! About the tutorial I'm learning GoLang! Yay!
I've followed the tutorials posted on https://tour.golang.org/basics/ in order to get up to speed. I've added additional comments as I go along.
The builder.sh is my own creation.
checkout into ~/dev/go/src such that looks like ~/dev/go/src/golang-tutorials
!! builder/gobuild.sh
gobuild.sh helps build go binaries.
SETUP First, place gobuild.sh on your path - for instance,
If ~/bin is on your path, you can place a symlink to gobuild.sh in ~/bin. Now, you can use gobuild.sh from anywhere within the golang-tutorials project.
ln -s ~/dev/go/src/golang-tutorials/builder/gobuild.sh ~/bin/gob
to build lesson1.go,
cd ~?/dev/go/src/golang-tutorials/lesson1/;gob
This will cause lesson1.go to compile and execute. The binary will write to the GOBIN location as configured in gobuild.sh: ~/dev/go/bin