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File metadata and controls

1566 lines (1314 loc) · 70.9 KB



The Client class that provides an interface to the Conflux network.


ConfluxOption : Object
TransactionMeta : TransactionMeta


The Client class that provides an interface to the Conflux network.

Kind: global class

new Conflux([options])

Param Type Description
[options] ConfluxOption Conflux and Provider constructor options.


> const { Conflux } = require('js-conflux-sdk');
> const conflux = new Conflux({url:'', networkId: 1});


> const conflux = new Conflux({
     url: 'http://localhost:8000',
     defaultGasPrice: 100,
     logger: console,

conflux.version : string

Kind: instance property of Conflux

conflux.provider : BaseProvider | WechatProvider | HttpProvider | WebsocketProvider

Provider for rpc call

Kind: instance property of Conflux

conflux.wallet : Wallet

Wallet for sendTransaction to get Account by from field

Kind: instance property of Conflux

conflux.defaultGasPrice : number | string


Default gas price for following methods:

  • Conflux.sendTransaction

Kind: instance property of Conflux

conflux.defaultGasRatio : number

If transaction.gas is undefined, gas will be set by estimate, cause gas used might be change during estimateGasAndCollateral and sendTransaction, estimate value need to multiply by defaultGasRatio (>1.0) in case of gas not enough.

transaction.gas = estimate.gasUsed * defaultGasRatio

Default gas price for following methods:

  • Conflux.sendTransaction

Kind: instance property of Conflux

conflux.defaultStorageRatio : number

If transaction.storageLimit is undefined, storageLimit will be set by estimate, cause storage limit might be change during estimateGasAndCollateral and sendTransaction, estimate value need to multiply by defaultStorageRatio (>1.0) in case of storageLimit not enough.

transaction.storageLimit = estimate.storageCollateralized * defaultStorageRatio

Default gas price for following methods:

  • Conflux.sendTransaction

Kind: instance property of Conflux

conflux.pos : PoS

pos RPC methods

Kind: instance property of Conflux

conflux.trace : Trace

trace RPC methods

Kind: instance property of Conflux

conflux.txpool : TxPool

txpool RPC methods

Kind: instance property of Conflux

conflux.cfx : CFX

cfx RPC methods

Kind: instance property of Conflux

conflux.advanced : AdvancedRPCUtilities

Advanced RPC compose methods

Kind: instance property of Conflux


Different kind provider API wrapper

Kind: instance method of Conflux

conflux.Contract(options) ⇒ Contract

A shout cut for new Contract(options, conflux);

Kind: instance method of Conflux

Param Type Description
options object See Contract.constructor

conflux.InternalContract(name) ⇒ Contract

Create internal contract by default abi and address

Kind: instance method of Conflux

Param Type Description
name "AdminControl" | "SponsorWhitelistControl" | "Staking" | "PoSRegister" | "CrossSpaceCall" Internal contract name


> conflux.InternalContract('AdminControl')
    constructor: [Function: bound call],
    abi: ContractABI { * },
    address: '0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000000',
    destroy: [Function: bound call],
    getAdmin: [Function: bound call],
    setAdmin: [Function: bound call],
    'destroy(address)': [Function: bound call],
    '0x00f55d9d': [Function: bound call],
    'getAdmin(address)': [Function: bound call],
    '0x64efb22b': [Function: bound call],
    'setAdmin(address,address)': [Function: bound call],
    '0xc55b6bb7': [Function: bound call]

conflux.CRC20(address) ⇒ Contract

Create an token CRC20 contract with standard CRC20 abi

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Contract - A token contract instance

Param Type
address string

conflux.BatchRequest() ⇒ BatchRequester

Return a BatchRequester instance which can used to build batch request and decode response data

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: BatchRequester - - A BatchRequester instance


close connection.

