require.extensions['.oj'] = (module, filepath) ->
# Read the file
code = stripBOM fs.readFileSync filepath, 'utf8'
compileJS module, code, filepath
catch eJS
eJS.message = wrapJSMessage eJS.message, filepath
throw eJS
Compile .ojc files as coffee-script
require.extensions['.ojc'] = (module, filepath) ->
code = stripBOM fs.readFileSync filepath, 'utf8'
# Compile in coffee-script
code = coffee.compile code, bare: true
catch eCoffee
eCoffee.message = wrapCSMessage eCoffee.message, filepath
throw eCoffee
# Compile javascript
compileJS module, code, filepath
catch eJS
eJS.message = wrapJSMessage eJS.message, filepath
throw eJS
Watch list of files or directories = (filesOrDirectories, options) ->
options = _.extend {}, options,
args: filesOrDirectories
watch: true
write: true
oj.command options
Build list of files or directories = (filesOrDirectories, options) ->
options = _.extend {}, options,
args: filesOrDirectories
watch: false
write: true
oj.command options
Remember verbosity level
verbosity = null
oj.command options:
- args: list of files or directories
- debug: bool
- watch: bool
- recurse: bool
- output: directory/path
- modules: list of strings to include manually
- verbose: level
- html: Only output html
- css: Only output css
- js: Only output page js (no modules)
- modules: Only output modules (no page rendering)
Define command
oj.command = (options = {}) ->
verbosity = options.verbose || 1
options.test ?= false
options.write ?= not options.test # Output to a file if not in test mode ?= false # Watch for changes and recompile
options.all ?= false # All defaults to off
options.recurse ?= true # Recurse in sub directories
options.include ?= [] # Include modules
options.exclude ?= [] # Exclude modules
options.output ?= './public'
Resolve directory args to full path and append / to ensure path prefixes refer to directories
options.output = (path.resolve process.cwd(), options.output) + '/'
Verify args exist
throw new Error('oj: no args found') unless (_.isArray options.args) and options.args.length > 0
Convert args to full paths
options.args = fullPaths options.args, process.cwd()
for fullPath in options.args
compilePath fullPath, _optionsForPath(fullPath, options),
(err, results) ->
In test mode, log everything to the console instead of writing out files
if options.test
console.log results
Some options like modulePath are dependent on what you are compiling
For example if you compile ./website
, should look in ./website/modules
to find
module bundle files, where as options like options.output are dependent
on the current path.
_optionsForPath = (fullPath, options) ->
options = _.clone options
Determine if user specified include options
userSpecifiedInclude = options.modules? or options.html? or options.css? or options.js?
Resolve modulesDir and cssDir to the working directory if they were specified
if options.modulesDir
options.modulesDir = (path.resolve fullPath, options.modulesDir) + '/'
if options.cssDir
options.cssDir = (path.resolve fullPath, options.cssDir) + '/'
Include everything except modules if nothing specific has been included and if moduleDir exists (This case is the most common so detecting it helps usability)
if not userSpecifiedInclude and fs.existsSync(options.modulesDir)
options.modules = false
options.js = options.css = options.html = true
Include everything if --all
option is set or nothing is specified
else if options.all or not userSpecifiedInclude
options.modules = options.js = options.css = options.html = true
Compile any file or directory path
compilePath = (fullPath, options = {}, cb = ->) ->
if isDirectory fullPath
return compileDir fullPath, options, cb
includeDir = path.dirname fullPath
compileFile fullPath, includeDir, options, cb
compileDir = (dirPath, options = {}, cb = ->) ->
Configure default modulesDir to be relative to directory being compiled if unspecified
options = _.clone options
if !options.modulesDir
options.modulesDir = (path.resolve dirPath, (options.modulesDir ? './modules')) + '/'
Handle recursion and gather files to watch and compile
lsWatch dirPath, options, (err, files, dirs) ->
Watch all directories if option is set
for d in dirs
watchDir d, dirPath, options
Call cb when it has been called length times
_cb = _.after files.length, cb
for f in files
Compile and watch all pages
if isOJPage f
compileFile f, dirPath, options, _cb
Watch files that aren't pages
else if
watchFile f, dirPath, options
Implementation is from node.js' Module._nodeModulePaths This is not a public API so it seemed too horible to assume existance of
nodeModulePaths = (from) ->
from = path.resolve from
splitRe = (if process.platform == 'win32' then /[\/\\]/ else /\//)
joiner = (if process.platform == 'win32' then '\\' else '/')
paths = []
parts = from.split splitRe
for tip in [(parts.length-1)..0]
Don't search in .../node_modules/node_modules
if parts[tip] == 'node_modules'
dir = parts.slice(0, tip + 1).concat('node_modules').join(joiner)
Recursively get final link path
resolveLink = (linkPath, out) ->
newPath = fs.readlinkSync linkPath
return (resolveLink newPath, newPath)
catch e
Get module mapping from link dest to link source /some/path/linked-module -> /another/path/node_modules/linked-module
nodeModulesLinkMap = (fileDir) ->
dirs = nodeModulePaths fileDir
out = {}
for dir in dirs
modules = fs.readdirSync dir
for moduleName in modules
modulePath = path.join dir, moduleName
linkPath = resolveLink modulePath
if linkPath?
