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Procuder/consumer pattern for thread communication and/or syncronization in C.

This project implements a communication and synchronization mechanism between producer and consumer threads.

Some threads can produce and send messages, which are received and consumed by other threads. Exchanged message are strongly type -- they are bound to a chosen (or void) type of objects specific to each channel of communication.

Besides, communication channels can be synchronized with an adjustable constraint:

  • either tight: producer (or team of producers) and consumer (or team of consumers) work at same pace ;
  • or loose : producer (or team of producers) and consumer (or team of consumers) work at their own pace ;
  • or anything in between.

The pattern of message driven synchronization is of interest because it is intuitive and of a higher level of abstraction than mutexes and conditions:

  • some threads A (usually called the senders or the producers) fill the message queue ;
  • some other threads B (usually called the receivers or the consumers) eat up the message queue.

Threads B are gracefully synchronized with threads A.

Therefore, I grabbed my copy of the (still great) book "Programming with POSIX threads" by Butenhof, where the pattern is mentionned, to implement it for my favorite language, C.

And here it is.

Under the hook, this pattern is a thread-safe FIFO message queue suited for thread synchronization.

It hides mutexed and thread synchronization complexity behind simple objects, called bottles, similar for example to the concept of channels found in language Go (which shows a nice and minimalistic grammar and overall simplicity, as compared to C++ or Java).

The API is simple : declare and define a channel (bottle) and the type of messages which can be exchanged through it, create a channel, send and receive messages, close and destroy the channel:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "bottle_impl.h"        // Include necessary stuff
typedef const char *Message;
bottle_type_declare (Message);  // Declare the template for type 'Message'
bottle_type_define (Message);   // Define the template for type 'Message'

static void *
eat (void *arg)                 // The thread that receives the messages
  bottle_t (Message) * bottle = arg;
  Message m;
  while (bottle_recv (bottle, m))       // Receive a message
    printf ("...%s\n", m);
  return 0;

main (void)
  bottle_t (Message) * bottle = bottle_create (Message);        // create a bottle (on the sender side), unbuffered, for communication and synchronization

  // 10 consumers
  pthread_t eater[10];
  for (pthread_t * p = eater; p < eater + sizeof (eater) / sizeof (*eater); p++)
    pthread_create (p, 0, eat, bottle);

  // 1 producer
  Message police[] = { "I'll send an SOS to the world", "I hope that someone gets my", "Message in a bottle" };
  for (Message * m = police; m < police + sizeof (police) / sizeof (*police); m++)
    printf ("%s...\n", *m);
    bottle_send (bottle, *m);   // Send a message
    sleep (1);

  bottle_close (bottle);        // close the bottle (tells the receiver threads that all messages have been sent.)
  for (pthread_t * p = eater; p < eater + sizeof (eater) / sizeof (*eater); p++)
    pthread_join (*p, 0);       // Waits for the receiver thread to finish its work (it uses the bottle).
  bottle_destroy (bottle);      // destroy the bottle once receiver threads are over.

Details, discussions and examples are given below.

Have fun !

Thread synchronization through messages

Threads can synchronize using the producer/consumer pattern. Consumer threads (possibly several) trigger when they receive messages sent by producer threads (possibly several).

Each message is consumed by at most one consumer thread.

Messages are managed in a thread-safe message queue (called bottle thereafter).

Unbuffered message queue

The created message queue is unbuffered by default. Such an unbuffered queue is suitable for a tight synchronization between threads running concurrently.

Buffered message queue

Even if unbuffred queues are efficient in most cases, buffered queues can be needed for specific use cases:

  • to limit the number of thread workers,
  • in case of a very high rate (more than 100k per second) of exchanged messages between the sender thread and the receiver thread, where context switch overhead between threads would be counter-productive. The buffer capacity will allow to process sending and receiving messages by chunks, therefore reducing the number of context switch.
  • In case the receiver is slower to process received messages than the sender to send them. Using a buffered message queue avoids blocking the sender inadequately, where an unbuffered queue would tune the pace of the sender on the one of the receiver, slowing down the sender thread.