Kind: instance method of Conflux

> conflux.close();


Update conflux networkId from RPC

Kind: instance method of Conflux

conflux.getClientVersion() ⇒ Promise.<string>

Get node client version

Kind: instance method of Conflux

conflux.getSupplyInfo([epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<SupplyInfo>

Get supply info

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<SupplyInfo> - Return supply info

  • totalIssued BigInt: Total issued balance in Drip
  • totalStaking BigInt: Total staking balance in Drip
  • totalCollateral BigInt: Total collateral balance in Drip
Param Type Default Description
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getSupplyInfo()
     totalCirculating: 28953062500000000000000n,
     totalCollateral: 28953062500000000000000n,
     totalIssued: 5033319899279074765657343554n,
     totalStaking: 25026010834970490328077641n

conflux.getStatus() ⇒ Promise.<ChainStatus>

Get status

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<ChainStatus> - Status information object

  • chainId number: Chain id
  • epochNumber number: Epoch number
  • blockNumber number: Block number
  • pendingTxNumber number: Pending transaction number
  • bestHash string: The block hash of best pivot block
> await conflux.getStatus()
      chainId: 1029,
      networkId: 1029,
      epochNumber: 1117476,
      blockNumber: 2230973,
      pendingTxNumber: 4531,
      bestHash: '0x8d581f13fa0548f2751450a7dabd871777875c9ccdf0d8bd629e07a7a5a7917a'

conflux.getGasPrice() ⇒ Promise.<BigInt>

Returns the current price per gas in Drip.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<BigInt> - Gas price in drip.

> await conflux.getGasPrice();

conflux.getInterestRate([epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<BigInt>

Returns the interest rate of given parameter.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<BigInt> - The interest rate of given parameter.

Param Type Default Description
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getInterestRate();

conflux.getAccumulateInterestRate([epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<BigInt>

Returns the accumulate interest rate of given parameter.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<BigInt> - The accumulate interest rate of given parameter.

Param Type Default Description
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getAccumulateInterestRate()

conflux.getAccount(address, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<Account>

Return account related states of the given account

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Account> - Return the states of the given account:

  • balance BigInt: the balance of the account.
  • nonce BigInt: the nonce of the account's next transaction.
  • codeHash string: the code hash of the account.
  • stakingBalance BigInt: the staking balance of the account.
  • collateralForStorage BigInt: the collateral storage of the account.
  • accumulatedInterestReturn BigInt: accumulated unterest return of the account.
  • admin string: admin of the account.
Param Type Default Description
address string address to get account.
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getAccount('cfxtest:aasb661u2r60uzn5h0c4h63hj76wtgf552r9ghu7a4');
      accumulatedInterestReturn: 0n,
      balance: 824812401057514588670n,
      collateralForStorage: 174187500000000000000n,
      nonce: 1449n,
      stakingBalance: 0n,
      codeHash: '0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470'

conflux.getBalance(address, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<BigInt>

Returns the balance of the account of given address.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<BigInt> - The balance in Drip.

Param Type Default Description
address string The address to get the balance of.
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getBalance("cfxtest:aasb661u2r60uzn5h0c4h63hj76wtgf552r9ghu7a4");

conflux.getStakingBalance(address, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<BigInt>

Returns the balance of the staking account of given address.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<BigInt> - The staking balance in Drip.

Param Type Default Description
address string Address to check for staking balance.
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getStakingBalance('cfxtest:aasb661u2r60uzn5h0c4h63hj76wtgf552r9ghu7a4', 'latest_state');

conflux.getNextNonce(address, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<BigInt>

Returns the next nonce should be used by given address.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<BigInt> - The next nonce should be used by given address.

Param Type Description
address string The address to get the numbers of transactions from.
[epochNumber] string | number See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getNextNonce("cfxtest:aasb661u2r60uzn5h0c4h63hj76wtgf552r9ghu7a4");

conflux.getAdmin(address, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Returns the admin of given contract.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<string> - Address to admin, or null if the contract does not exist.