out[linkPath + '/'] = modulePath + '/'
catch e
# basenameForExtensions: Get basename for multiple extensions
basenameForExtensions = (p, arrayOfExt = []) ->
out = path.basename p
for ext in arrayOfExt
out = path.basename out, ext
compileFile = (filePath, includeDir, options = {}, cb = ->) ->
options = _.clone options
# Time this method
startTime = process.hrtime()
# Clear underscore as modules might need it
_clearRequireCacheRecord 'underscore'
options.exclude ?= []
throw new Error('oj: file not found') unless isFile filePath
# Default some values
isMinify = options.minify ? false
includedModules = options.include or []
includedModules = includedModules.concat ['oj', 'jquery']
rootDir = options.root or path.dirname filePath
fileDir = path.dirname filePath
Directory specifications win over options every time
if options.modulesDir and _startsWith filePath, options.modulesDir
options.modules = true
options.css = false
options.html = false
options.js = false
else if options.cssDir and _startsWith filePath, options.cssDir
options.modules = false
options.css = true
options.html = false
options.js = false
throw new Error('oj: root is not a directory') unless isDirectory rootDir
# Watch file if option is set
watchFile filePath, includeDir, options
verbose 2, "compiling #{filePath}"
# Cache of modules, files, and native modules
cache = modules:{}, files:{}, native:{}
# Determine global modules with soft linking
moduleLinkMap = nodeModulesLinkMap fileDir
# Hook require to intercept requires in oj files
modules = {}
moduleParents = {} # map file name to parent list
hookCache = {}
hookOriginalCache = {}
_hookRequire modules, moduleLinkMap, hookCache, hookOriginalCache
# Save require cache to restore it later
# Remove excluded
if _.isArray options.exclude
for ex in options.exclude
verbose 3, "excluding #{ex}"
includedModules = _.difference includedModules, options.exclude
# Catch messages thrown by requiring
# Require user defined modules
for m in includedModules
if isNodeModule m
_buildNativeCacheFromModuleList cache.native, [m], isMinify
verbose 3, "including #{m}"
require m
# Require this file to start the process
ojml = require filePath
# Abort require with message on failure
catch eRequire
verbose 1, eRequire.message
# Unwind ourselves from require before failing
_unhookRequire modules, hookCache, hookOriginalCache
# Restore require cache
_unhookRequire modules, hookCache, hookOriginalCache
# Watch needs records of file dependencies
_rememberModuleDependencies modules
Compile css if --css is set
cssOption = !!options.css
Compile html only if --html is set
htmlOption = !!options.html
Create compile options
compileOptions =
minify: isMinify
html: htmlOption
cssMap: cssOption
css: cssOption
dom: false
# Catch the messages thrown by compiling ojml
# Compile
results = oj.compile compileOptions, ojml
catch eCompile
error "runtime error in #{filePath}: #{eCompile.message}"
# Build cache
verbose 3, "caching #{filePath} (#{_length modules} files)"
cache = _buildRequireCache modules, cache, isMinify
Calculate file locations for outputing
# (assuming filePath is /input/dir/file.oj)
# fileBaseName = file
fileBaseName = basenameForExtensions filePath, ['.oj', '.ojc', 'ojlc']
# outputDir = /output
outputDir = options.output || process.cwd()
# fileDir = /input/dir
fileDir = path.dirname filePath
# subDir = /dir
subDir = path.relative includeDir, fileDir
Calculate the file extension. Default is .html
extOut = '.html'
Use .css if only --css is specified
if options.css and not (options.html or options.js or options.modules)
extOut = '.css'
Use .js if css and html aren't specified
else if (options.js or options.modules) and not (options.html or options.css)
extOut = '.js'
Calculate file path to output to
# fileOut = /output/dir/file.html
fileOut = path.join outputDir, subDir, fileBaseName + extOut
Extend info to calculate output file locations and other meta data = _.extend {},
includeDir: includeDir
# Profiling data
startTime: startTime
# Results of compile
results: results
# Module cache
cache: cache
filePath: filePath
fileDir: fileDir
fileBaseName: fileBaseName
outputDir: outputDir
subDir: subDir
extOut: extOut
fileOut: fileOut
isMinify: isMinify
_outputFile options, cb
# _outputFile:
# Generic output file function that takes cached state and options and does the right thing
# including options for:
# options.write:false output to callback instead of file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_outputFile = (options, cb) ->
# Output html only as a .html
if options.html and not (options.css or options.js or options.modules)
_outputHtml options, cb
# Output css as a .css file
else if options.css and not (options.html or options.js or options.modules)
_outputCss options, cb
# Output js, modules or both as a .js file
else if (options.js or options.modules) and not (options.html or options.css)
_outputJs options, cb
# Output some combination of html,css,js and modules in a .html file
_outputCombinedHtml options, cb
# outputUnifed
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_outputCombinedHtml = (options, cb) ->
info =
results = info.results
filePath = info.filePath
fileOut = info.fileOut
html = results.html
cssMap = results.cssMap
cache = info.cache
cacheLength = _length(cache.files) + _length(cache.modules) + _length(cache.native)
verbose 3, "serializing #{filePath} (#{cacheLength} files)"
scriptHtml = _requireCacheToHtml cache, filePath, options.minify ? false, options
if !results.tags.html
error "validation error #{filePath}: <html> tag is missing"
else if !results.tags.head
error "validation error #{filePath}: <head> tag is missing"
else if !results.tags.body
error "validation error #{filePath}: <body> tag is missing"
