Enable push notifications in your target’s Capabilities settings in xCode.
Set your AppDelegate class to adhere to the
protocol.@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, RCTBridgeDelegate, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate>
Extend the SDK configuration code outlined in Configure the SDK to add support for push registration.
@implementation AppDelegate - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // configure the Marketing Cloud SDK ... if (success == YES) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ if (@available(iOS 10, *)) { // set the UNUserNotificationCenter delegate - the delegate must be set here in // didFinishLaunchingWithOptions [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter].delegate = self; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotifications]; [[UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter] requestAuthorizationWithOptions:UNAuthorizationOptionAlert | UNAuthorizationOptionSound | UNAuthorizationOptionBadge completionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (error == nil) { if (granted == YES) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ }); } } }]; } else { #if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 100000 UIUserNotificationSettings *settings = [UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:UIUserNotificationTypeBadge | UIUserNotificationTypeSound | UIUserNotificationTypeAlert categories:nil]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerUserNotificationSettings:settings]; #endif [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotifications]; } }); } else { // MarketingCloudSDK sfmc_configure failed os_log_debug(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "MarketingCloudSDK sfmc_configure failed with error = %@", error); } // RN setup return YES; } - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken { [[MarketingCloudSDK sharedInstance] sfmc_setDeviceToken:deviceToken]; } - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:(NSError *)error { os_log_debug(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError = %@", error); } // The method will be called on the delegate when the user responded to the notification by opening // the application, dismissing the notification or choosing a UNNotificationAction. The delegate // must be set before the application returns from applicationDidFinishLaunching:. - (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler { // tell the MarketingCloudSDK about the notification [[MarketingCloudSDK sharedInstance] sfmc_setNotificationRequest:response.notification.request]; if (completionHandler != nil) { completionHandler(); } } - (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler: (void (^)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions options))completionHandler { NSLog(@"User Info : %@", notification.request.content.userInfo); completionHandler(UNAuthorizationOptionSound | UNAuthorizationOptionAlert | UNAuthorizationOptionBadge); } // This method is REQUIRED for correct functionality of the SDK. // This method will be called on the delegate when the application receives a silent push - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler { [[MarketingCloudSDK sharedInstance] sfmc_setNotificationUserInfo:userInfo]; completionHandler(UIBackgroundFetchResultNewData); } @end
Enable Rich Notifications: Rich notifications include images, videos, titles and subtitles from the MobilePush app, and mutable content. Mutable content can include personalization in the title, subtitle, or body of your message.
- In Xcode, click File
- Click New
- Click Target
- Select Notification Service Extension
- Name and save the new extension
This service extension checks for a “_mediaUrl” element in request.content.userInfo. If found, the extension attempts to download the media from the URL , creates a thumbnail-size version, and then adds the attachment. The service extension also checks for a ““_mediaAlt” element in request.content.userInfo. If found, the service extension uses the element for the body text if there are any problems downloading or creating the media attachment.
A service extension can timeout when it is unable to download. In this code sample, the service extension delivers the original content with the body text changed to the value in “_mediaAlt”.
