URL routes "api/", Home API page
"api/journeys/", GET: Get all existing journeys, POST: create new journey
"api/journeys/int:jid/", GET: get specific journey, PUT: update attributes, DELETE: remove the journey
"api/journeys/int:jid/quests/", GET: get quests for the journey, POST: add quest to the journey
"api/journeys/int:jid/quests/int:qid/", GET: Get the specific quest, PUT: update the quest, DELETE: delete the quest
"api/journeys/int:jid/reorder-quests", reorder the quests in the journey by the specified list of quest IDs.
"api/auth/login/", Authenticate the user
"api/auth/register/", Register a new user
"api/auth/is_admin/", Check if user is staff
"api/auth/get_notification_time/", Get the user preferred notification time
"api/auth/set_notification_time/", Set the user preferred notification time
"api/auth/get_user_meta/", get user profile data
"api/progress/getJourneyProgress/int:jid/", get quest IDs for the completed and skipped quests in the journey by the user
"api/progress/completeQuest/int:qid/", mark quest as completed and submit additional information
"api/progress/skipQuest/int:qid/", mark quest as skipped
"api/progress/getCompletedJourneys/", get journeys which are completed by the user
"api/questdata/download/": Download the user quest submitted data (requires admin authentications