# TODO: Should we auto-insert doctype 5?
# Insert script before </body> or before </html> or at the end
scriptIndex = html.lastIndexOf '</body>'
html = _insertAt html, scriptIndex, scriptHtml
# Insert styles before </head> or after <html> or at the beginning
styleIndex = html.indexOf '</head>'
styleHTML = ''
for plugin,mediaMap of results.cssMap
styleHTML += oj._styleTagFromMediaObject plugin, mediaMap, options
html = _insertAt html, styleIndex, styleHTML
_outputDataToFileOrCallback html, options, cb
# _outputCss
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_outputCss = (options, cb) ->
_outputDataToFileOrCallback, options, cb
# _outputHtml
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_outputHtml = (options, cb) ->
_outputDataToFileOrCallback, options, cb
# _outputJs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_outputJs = (options, cb) ->
info =
js = _requireCacheToJS info.cache, info.filePath, info.isMinify, options
_outputDataToFileOrCallback js, options, cb
# _outputDataToFileOrCallback
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Output data to the fileOut location taking into account options.write flag
# If options.write is set the file is outputed otherwise it is sent only to the cb
_outputDataToFileOrCallback = (data, options, cb) ->
info =
fileOut = info.fileOut
filePath = info.filePath
fileOut = info.fileOut
# Create directory
dirOut = path.dirname fileOut
if mkdirp.sync dirOut
verbose 3, "mkdir #{dirOut}"
timeStamp = _timeStampFromStartTime info.startTime
# Write file
if options.write
fs.writeFile fileOut, data, (err) ->
if err
error "file writing error #{filePath}: #{err}"
verbose 1, "compiled #{fileOut}#{timeStamp}", 'cyan'
cb(null, data)
verbose 1, "compiled #{fileOut}#{timeStamp}", 'cyan'
cb(null, data)
_timeStampFromStartTime = (startTime) ->
deltaTime = process.hrtime(startTime)
timeStamp = " (#{deltaTime[0] + Math.round(10000*deltaTime[1]/1000000000)/10000} sec)"
# Keep track of which files are watched
watchCache = {}
isWatched = (fullPath) ->
triggerWatched = (fullPath) ->
# Keep track of dependency tree of files
watchParents = {}
# watchFile
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
watchFile = (filePath, includeDir, options = {}) ->
# Do nothing if this file is already watched
return if isWatched filePath
prevStats = null
compileTimeout = null
_watchErr = (e) ->
if e.code is 'ENOENT'
catch e
verbose 2, "unwatching missing file: #{filePath}", 'yellow'
else throw e
timeLast = new Date(2000)
timeEpsilon = 2 # milliseconds
_onWatch = ->
clearTimeout compileTimeout
compileTimeout = wait 0.025, ->
# Ignore recompiles within epsilon time
timeNow = new Date()
return if (timeNow - timeLast) / 1000 < timeEpsilon
timeLast = timeNow
# Files that aren't pages should trigger their parents
if not isOJPage filePath
parents = watchParents[filePath]
if parents?
