Not yet published in journal: Tuned responses spontaneously emerge in recurrent neural network models during timing generation (Evi Hendrikx, Daniel Manns, Nathan van der Stoep, Alberto Testolin, Marco Zorzi, Ben M. Harvey) This pipeline was started by Daniel Manns and further adapted and developed by Evi Hendrikx
Preprint available:
Scripts will likely be made a bit more legible before publication, but the core will remain the same.
Independent recurrent neural networks (indRNN, Li et al., 2018) are trained on a generative timing task: predict the next frame in a movie with a repeating event. This frame only exists of a single pixel. In an event pixels can be on (1) and off (0). An example movie could look like: 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
In order to run everything: run "". Movies with regular temporal intervals are created using "". Networks are built using "" and trained and evaluated using "".
Accuracy is compared between different network depths (1-5 layers) in ""
Monotonic and tuned functions are fitted on the per-event activations of the network nodes in "". Fits are compared between different network depths and different model layers within the same network in ""
Properties of the response functions are started in ""
provided are my version of the Anaconda installation and required packages for Linux ("networks_anaconda_packages.yml")