Param Type Default Description
address string Address to contract.
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> conflux.getAdmin('cfxtest:achc8nxj7r451c223m18w2dwjnmhkd6rxa2gc31euw')

conflux.getVoteList(address, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Vote>>

Returns vote list of the given account.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Vote>> - Vote list

  • array:
    • amount BigInt: This is the number of tokens should be locked before
    • unlockBlockNumber number: This is the timestamp when the vote right will be invalid, measured in, the number of past blocks.
Param Type Default Description
address string Address to contract.
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber

conflux.getDepositList(address, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Deposit>>

Returns deposit list of the given account.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Deposit>> - Deposit list

  • array:
    • amount BigInt: the number of tokens deposited
    • accumulatedInterestRate: BigInt: the accumulated interest rate at the time of the deposit
    • depositTime number: the time of the deposit
Param Type Default Description
address string Address to contract.
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber

conflux.getEpochNumber([epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<number>

Returns the epoch number of given parameter.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<number> - integer of the current epoch number of given parameter.

Param Type Default Description
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getEpochNumber();

conflux.getBlockByEpochNumber(epochNumber, [detail]) ⇒ Promise.<(Block|null)>

Returns information about a block by epoch number.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<(Block|null)> - See getBlockByHash

Param Type Default Description
epochNumber string | number See format.epochNumber
[detail] boolean false If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.


> await conflux.getBlockByEpochNumber('latest_mined', true);

conflux.getBlockByBlockNumber(blockNumber, [detail]) ⇒ Promise.<(Block|null)>

Returns information about a block by block number.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<(Block|null)> - See getBlockByHash

Param Type Default Description
blockNumber string | number
[detail] boolean false If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.


> await conflux.getBlockByBlockNumber('0x123', true);

conflux.getBlocksByEpochNumber(epochNumber) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<string>>

Returns hashes of blocks located in some epoch.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Array.<string>> - Array of block hashes, sorted by execution(topological) order.

Param Type Description
epochNumber string | number See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getBlocksByEpochNumber(0);

conflux.getBlockRewardInfo(epochNumber) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<RewardInfo>>

Get epoch blocks reward info

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Array.<RewardInfo>> - List of block reward info

  • blockHash string: Hash of the block.
  • author string: The address of the beneficiary to whom the mining rewards were given.
  • baseReward BigInt: Block base reward in Drip
  • totalReward BigInt: Block total reward in Drip
  • txFee BigInt: Total gas fee of block transaction
Param Type Description
epochNumber string | number See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getBlockRewardInfo(6);
      baseReward: 6993700000000000000n,
      totalReward: 6993700031741486703n,
      txFee: 0n,
      blockHash: '0x73cd891aea310e2c0b8644de91746c7353cebfffb780126bc06101b20689c893'
      baseReward: 6997200000000000000n,
      totalReward: 6997200031760371742n,
      txFee: 3000000n,
      blockHash: '0xaf4136d04e9e2cc470703251ec46f5913ab7955d526feed43771705e89c77390'

conflux.getBestBlockHash() ⇒ Promise.<string>

Returns the hash of best block.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<string> - hash of the best block.

> await conflux.getBestBlockHash();

conflux.getBlockByHash(blockHash, [detail]) ⇒ Promise.<(Block|null)>

Returns information about a block by hash.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<(Block|null)> - A block object, or null when no block was found:

