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105 lines (67 loc) · 5.52 KB

File metadata and controls

105 lines (67 loc) · 5.52 KB


Development requirements

  • Node
  • Expo-cli by npm i -g expo-cli
  • Python3
  • Navigate to directory: HappinessApp-Django/ and run pip3 install -r requirement.txt

Steps to run the app on a phone simulator

  • Install an iOS/Android simulator
  • Navigate to directory: HappinessApp-ReactNative/
  • npm install
  • npm start
  • Open the simulator through the popped webpage

Code structure

The codebase is organized in 2 main directories.


HappinessApp-Django Containes the django based backend code.

Django files are organized following a django standard convention.

The django application is hosted on the PythonAnywhere server at

To run a local host,

  • python3 makemigrations
  • python3 migrate
  • python3 runserver

To update code in the server,

  • import new code to the repo deploy-pythonanywhere in the bellwoods GitHub account. Do not include any migrations or database files.
  • Login to PythonAnywhere
  • Open console
  • cd ~/deploy2
  • git pull with the bellwoods GitHub account


HappinessApp-ReactNative Containes the React Native front end code.

React Native app is organized following a React Native standart conventions.

App is structured using React Navigations: Screens are located in their folder.

The entire app is wrapped around the Networking context. This context is responsible for most of the networking calls to the backend, as well as caching the useful data.


There is a limitation to that expo publishing though. While working perfectly on Android devices, regular iOS user will not be able to use the QR-code of the app (Apple enforced policy).

To use the QR-code of the app, user will need to login using expo happyuapp account. This will allow developers to test the app on their iOS devices. However, since sharing the happyuapp account to anyone outside the devteam is a potential security issue, this allows testing to be done only within the devteam.

In future, to begin beta and alpha testing and make it available for both Android and iOS devices you will need to use the platform specific beta testing tools.

For iOS, it is an Apple developed TestFlight App.

For Android, ... (research necessary).

Notes on continuing the development

Here are some notes on continuing the development. These mainly include next steps, and what need to be implemented later.

From 1st team

  1. The authentication token retrieved form the backend right now is stored in the AsyncStorage. This is generally not the best practice. The authorization token needs to be stored in the platform specific storage for tokens (For example KeyChain for the iOS).

  2. The notification system must be organized and deployed under a uniqie Email Expo account.

  3. The notification system needs to store the Notification Token in the backend. Backend is responsible for sending the notifications. More info here

From 2nd team

  1. "Third Journey" alert is not able to redirect to the "Manage your journeys" page
  2. "Approved" automation through Django admin portal^
  3. Implementing embedded video instead of redirecting link for videos accompanying journeys and quests
  4. Chat and comment feature extension of current accountability buddy system. Currently the buddy system only allows users to be buddies and there are no other functions that are implemented.
  5. Data extraction & analysis from user feedback/response/data
  6. Notification system
  7. Files under HappinessApp-ReactNative/screens/JourneyManagement are for management of journeys and quests directly using the app via admin account (which we don't suggest admin to do it right now). They were written by the 1st team, and not updated with current models.
  8. Implement time cycle to the application
  9. One quest added multiple times in a same journey causes problem, and the app will not actually allow this quest to appear more than one time.

^ Currenly, automation is written in /journeys/, however changes made through Django Admin Portal does not use code written here. An admin utility(/ is created to allow automation for admin. Refer to Admin guide for more details


Currently there an email account is set up on Django backend ([email protected]) that handle all email automation. If in the future, this email needs to be changed, it can be changed under

The program is able to set up the automation process with this gmail account by Turning ON the "Allow less secure apps" option, if in the future, the automation does not work, make sure this option is turned ON. Click here to learn more about how to turn on "Allow less secure apps" for the gmail account.

Google Docs

There are multiple google documents (Robbie has the URLs) that contained important credential information about the application as well as a user guide. It is highly recommended that you go over those documents.

Appendix for lines of code in frontend that involve the backend server URL

HappinessApp-ReactNative/contexts/Networking.js line 54

HappinessApp-ReactNative/screens/Authentication/LogIn.js line 157

HappinessApp-ReactNative/screens/journey_components/JourneyTree.js line 135

HappinessApp-ReactNative/screens/QuestScreen.js line 39, 51

HappinessApp-Django/HappinessAppApi/ line 32