For this purpose, an optional argument capacity can be passed at creation of a message queue.

  • A capacity set to a positive integer defines a buffered queue of fixed and limited capacity.

    This configuration relaxes the synchronization between threads.

    This could also be used to manage tokens: capacity is then the number of available tokens. Call BOTTLE_TRY_FILL to request a token, and call BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN to release a token. The bottle is then used as a container of controlled capacity. BOTTLE_CLOSE need not be used in this case. There is such an example below.

  • A capacity set to UNBUFFERED or 1 defines an unbuffered queue (default, suitable for most purposes.)

    This the choice for thread synchronization through messages.

  • A capacity set to UNLIMITED or 0 defines a queue of infinite capacity.

    This configuration allows easy communication between producers and consumers without any constraints on synchronization. It can be useful for asynchronous I/O for example, as in hanoi.c.

    It allocates and desallocates capacity dynamically as needed for messages in the pipe between producers and consumers. It is therefore slower than an UNBUFFERED queue or a queue with fixed capacity. It should be used with care as it could exhaust memory if the producer rate exceeds dramatically the consumer rate.

Buffered queues are implemented as preallocated arrays rather than as conventional linked-list: elements of the array are reused to transport all messages, whereas with a linked list, each message would require a dynamically allocated new element in the list, adding memory management pverhead. This design is inspired by the LMAX Disruptor pattern.

As said before, the usage of buffered queues is neither required nor recommended for thread synchronization, as it would partly unsynchronize threads and uses a larger amount of memory ; UNBUFFERED queues are suitable for most purposes.

Insights of the user interface

The user interface is available in two styles, a macro-like and a C-like style. The example above uses the C-style style, which is more natural and recommended. The macro-like style simply reminds that a lot of macros are behind the implementation of bottles. Both styles are strictly equivalent, can be mixed and switched.

Description Macro-like style C-like style
Declaration and definition of bottle type
Type declaration DECLARE_BOTTLE(T) bottle_type_declare(T)
Type definition DEFINE_BOTTLE(T) bottle_type_define(T)
Type BOTTLE(T) bottle_t(T)
Automatic allocation of a bottle
Declare and create BOTTLE_DECL bottle_auto
Dynamic allocation
Create BOTTLE_CREATE bottle_create
Destroy BOTTLE_DESTROY bottle_destroy
Sending and receiving
Send message BOTTLE_FILL bottle_send
Receive message BOTTLE_DRAIN bottle_recv
Non blocking
Try sending message BOTTLE_TRY_FILL bottle_try_send
Try receiving message BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN bottle_try_recv
Close sending channel BOTTLE_CLOSE bottle_close
Plug BOTTLE_PLUG bottle_plug
Unplug BOTTLE_UNPLUG bottle_unplug
Is plugged BOTTLE_IS_PLUGGED bottle_is_plugged
Is closed BOTTLE_IS_CLOSED bottle_is_closed
Get buffer capacity BOTTLE_CAPACITY bottle_capacity

The following text uses the macro-like style but the equivalent C-like style can be used as well.

Declaration (allocation) of bottles

Bottles can be created either dynamically or with an automatically allocation.

Creation of a bottle, dynamically

BOTTLE (T) * BOTTLE_CREATE (T, [size_t capacity = UNBUFFERED])

The second argument is optional and defaults to UNBUFFERED (see Buffered message queue above).

To transport messages of type T, BOTTLE_CREATE creates a pointer to a dynamically allocated message queue.

T could be any standard or user defined (typedef) type, simple or composed structure (struct).

For instance, to create a pointer to a message queue b for exchanging integers between threads, use:

BOTTLE (int) *b = BOTTLE_CREATE (int);

The message queue is a strongly typed (it is a hand-made template container) FIFO queue.

