- Prerequisites: node.js, npm, libxml2 and cmake:
sudo apt-get install git scala cmake node npm libxml2-dev && npm install -g coffee-script
- Checkout project and ogl-data submodule:
cd <Folder that contains the Proofreader.>
git clone https://github.com/fbaumgardt/perseus-proofreader
2. Run npm install in root directory to install dependencies:<br>
cd perseus-proofreader
npm install
3. Import one or more works:<br>
cd vendor/ogl-data
git clone https://github.com/opengreekandlatin/
scala localInventory.scala
scala globalInventory.scala <--archive/--heml/--hathi>
4. Run npm start<br>
npm start
5. Server runs on port 7070
Default values for username and email are currently hardcoded in lib/server.coffee (sorry).