for parent in parents
triggerWatched parent
# Files that are pages should recompile
fs.stat filePath, (err, stats) ->
return _watchErr err if err
verbose 2, "updating file #{filePath}", 'yellow'
compileFile filePath, includeDir, options
catch e
verbose 1, 'unknown watch error on #{filePath}'
verbose 2, "watching file #{filePath}", 'yellow'
watcher = filePath, _onWatch
watchCache[filePath] = watcher
catch e
_watchErr e
_rewatch = ->
verbose 3, "rewatch file #{filePath}", 'yellow'
watchCache[filePath] = watcher = filePath, _onWatch
_unwatch = ->
if isWatched filePath
watchCache[filePath] = null
Watch a directory of files for new additions. This method does not recurse as it is called from methods that do (compileDir)
watchDir = (dir, includeDir, options) ->
# Short circuit if already watching this directory
return if isWatched dir
# Throttle
compileTimeout = null
verbose 2, "watching directory #{dir}/", 'yellow'
watcher = dir, (err) ->
verbose 2, "updating directory #{dir}/", 'yellow'
# Unwatch missing directories
if err and not isDirectory dir
return unwatchDir dir
# When the directory changes a file may have been added or removed
# Watch all the directories and files that aren't currently being watched
lsOJ dir, options, (err, files, dirs) ->
for d in dirs
if not isWatched d
watchDir d
for f in files
if not isWatched f
compileFile f, includeDir, options
# Cache watch
watchCache[dir] = watcher
unwatchDir = (dir) ->
verbose 2, "unwatching #{dir}/", 'yellow'
if isWatched dir
watchCache[dir] = null
unwatchAll = ->
verbose 2, "unwatching all files and directories", 'yellow'
for k in _.keys watchCache
if watchCache[k]?
watchCache[k] = null
# Cleanup watches on exit
process.on 'SIGINT', ->
verbose 1, "\n"
verbose 1, "oj exited successfully.", 'cyan'
success = ->
process.exit 0
tabs = (count) ->
Array(count + 1).join('\t')
spaces = (count) ->
Array(count + 1).join(' ')
# Print if verbose is set
verbose = (level, message, color = 'reset') ->
if verbosity >= level
console.log[color] + "#{spaces(4 * (level-1))}#{message}" +
error = (message) ->
red = ? ''
reset = ? ''
console.error "#{red}#{message}#{reset}"
# isFile: Determine if path is to a file
isFile = (filePath) ->
(fs.statSync filePath).isFile()
catch e
isOJFile = (filePath) ->
ext = path.extname filePath
ext == '.oj' or ext == '.ojc'
# isOJPage: Determine if path is an oj page.
isOJPage = (filePath) ->
ext = path.extname filePath
base = path.basename filePath
(isOJFile filePath) and base[0] != '_'and base.slice(0,2) != 'oj' and not isHiddenFile filePath
# isOJDir: Determine if path is an oj directory.
isOJDir = (dirPath, outputDir) ->
base = path.basename dirPath
base[0] != '_'and base[0] != '.' and base != 'node_modules'
# isWatchFile: Determine if file can be required and therefore is worth watching
isWatchFile = (filePath) ->
ext = path.extname filePath
(isOJFile filePath) or ext == '.js' or ext == '.coffee' or ext == '.json'
# isHiddenFile: Determine if file is hidden
isHiddenFile = (file) -> /^\.|~$/.test file
# isDirectory: Determine if path is to directory
isDirectory = (dirpath) ->
(fs.statSync dirpath).isDirectory()
catch e
# relativePathWithEscaping
# Example: '/User/name/folder1/file.oj' => '/file.oj'
relativePathWithEscaping = (fullPath, relativeTo) ->
_escapeSingleQuotes '/' + path.relative relativeTo , fullPath
# fullPaths: Convert relative paths to full paths from origin dir
fullPaths = (relativePaths, dir) -> relativePaths, (p) -> path.resolve dir, p
# commonPath: Given a list of full paths. Find the common root
commonPath = (paths, seperator = '/') ->
if paths.length == 1
return path.dirname paths[0]
common = paths[0].split seperator
ixCommon = common.length
for p in paths
parts = p.split seperator
for part, ixPart in parts
if common[ixPart] != part or ixPart > ixCommon
ixCommon = Math.min ixPart, ixCommon
if ixCommon == 1 && paths[0][0] == seperator
return seperator
else if ixCommon == 0
return null
(common.slice 0, ixCommon).join seperator
# lsOJ
# Abstract if recursion happened and filters to only files / directories that don't start with _ and end in an oj filetype (.oj, .ojc, .ojlc)
lsOJ = (paths, options, cb) ->
options ?= {}
# Choose visible files with extension `.oj` and don't start with `oj` (plugins) or `_` (partials & templates)
options = _.extend {},
recurse: options.recurse
filterFile: ((f) -> isOJPage f)
filterDir:((d) -> isOJDir d)
ls paths, options, (err, files, dirs) ->
cb err, files, dirs
lsWatch Look for all files I should consider watching. This includes: .js, .coffee, .oj, .ojc, with no limitations on hidden, underscore or oj prefixes.