To create a pointer to a buffered message queue, pass its capacity as an optional (positive integer or UNLIMITED) second argument of BOTTLE_CREATE :

BOTTLE( T ) *bottle = BOTTLE_CREATE ( T , capacity );

Destruction of a bottle dynamically allocated

void BOTTLE_DESTROY (BOTTLE (T) *bottle)

Thereafter, once all the receivers are done (see Closing communication below) in the user program, and the bottle is not needed anymore, it can be destroyed safely with BOTTLE_DESTROY.

Declaration of local (automatic) variable

Rather than creating pointers to bottles, local variables of type BOTTLE (T) can as well be declared and initialized with BOTTLE_DECL. These variables behave like automatic variables: resources are automatically allocated at declaration and deallocated at end of scope.

BOTTLE_DECL (variable name, T, [size_t capacity = UNBUFFERED])

BOTTLE_DECL can only be applied to auto function scope variables; it may not be applied to parameters or variables with static storage duration.


  • BOTTLE_DECL is only available with compilers gcc and clang as it makes use of the variable attribute cleanup.
  • BOTTLE_DECL (b, int, 3) is similar to what could be bottle_t<int> b(3) in C++ (if template class bottle_t were declared).

Here is an example of automatic allocation. The variable b is declared as a bottle_t (time_t) and initialized. It is destroyed when the variable goes out of scope.

#include <time.h>
#include "bottle_impl.h"


int main (void)
  BOTTLE_DECL (b, time_t);       // Declare an automatic variable b of type bottle_t (time_t)
  bottle_send (&b, time (0));    // Send a message through the bottle
  time_t val;
  bottle_recv (&b, val);         // Receive a message through the bottle and store it in `val`
  // b is deallocated automatically when going out of scope.

Exchanging messages between threads

Sender threads communicate with receiver threads by exchanging messages through the bottle: the bottle has a mouth where it can be filled with messages and a tap from where it can be drained.

alt text

(c) Davis & Waddell - EcoGlass Oil Bottle with Tap Large 5 Litre | Peter's of Kensington

Receiving messages

int BOTTLE_DRAIN (BOTTLE (T) *bottle, [T& message])

The second argument message is an optional variable name. If omitted, the bottle is drained but the message is not fetched and is lost.

It is of type T& (a reference to a variable, à la C++). It is passed as a reference, and not as a pointer to T. As such, it might be modified by the callee (just a little bit of macro magic here).

The receivers can receive messages (draining form the tap), as long as the bottle is not empty and not closed, by calling BOTTLE_DRAIN (bottle, message). The received message feeds the variable message.

  • BOTTLE_DRAIN returns 0 immediately (with errno set to ECONNABORTED) if there is no data to receive and the bottle was previously closed (by BOTTLE_CLOSE, see below).

    This condition (returned value equal to 0) should be handled by the receivers to detect the end of communication between threads (end of reception of data from the bottle).

  • If there is data to receive, BOTTLE_DRAIN receives a message from the bottle (it modifies the value of the second argument message passed by "reference") and returns 1 immediately.

    Messages are received in the exact order they have been sent, whatever the capacity of the buffer defined by BOTTLE_CREATE.

  • Otherwise (there is no data to receive and the bottle is not closed), BOTTLE_DRAIN waits until there is data to receive. It is precisely this behavior that ensures synchronicity between the sender and the receiver.

Therefore BOTTLE_DRAIN returns 1 if a message has been sucessfully received from the bottle, 0 otherwise.

Sending messages

int BOTTLE_FILL (BOTTLE (T) *bottle, [T message])

The second argument is optional. If omitted, an arbitrary unspecified dummy message is used to fill the bottle.

The senders can send messages (filling in through the mouth of the bottle) by calling BOTTLE_FILL (bottle, message), as long as the mouth is open and the botlle is not closed.

