This is a configuration values file for the groundhog2k/mongodb Helm chart, customized for local development purposes.
Detailed info:
Before deploying this chart, please ensure:
Kubernetes secret exists in the target namespace with:
- Name:
) - Required keys:
mongodb-uri: "<URI-for-mongodb-access>"
- Name:
MongoDB is installed and accessible
- Add the required Helm repositories:
# Add MongoDB repository
helm repo add groundhog2k
# Add Prometheus Community repository for MongoDB Exporter
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
- Install the MongoDB chart and MongoDB Exporter using the custom values:
# Install MongoDB
helm upgrade --install guestbook-mongodb groundhog2k/mongodb -f ./values.yaml -n mongodb --create-namespace
# Install MongoDB Exporter
helm upgrade --install mongodb-exporter prometheus-community/prometheus-mongodb-exporter -f ./mongodb-exporter.yaml -n mongodb
This chart uses the original MongoDB image from Docker Hub to deploy a stateful MongoDB instance in a Kubernetes cluster.
It fully supports deployment of the multi-architecture docker image.
Additionally, this setup includes the MongoDB Exporter for Prometheus monitoring, which collects and exports various MongoDB metrics.
- Kubernetes 1.12+
- Helm 3.x
- PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
Configuration adjustments applied via:
- MongoDB: values.yaml
- MongoDB Exporter: mongodb-exporter.yaml