lsWatch = (paths, options, cb) ->
Choose visible files with extension .oj
and don't start with oj
(plugins) or _
(partials & templates)
lsOptions = _.extend {},
recurse: options.recurse,
filterFile: isWatchFile
filterDir: isOJDir
ls paths, lsOptions, (err, files, dirs) ->
cb err, files, dirs
ls: List directories and files from paths asynchronously options.filterFile: accept those files that return true options.filterDir: accept those directories that return true options.recurse: boolean to indicate recursion is desired
ls = (fullPath, options, cb, acc) ->
# Optional options
if _.isFunction options
cb = options
options = {}
options ?= {}
options.recurse ?= false
options.filterFile ?= -> true # Keep everything by default
options.filterDir ?= -> true # Keep everything by default
options.recurseDepth ?= if options.recurse then Infinity else 1
acc ?= {}
acc.files ?= []
acc.dirs ?= []
acc.pending ?= 1
breakIfDone = ->
if acc.pending == 0
files = _.uniq acc.files
dirs = _.uniq acc.dirs
cb null, files, dirs
fs.stat fullPath, (err, stat) ->
return cb err if err
# File found
if stat.isFile() and options.filterFile(fullPath)
acc.files.push fullPath
return breakIfDone --acc.pending
# Directory found
else if stat.isDirectory() and options.filterDir(fullPath)
acc.dirs.push fullPath
fs.readdir fullPath, (errReadDir, paths) ->
return cb errReadDir if errReadDir
if !paths or paths.length == 0
return breakIfDone --acc.pending
# Directory has contents
acc.pending += paths.length
paths = fullPaths paths, fullPath
# Recurse if we haven't hit max depth
if options.recurseDepth > 0
options_ = _.clone options
for fullPath_ in paths
ls fullPath_, options_, cb, acc
return breakIfDone --acc.pending
return breakIfDone --acc.pending
readFileSync = (filePath) ->
fs.readFileSync filePath, 'utf8'
wait = (seconds, fn) -> setTimeout fn, seconds*1000
trimArgList = (v) ->
_trim v.split(',')
# trim
_trim = (any) ->
if _.isString any
else if _.isArray any
out = any, (v) -> v.trim()
_.reject out, ((v) -> v == '' or v == null)
# startsWith
_startsWith = (strInput, strStart) ->
throw new Error('startsWith: argument error') unless (_.isString strInput) and (_.isString strStart)
strInput.length >= strStart.length and strInput.lastIndexOf(strStart, 0) == 0
_escapeSingleQuotes = (str) ->
str.replace /'/g, "\\'"
_insertAt = (str, ix, substr) ->
str.slice(0,ix) + substr + str.slice(ix)
_length = (any) ->
any.length or _.keys(any).length
oj._minifyJS = (js, options = {}) ->
if options.filename
verbose 4, "minified #{options.filename}"
if options.minify
uglifyjs js
oj._minifyCSS = (css, options = {}) ->
if options.minify
csso.justDoIt css, true # true means apply structural changes
# Hooking into require inspired by [node-dev](
_hookRequire = (modules, moduleLinkMap, hookCache={}, hookOriginalCache={}) ->
handlers = require.extensions
for ext of handlers
# Get or create the hook for the extension
hook = hookCache[ext] or (hookCache[ext] = _createHook(ext, modules, moduleLinkMap, hookCache, hookOriginalCache))
if handlers[ext] != hook
# Save a reference to the original handler
hookOriginalCache[ext] = handlers[ext]