  • BOTTLE_FILL waits in those cases:

    • If the bottle was plugged (by BOTTLE_PLUG, see below), BOTTLE_FILL blocks until the bottle is unplugged (by BOTTLE_UNPLUG).

    • If the message queue is unbuffered (UNBUFFERED, recommended), BOTTLE_FILL blocks until some receiver has received the value sent by a previous sucessful call to BOTTLE_FILL or BOTTLE_TRY_FILL. It is precisely this behavior that ensures synchronicity between the sender and the receiver.

    • If the message queue is buffered and the buffer is of limited capacity and full, BOTTLE_FILL blocks until some receiver has retrieved at least one value previously sent (with BOTTLE_DRAIN or BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN).

      Note: if the bottle has UNLIMITED capacity, it can never be full as its capacity increases automatically as necessary to accept new messages (like a skin ballon).

  • BOTTLE_FILL returns 0 (with errno set to ECONNABORTED) in those cases:

    • immediately, without waiting, if the bottle was previously closed (by BOTTLE_CLOSE, see below).

    • as soon as the bottle is closed (by BOTTLE_CLOSE) while waiting.

      This returned value most probably indicates an error in the logic of the user program as it should be avoided to close a bottle while senders are still using it.

      Anyhow, this condition (returned value equal to 0) should be handled by the senders (which should stop the transmission of any data to the bottle).

  • In other cases, BOTTLE_FILL sends the message in the bottle and returns 1.

Therefore BOTTLE_FILL returns 1 if a message has been sucessfully sent in the bottle, 0 otherwise.

Resources management

Messages are passed by value between the senders and receivers: when a message is sent in or recieved from a bottle, it is copied. This guarantees thread-safeness and independance between the sender thread and the receiver thread.

  • whateveer the changes made by the sender on a message after it was sent, it will not affect the message received by the receiver: the received message is an exact copy of the message as it was at the moment it was sent.
  • whateveer the changes made by the receiver on a received message, it will not affect the message sent by the sender.

Nevertheless, in particular and unusual case where the message type T would be or would contain (in a structure) pointers to allocated resources (such as memory with malloc/free or file descriptor with fopen/fclose for instance), the user program must respect those simple rules:

  • The sender:

    • must allocate resources of the message before sending it (i.e. before the call to functions BOTTLE_FILL or BOTTLE_TRY_FILL);

    • should not try to access those allocated ressources after the message has been sent (i.e. after the call to functions BOTTLE_FILL or BOTTLE_TRY_FILL).

    Indeed, as soon as a message is sent, it is owned by the receiver (which could modify it) and does not belong to the sender anymore.

  • The receiver must, after use of the received message (with a call to functions BOTTLE_DRAIN or BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN), deallocate (release) all the resources of the message (those previously allocated by the sender).

Closing communication

void BOTTLE_CLOSE (BOTTLE (T) *bottle)

When concurrent threads are synchronized by an exchange of messages, the senders must inform the receivers when they have finished sending messages, so that receivers won't need to wait for extra messages (see BOTTLE_DRAIN above).

In other words, as soon as all messages have been sent through the bottle (it won't be filled with any more messages), the bottle can be closed on the sender side.

To do so, the function BOTTLE_CLOSE seals the mouth of the bottle (i.e. closes the transmitter side of the bottle permanently), and unblocks all receivers waiting for messages.

The call to BOTTLE_CLOSE, on the sender side:

  1. prevents any new message from being sent in the bottle (just in case) : BOTTLE_FILL and BOTTLE_TRY_FILL will return 0 immediately (without blocking).
  2. and then asks for any remaining blocked calls to BOTTLE_DRAIN (called by the receivers) to unblock and to finish their job: all pending calls to BOTTLE_DRAIN will be asked to return immediately with value 0 (see above).

BOTTLE_CLOSE acts as if it were sending an end-of-file in the bottle.