  • adaptive boolean: If true the weight of the block is adaptive under GHAST rule, if false otherwise.
  • blame number: If 0, then no blocks are blamed on its parent path, If greater than 0, then the nearest blamed block on the parent path is blame steps away.
  • deferredLogsBloomHash string: The bloom hash of deferred logs.
  • deferredReceiptsRoot string: The hash of the receipts of the block after deferred execution.
  • deferredStateRoot string: The root of the final state trie of the block after deferred execution.
  • difficulty string: Integer string of the difficulty for this block.
  • epochNumber number|null: The current block epoch number in the client's view. null when it's not in best block's past set and the epoch number is not determined.
  • gasLimit BigInt: The maximum gas allowed in this block.
  • hash string|null: Hash of the block. null when its pending block.
  • height number: The block heights. null when its pending block.
  • miner string: The address of the beneficiary to whom the mining rewards were given.
  • nonce string: Hash of the generated proof-of-work. null when its pending block.
  • parentHash string: Hash of the parent block.
  • powQuality string:Hash of the generated proof-of-work. null when its pending block.
  • refereeHashes string[]: Array of referee hashes.
  • size number: Integer the size of this block in bytes.
  • timestamp number: The unix timestamp for when the block was collated.
  • transactions string[]|object[]: Array of transaction objects, or 32 Bytes transaction hashes depending on the last given parameter.
  • transactionsRoot string: The hash of the transactions of the block.
Param Type Default Description
blockHash string hash of a block.
[detail] boolean false If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.


> await conflux.getBlockByHash('0xaf4136d04e9e2cc470703251ec46f5913ab7955d526feed43771705e89c77390');
      epochNumber: 6,
      blame: 0,
      height: 6,
      size: 352,
      timestamp: 1603901780,
      gasLimit: 30000000n,
      gasUsed: 61118n,
      difficulty: 20000000000n,
      transactions: [
      adaptive: false,
      deferredLogsBloomHash: '0xd397b3b043d87fcd6fad1291ff0bfd16401c274896d8c63a923727f077b8e0b5',
      deferredReceiptsRoot: '0x09f8709ea9f344a810811a373b30861568f5686e649d6177fd92ea2db7477508',
      deferredStateRoot: '0x50c0fcbc5bafa7d1dba7b19c87629830106a6be8d0adf505cdc656bb43535d69',
      hash: '0xaf4136d04e9e2cc470703251ec46f5913ab7955d526feed43771705e89c77390',
      nonce: '0x17d86f2f6',
      parentHash: '0xc8a412b4b77b48d61f694975f032d109f26bb0f9fc02e4b221d67a382fab386b',
      powQuality: '0x5a0f86a6f4',
      refereeHashes: [
      transactionsRoot: '0xd2f08676484ba2a3738194f44542eb29fb290b8ed74bf007f132fe51d89b2e7c'

conflux.getBlockByHashWithPivotAssumption(blockHash, pivotBlockHash, epochNumber) ⇒ Promise.<(Block|null)>

Get block by blockHash if pivot block of epochNumber is pivotBlockHash.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<(Block|null)> - See getBlockByHash

Param Type Description
blockHash string Block hash which epochNumber expect to be epochNumber.
pivotBlockHash string Block hash which expect to be the pivot block of epochNumber.
epochNumber number Epoch number

conflux.getConfirmationRiskByHash(blockHash) ⇒ Promise.<(number|null)>

Get the risk of the block could be reverted. All block in one same epoch returned same risk number

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<(number|null)> - Number >0 and <1

Param Type Description
blockHash string Hash of a block


> await conflux.getConfirmationRiskByHash('0xaf4136d04e9e2cc470703251ec46f5913ab7955d526feed43771705e89c77390')

conflux.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash) ⇒ Promise.<(Transaction|null)>

Returns the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<(Transaction|null)> - transaction object, or null when no transaction was found:

  • blockHash string: hash of the block where this transaction was in and got executed. null when its pending.
  • contractCreated string|null: address of created contract. null when it's not a contract creating transaction
  • data string: the data send along with the transaction.
  • epochHeight number: epoch height
  • from string: address of the sender.
  • gas BigInt: gas provided by the sender.
  • gasPrice number: gas price provided by the sender in Drip.
  • hash string: hash of the transaction.
  • nonce BigInt: the number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
  • r string: ECDSA signature r
  • s string: ECDSA signature s
  • status number: 0 for success, 1 for error occured, null when the transaction is skipped or not packed.
  • storageLimit BigInt: storage limit in bytes
  • chainId number: chain id
  • to string: address of the receiver. null when its a contract creation transaction.
  • transactionIndex number: integer of the transactions's index position in the block. null when its pending.
  • v string: ECDSA recovery id
  • value BigInt: value transferred in Drip.
Param Type Description
transactionHash string hash of a transaction