# and replace the handler by our hook
handlers[ext] = hook
# Hook into one extension
_createHook = (ext, modules, moduleLinkMap, hookCache, hookOriginalCache) ->
(module, filename) ->
# Unfortunately require resolves `filename` through soft links
# For our module detection to work we need to unresolve these back
# Use the moduleLinkMap to unresolve paths starting with `linkPath`
# to start with `modulePath` instead.
for linkPath, modulePath of moduleLinkMap
# Prefix found then replace
if 0 == filename.indexOf linkPath
rest = filename.slice linkPath.length
filename = modulePath + rest
# Override compile to intercept file
if !module.loaded
_rememberModule modules, filename, null, module.parent.filename
# if path.extension filename _.indexOf ['.coffee']
moduleCompile = module._compile
module._compile = (code) ->
_rememberModule modules, filename, code, module.parent.filename
moduleCompile.apply this, arguments
# Invoke the original handler
hookOriginalCache[ext](module, filename)
# Make sure the module did not hijack the handler
_hookRequire modules, moduleLinkMap, hookCache, hookOriginalCache
_unhookRequire = (modules, hookCache, hookOriginalCache) ->
handlers = require.extensions
for ext of handlers
if hookCache[ext] == handlers[ext]
handlers[ext] = hookOriginalCache[ext]
hookCache = null
hookOriginalCache = null
# Remember require references
_rememberModule = (modules, filename, code, parent) ->
verbose 3, "requiring #{filename}" if code
modules[filename] = _.defaults {code: code, parent:parent}, (modules[filename] or {})
_rememberModuleDependencies = (modules) ->
for filename, module of modules
watchParents[filename] ?= []
watchParents[filename].push module.parent
watchParents[filename] = _.unique watchParents[filename]
_nodeModulesSupported = oj:1, jquery:1, assert:1, console:1, crypto:1, events:1, freelist:1, path:1, punycode:1, querystring:1, string_decoder:1, tty:1, url:1, util:1
_nodeModuleUnsupported = child_process:1, domain:1, fs:1, net:1, os:1, vm:1, buffer:1
isNodeModule = (module) -> !!_nodeModulesSupported[module]
isUnsupportedNodeModule = (module) -> !!_nodeModuleUnsupported[module]
isAppModule = (module) -> (module.indexOf '/') == -1
isRelativeModule = (module) -> (module.indexOf '/') != -1
# _saveRequireCache
# Save a record of the cache so we can restore it later
_requireCache = null
_saveRequireCache = ->
_requireCache = _.clone require.cache
# _restoreRequireCache
# Remove all recoreds in the cache that weren't there before
_restoreRequireCache = ->
for k of require.cache
delete require.cache[k] unless _requireCache[k]?
# Clear one record. This does not work in general because
# it doesn't recurse. It does work on stand alone modules
# like 'path' and 'underscore'
_clearRequireCacheRecord = (record) ->
delete require.cache[require.resolve record]
# Parse code with
_getRequiresInSource = (code) ->
r = new RegExp("require\\s*\\(?\\s*[\"']([^\"']+)", 'g');
out = []
while match = r.exec code
out.push match[1]
_first = (array, fn) ->
for x in array
y = fn x
return y if y
# Build out the cache into the form:
# cache.native = ['oj','jquery',...]
# cache.modules = {<path/to/node_modules>: {<moduleName>:<path/to/main/file.js, ...}, ...}
# cache.files = {<path/to/files.js>:<code>}
_buildRequireCache = (modules, cache, isMinify) ->
for fileLocation, data of modules
# Read code if it is missing
if not data.code?
throw new Error('data.code is missing')
# data.code = stripBOM readFileSync fileLocation
# Save code to _fileCache
_buildFileCache cache.files, fileLocation, data.code, isMinify
# Generate possible node_module paths given this file
modulePrefixes = nodeModulePaths fileLocation
pathComponents = _first modulePrefixes, (prefix) ->
if _startsWith fileLocation, prefix + path.sep
modulePath = (fileLocation.slice (prefix.length + 1)).split(path.sep)
moduleName = modulePath[0]
moduleMain = modulePath.slice(1).join(path.sep)
modulesDir: prefix, moduleName: moduleName, moduleMain: moduleMain, moduleParentPath:
# Save to cache.modules
if pathComponents
if not cache.modules[pathComponents.modulesDir]
cache.modules[pathComponents.modulesDir] = {}
# Example: /Users/evan/oj/node_modules: {underscore: 'underscore.js'}
cache.modules[pathComponents.modulesDir][pathComponents.moduleName] = pathComponents.moduleMain
# Build cache.native given source code in _fileCache
_buildNativeCache cache.native, data.code, isMinify
# Store complete
verbose 4, "stored #{fileLocation}"