Therefore, the call to `BOTTLE_CLOSE` *must be done*
after the senders have finished their work (either at the end
or sequentially just after the sender treatment).


  • After the call to BOTTLE_CLOSE by the sender, receivers are still able to (and should) process the remaining messages in the bottle to avoid any memory leak due to unprocessed remaining messages.

  • The user program must wait for all the receiver treatments to finish (usually, waiting for the receivers to finish with a pthread_join might suffice) before destroying the bottle (with BOTTLE_DESTROY).

  • As said above, BOTTLE_CLOSE is only useful when the bottle is used to synchronize concurrent threads on sender and reciever sides and need not be used in other cases (thread-safe shared FIFO queue).

  • BOTTLE_DESTROY does not call BOTTLE_CLOSE by default because the user program should ensure that all receivers have finished their work between BOTTLE_CLOSE and BOTTLE_DESTROY.

Other features

Unblocking message queue functions

int BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN (BOTTLE (T) *bottle, [T message])

The second argument is optional. If omitted, the bottle is drained but the message is lost.

int BOTTLE_TRY_FILL (BOTTLE (T) *bottle, [T message])

The second argument is optional. If omitted, an arbitrary unspecified dummy message is used.

These are unblocking versions of the filling and draining functions.

These functions return immediately without blocking. They are not suited for thread synchronization and are of limited use.

When used, the message queue looses its thread-synchronization feature and behaves like a simple thread-safe FIFO message queue:

  • Receivers can receive messages without blocking with BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN (bottle, message).

    • BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN returns 0 (with errno set to ECONNABORTED) if the bottle is empty and closed.
    • BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN returns 0 (with errno set to EWOULDBLOCK) if the bottle is empty.
    • Otherwise, it receives a message (it modifies the value of the second argument message) from the bottle and returns 1.
  • Senders can send messages without blocking with BOTTLE_TRY_FILL (bottle, message).

    • BOTTLE_TRY_FILL returns 0 if the bottle is closed (with errno set ECONNABORTED). This most probably indicates an error in the user program as it should be avoided to close a bottle while senders are still using it.
    • BOTTLE_TRY_FILL returns 0 if the bottle is plugged (with errno set EWOULDBLOCK) or already full. This indicates that a call to BOTTLE_FILL would have blocked.
    • Otherwise, it sends a message in the bottle and returns 1.

Notice that the second argument message is of type T, and not a pointer to T, even though it might be modified by BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN (macro magic here).

Halting communication

void BOTTLE_PLUG (BOTTLE (T) *bottle)

void BOTTLE_UNPLUG (BOTTLE (T) *bottle)

The communication between sender and receiver threads can be stopped and restarted at will if needed. The mouth of the bottle can be:

  • plugged (stopping communication) with BOTTLE_PLUG,
  • unplugged (to restart communication) with BOTTLE_UNPLUG.

Getting the capacity of a bottle

size_t BOTTLE_CAPACITY (BOTTLE (T) *bottle)

BOTTLE_CAPACITY returns the capacity of the bottle (as defined at creation with BOTTLE_CREATE):

  • A value equal to UNBUFFERED (or 1) indicates an unbuffered bottle.
  • A positive number indicate a buffered bottle of limited capacity.
  • A value equal to UNLIMITED (or 0) indicates a buffered bottle of unlimited capacity.

Hidden data

If the content of the messages is not needed, the argument message can be omitted in calls to BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN, BOTTLE_DRAIN, BOTTLE_TRY_FILL and BOTTLE_FILL.

In this case, a bottle is simply used as a synchronization method or a token counter.


Before use:

  1. include header file bottle_impl.h.
  2. instanciate a template of a given type of messages with DECLARE_BOTTLE and DEFINE_BOTTLE.

For instance, to exchange message texts between threads, start code with:

#include "bottle_impl.h"
typedef const char * TextMessage;   // A user-defined type of messages.
DECLARE_BOTTLE (TextMessage);       // Declares the usage of bottles for the user-defined type.
DEFINE_BOTTLE (TextMessage);        // Defines the usage of bottles for the user-defined type.