> await conflux.getTransactionByHash('0xbf7110474779ba2404433ef39a24cb5b277186ef1e6cb199b0b60907b029a1ce');
      nonce: 0n,
      gasPrice: 10n,
      gas: 200000n,
      value: 0n,
      storageLimit: 1024n,
      epochHeight: 0,
      chainId: 1029,
      v: 1,
      status: 0,
      transactionIndex: 1,
      blockHash: '0xaf4136d04e9e2cc470703251ec46f5913ab7955d526feed43771705e89c77390',
      contractCreated: null,
      data: '0xfebe49090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000162788589c8e386863f217faef78840919fb2854',
      hash: '0xbf7110474779ba2404433ef39a24cb5b277186ef1e6cb199b0b60907b029a1ce',
      r: '0x495da01ae9f445847022a8bc7df0198577ba75f88b26699f61afb435bb9c50bc',
      s: '0x2291051b1c53db1d6bfe2fb29be1bf512d063e726dc6b98aaf0f2259b7456be0',

conflux.getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash) ⇒ Promise.<(TransactionReceipt|null)>

Returns the information about a transaction receipt requested by transaction hash.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<(TransactionReceipt|null)> - A transaction receipt object, or null when no transaction was found or the transaction was not executed yet:

  • transactionHash string: Hash of the given transaction.
  • index number: Transaction index within the block.
  • blockHash string: Hash of the block where this transaction was in and got executed.
  • epochNumber number: Epoch number of the block where this transaction was in and got executed.
  • from string: Address of the sender.
  • to string: Address of the receiver. null when its a contract creation transaction.
  • gasUsed number: Gas used the transaction.
  • contractCreated string|null: Address of created contract. null when it's not a contract creating transaction.
  • stateRoot string: Hash of the state root.
  • outcomeStatus number: the outcome status code, 0 was successful, 1 for an error occurred in the execution.
  • logsBloom string: Bloom filter for light clients to quickly retrieve related logs.
  • logs object[]: Array of log objects, which this transaction generated.
  • gasCoveredBySponsor boolean: true if this transaction's gas fee was covered by the sponsor.
  • storageCoveredBySponsor boolean: true if this transaction's storage collateral was covered by the sponsor.
  • storageCollateralized BigInt: the amount of storage collateral this transaction required.
  • storageReleased array: array of storage change objects, each specifying an address and the corresponding amount of storage collateral released
    • address string: address released
    • collaterals BigInt: corresponding amount of storage collateral released
Param Type Description
transactionHash string Hash of a transaction


> await conflux.getTransactionReceipt('0xbf7110474779ba2404433ef39a24cb5b277186ef1e6cb199b0b60907b029a1ce');
      index: 1,
      epochNumber: 6,
      outcomeStatus: 0,
      gasUsed: 30559n,
      gasFee: 1500000n,
      blockHash: '0xaf4136d04e9e2cc470703251ec46f5913ab7955d526feed43771705e89c77390',
      contractCreated: null,
      logs: [],
      logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
      stateRoot: '0xd6a7c2c14cb0d1233010acca98e114db5a10e0b94803d23b01a6777b7fd3b2fd',
      transactionHash: '0xbf7110474779ba2404433ef39a24cb5b277186ef1e6cb199b0b60907b029a1ce',
      txExecErrorMsg: null,
      gasCoveredBySponsor: false,
      storageCoveredBySponsor: false,
      storageCollateralized: 0n,
      storageReleased: [
        address: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
        collaterals: 640n,

conflux.sendRawTransaction(hex) ⇒ Promise.<PendingTransaction>

Creates new message call transaction or a contract creation for signed transactions.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<PendingTransaction> - The transaction hash, or the zero hash if the transaction is not yet available.

