ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v2.2.0 and v2.3.0
- EZP-31094: Introduce strict types for SearchService (#1584)
- EZP-31968: UDW - Display a loading wheel when the sub-items are loading (#1642)
- EZEE-3324: Form Builder: missing design for checkbox field in the Form preview (#1629)
- EZP-32157: Option to choose SA when creating custom alias (#1583)
- EZP-32164: Differentiate icons sets in open source and enterprise product (#1653)
- EZEE-3355: Create extension point in ezimage and ezimageasset fieldtype (#1650)
- EZP-32135: Provide a way to display interval in a human readable format
- EZEE-3350: [Image Editor] EzImage should be able to store additional data (#1655)
- EZEE-3383: [Image Editor] Get additionalData from asset on edit content view (#1661)
- EZP-32216: As a Maintainer, I want to use chartjs and js-md5 (#1663)
- EZP-31659: Add support for getting a query field results from a Location (#1669)
- EZEE-3399: Image Editor need visual correction (#1668)
- EZP-32248: Retain the width and scroll position of the content tree after page reload (#1679)
- EZEE-3422: As a Maintainer I want updated LICENSE & COPYRIGHT files in v3.3 packages (#1687)
- EZP-31039: Sort Order and Sort Field reset to hardcoded value (#1643)
- EZP-32105: SearchType in ezplatform-search uses obsolete configuration parameter for pagination limit (#1644)
- EZP-32170: It is possible to select a policy limitation twice (#1654)
- EZP-32212: long names in ezmatrix make an incorrect table display (#1662)
- EZP-32197: Selection field hides behind the Map (#1657)
- EZP-32210: Allow to click on objects multiple locations labels(paths) (#1664)
- EZP-32227: Content object is not editable when creator was deleted (#1665)
- EZP-32173: Overriding 'richtext_embed' UDW configuration doesn't work anymore (#1666)
- EZP-32193: Map location validation error message typo (#1674)
- EZP-32226: Logo in error page is misaligned (#1671)
- EZP-32225: Dropdown is not properly styled for content type with field ezselection (#1673)
- EZEE-3397: Image Editor does not work when IO handler is set (#1672)
- EZP-32223: Certain Back Office languages can break pager labels (#1675)
- EZP-32252: Wrong documentation link in login screen (#1683)
- EZEE-3419: Image editor - focal point is not restored in image asset (#1680)
- EZP-32253: Wrong links hover on login screen (#1684)
- EZP-32117: [UI][UX] Content Field validation error is not auto-scrolled to when it occurs on a non-focused tab (#1682)
- EZP-32180: Some of the selection list elements are not visible (#1688)
- EZP-32279: Dropdown is not properly styled, adjusted for content type with field ezcountry (#1691)
- EZP-31795: Thumbnail loading uncached image alias (#1690)
- EZP-32166: Base translation dropdown single selection issue (#1689)
- EZP-32285: Cropped image needs to be improved in UDW thumbnail view (#1692)
- EZP-32287: Wrong size of a "Save" tile on the URL management edit page. (#1693)