Source files

  • bottle.h declares the user interface documented here (about 100 lines of source code).
  • bottle_impl.h defines the user programming interface (about 200 lines of source code).
  • vfunc.h is used by bottle.h. It permits usage of optional parameters in function signatures.


All sources should be compiled with the option -pthread.

Unbuffered bottle: Thread synchronization

bottle_example.c is a complete example of a program (compile with option -pthread) using a synchronized thread-safe FIFO message queue.

Buffered bottle

High performance message exchanges

When high performance of exchanges is required between threads (more than 100 000 messages per seconds), a buffered bottle is a good choice (reminder: in other cases, an unbuffered bottle is far enough.)

In the following example, this enhances performance by a factor of about 40, because it cuts off the concurrency overhead. On my computer (AMD A6 4 cores), it takes about 20 seconds to exchange 25 millions messages between synchronized threads.

#include "bottle_impl.h"

#define NB_MESSAGES 25000000
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1000

static size_t LEVEL[2 * NB_MESSAGES];
static size_t nb_p, nb_c;

static void *eat (void *arg)
  bottle_t (int) * bottle = arg;
  while (bottle_recv (bottle))
    LEVEL[nb_c++ + nb_p] = QUEUE_SIZE (bottle->queue);
  return 0;

main (void)
  bottle_t (int) * bottle = bottle_create (int, BUFFER_SIZE);
  pthread_t eater;
  pthread_create (&eater, 0, eat, bottle);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < NB_MESSAGES && bottle_send (bottle); i++)
    LEVEL[nb_c + nb_p++] = QUEUE_SIZE (bottle->queue);
  bottle_close (bottle);
  pthread_join (eater, 0);
  bottle_destroy (bottle);
  printf ("%zu messages produced, %zu messages consumed.\n", nb_p, nb_c);

Token management

Tokens can be managed with a buffered bottle, in this very naive model:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "bottle_impl.h"
typedef int Token;

#define PRINT_TOKEN printf (" (%lu/%lu).\n", QUEUE_SIZE((tokens_in_use).queue), BOTTLE_CAPACITY (&tokens_in_use))
#define GET_TOKEN   printf ("Token requested: %s", BOTTLE_TRY_FILL (&tokens_in_use) ? "OK" : "NOK")
#define LET_TOKEN   printf ("Token released:  %s", BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN (&tokens_in_use) ? "OK" : "NOK")

int main (void)
  BOTTLE_DECL (tokens_in_use, Token, 3);





Token requested: OK (1/3).
Token requested: OK (2/3).
Token requested: OK (3/3).
Token requested: NOK (3/3).
Token requested: NOK (3/3).
Token released:  OK (2/3).
Token requested: OK (3/3).


  • the use of a local automatic variable tokens_in_use declared by BOTTLE_DECL,
  • how optional arguments message are omitted in calls to BOTTLE_TRY_DRAIN and BOTTLE_TRY_FILL.

Under the hood (internals)

Each instance of a bottle :

  • contains a FIFO queue queue (see below.)
  • two states closed and frozen indicating a bottle was closed or plugged respectively.

Thread synchronization

The pattern for a thread-safe FIFO queue (that's what a bottle is) is explained by Butenhof in his book "Programming with POSIX threads".

Each instance of a bottle is protected by a mutex for thread-safeness and two conditions for synchronization.

    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
    pthread_cond_t  not_empty;
    pthread_cond_t  not_full;

Each time the bottle is accessed for modification (plugging and unplugging, filling and emptying, closing), the action is guarded by the mutex (call of pthread_mutex_lock/unlock on mutex).