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h> #import "NotificationService.h" @interface NotificationService () @property(nonatomic, strong) void (^contentHandler)(UNNotificationContent *contentToDeliver); @property(nonatomic, strong) UNMutableNotificationContent *modifiedNotificationContent; @end @implementation NotificationService - (UNNotificationAttachment *)createMediaAttachment:(NSURL *)localMediaUrl { // options: specify what cropping rectangle of the media to use for a thumbnail // whether the thumbnail is hidden or not UNNotificationAttachment *mediaAttachment = [UNNotificationAttachment attachmentWithIdentifier:@"attachmentIdentifier" URL:localMediaUrl options:@{ UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailClippingRectKey : (NSDictionary *)CFBridgingRelease( CGRectCreateDictionaryRepresentation(CGRectZero)), UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailHiddenKey : @NO } error:nil]; return mediaAttachment; } - (void)didReceiveNotificationRequest:(UNNotificationRequest *)request withContentHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationContent *_Nonnull))contentHandler { // save the completion handler we will call back later self.contentHandler = contentHandler; // make a copy of the notification so we can change it self.modifiedNotificationContent = [request.content mutableCopy]; // alternative text to display if there are any issues loading the media URL NSString *mediaAltText = request.content.userInfo[@"_mediaAlt"]; // does the payload contains a remote URL to download or a local URL? NSString *mediaUrlString = request.content.userInfo[@"_mediaUrl"]; NSURL *mediaUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:mediaUrlString]; // if we have a URL, try to download media (i.e., // https://media.giphy.com/media/3oz8xJBbCpzG9byZmU/giphy.gif) if (mediaUrl != nil) { // create a session to handle downloading of the URL NSURLSession *session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:[NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration]]; // start a download task to handle the download of the media __weak __typeof__(self) weakSelf = self; [[session downloadTaskWithURL:mediaUrl completionHandler:^(NSURL *_Nullable location, NSURLResponse *_Nullable response, NSError *_Nullable error) { BOOL useAlternateText = YES; // if the download succeeded, save it locally and then make an attachment if (error == nil) { if (200 <= ((NSHTTPURLResponse *)response).statusCode && ((NSHTTPURLResponse *)response).statusCode <= 299) { // download was successful, attempt save the media file NSURL *localMediaUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[location.path stringByAppendingString:mediaUrl .lastPathComponent]]; // remove any existing file with the same name [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:localMediaUrl error:nil]; // move the downloaded file from the temporary location to a new file if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtURL:location toURL:localMediaUrl error:nil] == YES) { // create an attachment with the new file UNNotificationAttachment *mediaAttachment = [weakSelf createMediaAttachment:localMediaUrl]; // if no problems creating the attachment, we can use it if (mediaAttachment != nil) { // set the media to display in the notification weakSelf.modifiedNotificationContent.attachments = @[ mediaAttachment ]; // everything is ok useAlternateText = NO; } } } } // if any problems creating the attachment, use the alternate text if provided if ((useAlternateText == YES) && (mediaAltText != nil)) { weakSelf.modifiedNotificationContent.body = mediaAltText; } // tell the OS we are done and here is the new content weakSelf.contentHandler(weakSelf.modifiedNotificationContent); }] resume]; } else { // see if the media URL is for a local file (i.e., file://movie.mp4) BOOL useAlternateText = YES; if (mediaUrlString != nil) { // attempt to create a URL to a file in local storage NSURL *localMediaUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:mediaUrlString.lastPathComponent .stringByDeletingLastPathComponent ofType:mediaUrlString.pathExtension]]; // is the URL a local file URL? if (localMediaUrl != nil && localMediaUrl.isFileURL == YES) { // create an attachment with the local media UNNotificationAttachment *mediaAttachment = [self createMediaAttachment:localMediaUrl]; // if no problems creating the attachment, we can use it if (mediaAttachment != nil) { // set the media to display in the notification self.modifiedNotificationContent.attachments = @[ mediaAttachment ]; // everything is ok useAlternateText = NO; } } } // if any problems creating the attachment, use the alternate text if provided if ((useAlternateText == YES) && (mediaAltText != nil)) { self.modifiedNotificationContent.body = mediaAltText; } // tell the OS we are done and here is the new content contentHandler(self.modifiedNotificationContent); } } - (void)serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire { // Called just before the extension will be terminated by the system. // Use this as an opportunity to deliver your "best attempt" at modified content, otherwise the // original push payload will be used. // we took too long to download the media URL, use the alternate text if provided NSString *mediaAltText = self.modifiedNotificationContent.userInfo[@"_mediaAlt"]; if (mediaAltText != nil) { self.modifiedNotificationContent.body = mediaAltText; } // tell the OS we are done and here is the new content self.contentHandler(self.modifiedNotificationContent); } @end