- SQLBindCol
- SQLColumns
- SQLExecDirect
- SQLExecute
- SQLFetch
- SQLGetInfo
- SQLGetTypeInfo
- SQLNumResultCols
- SQLPrepare
- SQLTables
- SQLBindParameter
- SQLColAttribute
- SQLSpecialColumns
- SQLDescribeCol
- SQLRowCount
- SQLGetData
- SQLForeignKeys
- SQLPrimaryKeys
- SQLNativeSql
- SQLAllocHandle
- SQLConnect
- SQLDisconnect
- SQLDriverConnect
- SQLFreeHandle
- SQLFreeStmt
- SQLGetDiagField
- SQLGetDiagRec
- SQLGetConnectAttr
- SQLGetStmtAttr
- SQLGetEnvAttr
- SQLSetConnectAttr
- SQLSetEnvAttr
- SQLSetStmtAttr
- SQLEndTran
These functions are unimplemented because our target ODBC applications have not been proven to exercise them.
Data Fetching:
- SQLStatistics
- SQLCloseCursor
- SQLGetCursorName
- SQLSetCursorName
- SQLFetchScroll (Tableau's data sheet says it might need this)
- SQLNumParams
- SQLParamData
- SQLPutData
- SQLCancel (Tableau's data sheet says it might need this)
Descriptor Fields (see handles.d):
- SQLCopyDesc
- SQLGetDescField
- SQLGetDescRec
- SQLSetDescRec
- SQLSetDescField
- SQLBrowseConnect
- SQLBulkOperations
- SQLMoreResults
- SQLProcedureColumns
- SQLProcedures
- SQLSetPos
- SQLColumnPrivileges
- SQLDescribeParam
- SQLTablePrivileges