Each time a message is sent in the bottle,

  • if the bottle is already full, the caller waits until the bottle is not full anymore or is closed (call of pthread_cond_wait on not_full).
  • the bottle signals it is not empty (call of pthread_cond_signal on not_empty)

Each time a message is received from the bottle,

  • if the bottle is empty, the caller waits until the bottle is filled in or closed (call of pthread_cond_wait on not_empty).
  • the bottle signals it is not full (call of pthread_cond_signal on not_full)

When the bottle is closed, it signals it is not empty (call of pthread_cond_signal on not_empty) and not full (call of pthread_cond_signal on not_full) so that pending senders and receivers are unblocked.

Message queue buffer... ring

The FIFO queue of a bottle is defined as:

    struct {
      TYPE*   buffer;      // Array containing the messages (at most capacity)
      size_t  capacity;    // Maximum number of elements in the queue (size of the array)
      int     unlimited;   // Indicates that the capacity can be extended automatically as required
      size_t  size;        // Number of messages currently in the queue (<= capacity)
      TYPE*   reader_head; // Position where to read the next value
      TYPE*   writer_head; // Position where to write the next value


  • TYPE is the type of messages stored in the queue (this type is defined at creation of the bottle, see below.)
  • capacity is the capacity of the buffer (equal to 1 for UNBUFFERED bottles.)
  • size is the number of messages currently in the bottle (sent but not read yet.)
  • unlimited indicates (when non zero) that the capacity can be extended automatically as required (see below.)

When a message is added in the queue, it is copied at some position in the buffer (*pos = message). When a message is removes from the queue, it is copied from some position in the buffer (message = *pos).

Let's consider a naïve implementation of the buffer where written messages are appended, starting from the beginning of the buffer.

  1. After writing messages a, b ,c in a buffer of size 4, the buffer would look like [abc_] where _ indicates an empty position.
  2. After reading the first message (a), we get [bc__].
  3. After writing a message d (appended at the end of the buffer), we get [bcd_].
  4. After reading the next message (b), we get [cd__].
  5. After writing a message e (appended at the end of the buffer), we get [cde_].
  6. After reading the two next messages (c and d), we get [e___].

This requires shifting all the elements of the buffer every time it is read, which is time consuming (linear time with buffer size).

To avoid shifting and to work at constant time whatever the size of the buffer, it is better to keep track of the next position where to write (the writer_head) and where to read (the reader_head):

  1. After writing messages a, b ,c in an empty buffer of size 4, the buffer looks like [abc_]. The writer head is on the next position after c. The reader head is on the first position (a).

  2. After reading the first message (a) at the reader head position, we get [_bc_]. The reader head moves to the next position after a (b).

  3. After writing a message d (appended at the writer head position), we get [_bcd].

    Instead of shifting the entire buffer to create space at the end of the buffer for the next message ([_bcd] to [bcd_]), the writer head moves to the next position after d, which is at the beginning of the buffer.

    The buffer is actually a ring : when a header reaches the end of the buffer, it overflows at the beginning of the buffer, ready for the next message to be written. This permits an easy recycling of the buffer without shifting involved.

  4. After reading the next message (b), we get [__cd]. The reader head moves on c.

  5. After writing a message e ( at the writer head position), we get [e_cd]. The writer head moves to the next position after e.

  6. After reading the two next messages (c and d), we get [e___]. The reader head overflows at the beginning of the buffer, on the first postion, ready for the next message to be read (e).

  7. After writing messages f, g, h (appended at the writer head position), we get [efgh]. The writer head overflows and moves at the beggining of the buffer, on the first postion.

    Therefore, the reader and writer heads do overlap after writing, indicating that the buffer is full.

  8. After reading the two next messages (e and f), we get [__gh]. The reader head moves on g.

  9. After writing a message i (at the writer head position), we get [i_gh]. The writer head moves to the position after i.

  10. After reading the three next messages (g, h and i), we get [____]. The reader head overflows and moves to the second position.

    Therefore, the reader and writer heads do overlap after reading, indicating that the buffer is empty.