# Remove client and server oj if they exist.
# This is a special case of the way stuff is included.
# To ourselves oj is local but to them oj is native.
# Removing this cache record ensures only the native copy
# is saved to the client.
delete cache.files[require.resolve '../oj.js']
# Separate files into three parts so each can be outputed separately:
# moduleFiles, pageFiles, nativeFiles
cache.nativeFiles = cache.native
cache.moduleFiles = {}
cache.pageFiles = {}
for filePath, code of cache.files
if filePath.indexOf("/node_modules/") != -1
cache.moduleFiles[filePath] = code
cache.pageFiles[filePath] = code
return cache
# ###_buildFileCache: build file cache
_buildFileCache = (_filesCache, fileName, code, isMinify) ->
# Minify code if necessary and cache it
_filesCache[fileName] = oj._minifyJS code, {filename:fileName, minify: isMinify}
# build native module cache given moduleNameList
pass = 1
_buildNativeCache = (nativeCache, code, isMinify) ->
# Get moduleName references from code
moduleNameList = _getRequiresInSource code
_buildNativeCacheFromModuleList nativeCache, moduleNameList, isMinify
_buildNativeCacheFromModuleList = (nativeCache, moduleNameList, isMinify) ->
# Loop over modules and add them to native cache
while moduleName = moduleNameList.shift()
# Continue on already loaded native modules
continue if nativeCache[moduleName]
# OJ is built in
if moduleName == 'oj'
nativeCache.oj = _ojModuleCode isMinify
# Do nothing if unsupported
# Error checking happens earlier and missing modules at this stage are intentional
else if isUnsupportedNodeModule moduleName
else if isNodeModule moduleName
# Get code
codeModule = _nativeModuleCode moduleName, isMinify
# Cache it
nativeCache[moduleName] = codeModule
# Concat all dependencies and continue on
moduleNameList = moduleNameList.concat _getRequiresInSource codeModule
# ojModuleCode: Get code for oj
_ojModuleCode = (isMinify) ->
code = readFileSync path.join __dirname, "../oj.js"
oj._minifyJS code, filename:'oj', minify:isMinify
# nativeModuleCode: Get code for native module
_nativeModuleCode = (moduleName, isMinify) ->
verbose 3, "found #{moduleName}"
code = readFileSync path.join __dirname, "../modules/#{moduleName}.js"
# ###_requireCacheToHtml
_requireCacheToHtml = (cache, filePath, isMinify, options) ->
return """
#{_requireCacheToJS cache, filePath, isMinify, options}
# ###_requireCacheToJS
# Output html from cache and file
_requireCacheToJS = (cache, filePath, isMinify, options) ->
newline = if isMinify then '' else '\n'
# Example:
# filePath: /User/name/project/public/file.oj
# commonDir: /User/name/project
# clientDir: /public
# clientFile: /file
# Calculate common path root between all cached files
commonDir = commonPath _.keys cache.files
# Determine directory for client using common path
clientDir = '/' + path.relative commonDir, path.dirname filePath
# Determine file for client given the above directory
clientFile = path.join(clientDir, basenameForExtensions(filePath, ['.ojc', '.oj', '.coffee', '.js']))
# Maps from moduleDir -> moduleName -> moduleMain such that
# the file path is: moduleDir/moduleName/moduleMain
_modulesToString = (moduleDir, nameToMain) ->
# Use relative path to hide server directory info
moduleDir = relativePathWithEscaping moduleDir, commonDir
"M['#{moduleDir}'] = #{JSON.stringify nameToMain};\n"
# Maps moduleName -> code for built in "native" modules
_nativeModuleToString = (moduleName, code) ->
# Use relative path to hide server directory info
moduleName = _escapeSingleQuotes moduleName
"""F['#{moduleName}'] = (function(module,exports){(function(process,global,__dirname,__filename){#{newline}#{code}})(P,G,'/','#{moduleName}');});\n"""
# Maps filePath -> code
_fileToString = (filePath, code, prefixWithRequire) ->
# Use relative and escaped path
filePath = relativePathWithEscaping filePath, commonDir
fileDir = path.dirname filePath
fileName = path.basename filePath
out = if prefixWithRequire then "require." else ""
out += """F['#{filePath}'] = (function(module,exports){(function(require,process,global,__dirname,__filename){#{newline}#{code}})(require.RR('#{filePath}'),require.P,require.G,'#{fileDir}','#{fileName}');});#{newline}\n"""
# Client side code to include modules
_modules = ""
# { '/Users/evan/oj/node_modules': { underscore: 'underscore.js' } }
for moduleDir, nameToMain of cache.modules
_modules += _modulesToString moduleDir, nameToMain
# Client side code to include files from modules and from pages
_moduleFiles = ""
for filePath, code of cache.moduleFiles
_moduleFiles += _fileToString filePath, code
verbose 4, "serialized module file `#{filePath}`"
_pageFiles = ""
# Prefix require if modules aren't being output with this
prefixWithRequire = !options.modules
for filePath, code of cache.pageFiles
_pageFiles += _fileToString filePath, code, prefixWithRequire
verbose 4, "serialized page file `#{filePath}`"
# Client side code to include native modules
_nativeFiles = ""
