Ultra-fast market exchange core matching engine based on LMAX Disruptor and Eclipse Collections (ex. Goldman Sachs GS Collections).
Capable to process 5M order book operations per second on 7-years old hardware (Intel® Xeon® X5690) with moderate latency degradation:
rate | 50.0% | 90.0% | 95.0% | 99.0% | 99.9% | 99.99% | worst |
125K | 0.6µs | 0.9µs | 1.0µs | 1.4µs | 4µs | 24µs | 41µs |
250K | 0.6µs | 0.9µs | 1.0µs | 1.4µs | 9µs | 27µs | 41µs |
500K | 0.6µs | 0.9µs | 1.0µs | 1.6µs | 14µs | 29µs | 42µs |
1M | 0.5µs | 0.9µs | 1.2µs | 4µs | 22µs | 31µs | 45µs |
2M | 0.5µs | 1.2µs | 3.9µs | 10µs | 30µs | 39µs | 60µs |
3M | 0.7µs | 3.6µs | 6.2µs | 15µs | 36µs | 45µs | 60µs |
4M | 1.0µs | 6.0µs | 9µs | 25µs | 45µs | 55µs | 70µs |
5M | 1.5µs | 9.5µs | 16µs | 42µs | 150µs | 170µs | 190µs |
6M | 5µs | 30µs | 45µs | 300µs | 500µs | 520µs | 540µs |
7M | 60µs | 1.3ms | 1.5ms | 1.8ms | 1.9ms | 1.9ms | 1.9ms |
Benchmark configuration:
- Single order book.
- 3,000,000 inbound messages are distributed as follows: 9% limit + 3% market new orders, 6% cancel operations, 82% move operations. About 6% commands are causing trades.
- 1,000 active user accounts.
- In average ~1,000 limit orders in the order book, placed in ~750 different price slots.
- Latency results are only for risk processing and matcing engine. Network interface latency, IPC, journslling are not included.
- Test data is not bursty, meaning constant interval between commands (0.2~8µs depending on target throughput).
- BBO prices are not changing significantly thoghout the test, no avalanche orders.
- No coordinated omission effect. Processing delay is always affecting latency measurements for following messages.
- GC is triggered prior running every benchmark cycle (of 3,000,000 messages).
- RHEL 7.5, network-latency tuned profile, dual X5690, one socket isolated and tickless, no spectre/meltdown protection.
- HFT optimized. Priority is a limit-order-move operation mean latency (currently ~0.5µs). Cancel operation takes ~0.7µs, placing new order ~1.0µs;
- In-memory working state.
- Lock-free and contention-free orders matching and risk control algorithms.
- Matching engine and risk control operations are atomic and deterministic.
- Pipelined processing (based on LMAX Disruptor): each CPU core is responsible for different processing stage, user accounts shard, or symbol order books set.
- Low GC pressure, objects pooling.
- Supports crossing Ask-Bid orders for market makers.
- Two implementations of matching engine: simple and optimized.
- Testing - unit-tests, integration tests, stress tests, integrity tests.
- Automatic threads affinity (requires JNA).
- Journaling support, event-sourcing - snapshot and replay operations support.
- Market data feeds (full order log, L2 market data, BBO, trades).
- Clearing and settlement.
- FIX and REST API gateways.
- More tests and benchmarks.
- NUMA-aware.
- Latency test: mvn -Dtest=ExchangeCorePerformance#latencyTest test
- Throughput test: mvn -Dtest=ExchangeCorePerformance#throughputTest test
- Hiccups test: mvn -Dtest=ExchangeCorePerformance#hiccupsTest test