  11. After writing a message j (at the writer head position), we get [_j__].

As said, the buffer is actually a ring:

  • Reader and writer heads overflow at the beginning of the buffer when they reach its end.
  • A message is written at writer head position, after which the writer head is moved to the next position.
  • A message is read at reader head position, after which the reader head is moved to the next position.
  • The buffer is full when the writer head reaches the reader head position after writing (i.e. sending a message in the bottle).
  • The buffer is empty when the reader head reaches the writer head position after reading (i.e. receiveing a message from the bottle).

Buffer of unlimited capacity

When a botlle is declared with an infinite (UNLIMITED) capacity, it is automatically expanded when the bottle is full: more space is created inthe buffer:

  1. Suppose the buffer is [__ab].
  2. When c and d are written, the buffer goes [cdab] and the reader and writer heads are both on a, indicating that the buffer is full.
  3. If e is written,
    • before writing, space is added before the read head ad after the writer head: [cd____ab] ;
    • the reader head is then on a, and the writer head after d ;
    • e can then be written: [cde___ab]

The number of empty spaces created is ruled by the (macro) function QUEUE_UNLIMITED_CAPACITY_GROWTH_RULE which yelds the new overall capacity after expansion from the actual capacity.

By default, the capacity is doubled:

#define QUEUE_UNLIMITED_CAPACITY_GROWTH_RULE(capacity) ((capacity)*2)

Therefore, in the previous example, the capacity is expanded from 4 to 8, creating 4 new positions in the buffer.

On the opposite, the buffer is shrinked after reading in case the overall capacity exceeds QUEUE_UNLIMITED_CAPACITY_GROWTH_RULE(size) where size is the number of messages in the buffer. All empty positions are removes before the reader head and after the writer head (this leading to a full buffer.)

Bottle template

This section explains how the type of the messages can be defined at creation of the bottle (at compile-time) and how things like bottle_t(int) *b = bottle_create(int) and bottle_send (b, 5) work (the C-like style is used here).

bottle_t( TYPE ) is in fact a template that is instanciated at compile-time with the type TYPE specified (it uses some kind of genericity.)

When bottle_type_declare(int) and bottle_type_define(int) are added in the global part of the code, it creates the objet bottle_int and a bunch of functions like bottle_create_int and bottle_send_int (to name a few) behind the scene.

When bottle_create(int) is called, it is translated into a call to bottle_create_int at compile time using the macro:

#define bottle_create( TYPE, capacity ) \

At creattion of a bottle, the instance of the bottle is tied to its set of functions depending of its type TYPE with something loke:

  const struct
    int (*Fill) (bottle_*TYPE* *self, TYPE message);
    int  (*TryFill) (bottle_*TYPE* *self, TYPE message);
    int (*Drain) (bottle_*TYPE* *self, TYPE *message);
    int (*TryDrain) (bottle_*TYPE* *self, TYPE *message);
    void (*Close) (bottle_*TYPE* *self);
    void (*Destroy) (bottle_*TYPE* *self);
  } *vtable = { bottle_send_*TYPE*, bottle_try_send_*TYPE*, bottle_recv_*TYPE*, bottle_try_recv_*TYPE*, bottle_close_*TYPE*, bottle_destroy_*TYPE* };

A call to bottle_send(b, 5) will therefore be translated into a call to Fill(b, 5) at compile time with a macro like:

#define bottle_send(self, message)  \
  ((self)->vtable->Fill ((self), (message)))

which in turn will be translated into a call to bottle_send_int(b, 5) at runtime.

The names of the macros and functions are slightly different in the code (where macro-like style is used) but this is the concept.

This logic uses ideas from the blog of Randy Gaul.

Optional arguments

Some calls (such as bottle_create(*TYPE*, [size_t capacity]) accept optional arguments (here capacity).

This is brougth by the use of the tricky macro VFUNC defined in vfunc.h (see