ToDo App is the simple task app. This ToDo app allows you to create your own list of tasks, delete and filter them. Also it shows you number of uncompleted tasks.
For the project I used:
- React JS
- JavaScript
- Flexbox
- Make sure you have Git and Node installed on your local machine.
- Download or clone the repository.
- In a terminal install all project dependencies with
npm install
. - Start the development server with
npm start
- With your server running, open your browser and visit the site:
- In a terminal install all project dependencies with
npm build
. - In a terminal, check the version of Python you have:
python -V
. If you don't have Python installed, navigate to Python's website to download and install the software. - If you have Python navigate to the build directory and start a localhost with python
python -m S impleHTTPServer 8000
. - Open your browser and visit the site: [