for moduleName, code of cache.native
_nativeFiles += _nativeModuleToString moduleName, code
verbose 4, "serialized native file '#{moduleName}'"
# Load can be called with data or without
_data = ''
if not _.isEmpty
_data = ',' + JSON.stringify(
_load = "oj.load('#{_escapeSingleQuotes clientFile}'#{_data});"
# Browser side node has these abbreviations:
# G = Global
# P = Process
# RR = Require factory to generated require for a given path
# R = Require cache
# F = File cache
# M = Module cache
# Client side function to run module and cache result
_run = oj._minifyJS """
function run(f){
if(R[f] != null)
return R[f];
var eo = {},
mo = {exports: eo};
if(typeof F[f] != 'function')
throw new Error("file not found (" + f + ")");
return R[f] = mo.exports;
""", minify:isMinify
# Client side function to find module
_find = oj._minifyJS """
function find(m,f){
var r, dir, dm, ext, ex, i, loc;
if (F[m] && !m.match(/\\//))
return m;
if (!!m.match(/\\//)) {
r = oj._pathResolve(f, oj._pathJoin(oj._pathDirname(f), m));
ext = ['', '.oj', '.ojc', '.js', '.coffee', '.json'];
for(i = 0; i < ext.length; i++){
ex = ext[i];
if((loc = r + ex) && F[loc])
return loc;
else if ((loc = oj._pathJoin(r, 'index' + ex)) && F[loc])
return loc;
} else {
if (typeof oj !== 'undefined') {
dir = oj._pathDirname(f);
while(true) {
dm = oj._pathJoin(dir, 'node_modules');
if(M[dm] && M[dm][m])
return oj._pathJoin(dm, m, M[dm][m]);
if(dir == '/')
dir = oj._pathResolve(dir, '..');
throw new Error("module not found (" + m + ")");
""", minify: isMinify
# Begin function
js = """
// Generated with oj v#{oj.version}
Add modules if we want to include them
if options.modules
js += """
var M = {}, F = {}, R = {}, P, G, RR;
// Package modules
// Native modules
// Define node environment: process P, global G and require factory RR
P = {cwd: function(){return '/'}}
G = {process: P,Buffer: {}}
RR = function(f){
var o = function(m){return run(find(m, f))};
o.P = P; o.G = G; o.F = F; o.M = M, o.RR = RR;
return o;
// Define require and oj
require = RR('/');
oj = require('oj');\n
Include page js if we want to include it
if options.js
js += """
\n// Page files
# End function
js += """
oj.__express = (path, options, cb) ->
data = _.omit (_.clone options), 'settings', 'cache'
_.defaults options,
minify: options.minify
write: false
watch: false
recurse: true
modules: false
html: true
css: true
js: true
data: data
compilePath path, options, cb
required options: publicDir: Public directory statically hosted by node modulesDirSrc: Directory to build module files from modulesDirDest: Directory to build module files to (should be public)
oj.middleware = (options) ->
Determine the url path relative the public directory
urlModulesDir = '/' + path.relative(options.publicDir, options.modulesDirDest)
Output connect/express middleware
(req,res,next) ->
Short circuit if this isn't a GET or HEAD request
if 'GET' != req.method && 'HEAD' != req.method
return next()
Get the path out of the url and figure out where to output the file
urlPath = url.parse(req.url).pathname
The path starts with module dir and ends with .js
if /\.js$/.test(urlPath) and _startsWith(urlPath, urlModulesDir)
fileRelativePath = path.relative urlModulesDir, urlPath
outputFilePath = path.join options.modulesDirDest, fileRelativePath
outputFileDir = path.dirname outputFilePath
baseFileName = path.basename urlPath, '.js'
findFile options.modulesDirSrc, baseFileName, ['.oj', '.ojc'], (err, inputFilePath) ->
Found the file so lets get to compiling
if inputFilePath
Compile only if the input file is newer then the output file or the force option is set
if options.force
fileIsOutdated outputFilePath, inputFilePath, (err, idOutdated) ->
if idOutdated
Compile using internal compilePath function that will generate the output to a directory
_middlewareCompileModule = ->
compilePath inputFilePath,
output: outputFileDir
force: options.force ? false
minify: options.minify ? true
html:0, css:0, js:0, write:1, modules:1, ->
# File is compiled so let static middleware handle it
catch e
The path doesn't match so just pass it on
# Returns true if dest is older then source
fileIsOutdated = (fileDest, fileSource, cb) ->
fs.stat fileSource, (errSource, statSource) ->
return cb(errSource, null) if errSource
fs.stat fileDest, (errDest, statDest) ->
if !errDest || errDest.code == 'ENOENT'
cb(null, !!errDest || statSource.mtime.getTime() > statDest.mtime.getTime())
cb(errDest, null)
# Find file with given extensions in directory
findFile = (dir, baseFileName, extensions, cb) ->
if !dir or !baseFileName or !extensions or !cb
return cb('findFile: invalid input')
# Fail if can't find file
ext = extensions.shift()
fileName = baseFileName + ext
do (dir, fileName) ->
fs.stat path.join(dir, fileName), (err, statInfo) ->
if statInfo and statInfo.isFile()
return cb null, path.join(dir, fileName)
else if extensions.length > 0
return findFile dir, baseFileName, extensions, cb
return cb null, null