Param Type Description
hex string | Buffer The signed transaction data.


> await conflux.sendRawTransaction('0xf85f800382520894bbd9e9b...');

conflux.sendTransaction(options, [password]) ⇒ Promise.<PendingTransaction>

Sign and send transaction if from field in conflux.wallet, sign by local account and send raw transaction, else call cfx_sendTransaction and sign by remote wallet

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<PendingTransaction> - The PendingTransaction object.

Param Type Description
options TransactionMeta See Transaction
[password] string Password for remote node.


> txHash = await conflux.sendTransaction({from:account, to:address, value:0}); // send and get transaction hash


> packedTx = await conflux.sendTransaction({from:account, to:address, value:0}).get(); // await till transaction packed
    "nonce": 8n,
    "value": 0n,
    "gasPrice": 1000000000n,
    "gas": 21000n,
    "v": 0,
    "transactionIndex": null,
    "status": null,
    "storageLimit": 0n,
    "chainId": 1,
    "epochHeight": 791394,
    "blockHash": null,
    "contractCreated": null,
    "data": "0x",
    "hash": "0xb2ba6cca35f0af99a9601d09ee19c1949d8130312550e3f5413c520c6d828f88",
    "r": "0x245a1a86ae405eb72c1eaf98f5e22baa326fcf8262abad2c4a3e5bdcf2e912b5",
    "s": "0x4df8058887a4dd8aaf60208accb3e57292a50ff06a117df6e54f7f56176248c0",


> minedTx = await conflux.sendTransaction({from:account, to:address, value:0}).mined(); // await till transaction mined
    "nonce": 8n,
    "value": 0n,
    "gasPrice": 1000000000n,
    "gas": 21000n,
    "v": 0,
    "transactionIndex": 0,
    "status": 0,
    "storageLimit": 0n,
    "chainId": 1,
    "epochHeight": 791394,
    "blockHash": "0xdb2d2d438dcdee8d61c6f495bd363b1afb68cb0fdff16582c08450a9ca487852",
    "contractCreated": null,
    "data": "0x",
    "hash": "0xb2ba6cca35f0af99a9601d09ee19c1949d8130312550e3f5413c520c6d828f88",
    "r": "0x245a1a86ae405eb72c1eaf98f5e22baa326fcf8262abad2c4a3e5bdcf2e912b5",
    "s": "0x4df8058887a4dd8aaf60208accb3e57292a50ff06a117df6e54f7f56176248c0",


> executedReceipt = await conflux.sendTransaction({from:account, to:address, value:0}).executed(); // await till transaction executed
    "index": 0,
    "epochNumber": 791402,
    "outcomeStatus": 0,
    "gasUsed": 21000n,
    "gasFee": 21000000000000n,
    "blockHash": "0xdb2d2d438dcdee8d61c6f495bd363b1afb68cb0fdff16582c08450a9ca487852",
    "contractCreated": null,
    "logs": [],
    "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "stateRoot": "0x510d680cdbf60d34bcd987b3bf9925449c0839a7381dc8fd8222d2c7ee96122d",
    "transactionHash": "0xb2ba6cca35f0af99a9601d09ee19c1949d8130312550e3f5413c520c6d828f88"


> confirmedReceipt = await conflux.sendTransaction({from:account, to:address, value:0}).confirmed(); // await till risk coefficient < threshold (default 1e-8)
    "index": 0,
    "epochNumber": 791402,
    "outcomeStatus": 0,
    "gasUsed": 21000n,
    "gasFee": 21000000000000n,
    "blockHash": "0xdb2d2d438dcdee8d61c6f495bd363b1afb68cb0fdff16582c08450a9ca487852",
    "contractCreated": null,
    "logs": [],
    "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "stateRoot": "0x510d680cdbf60d34bcd987b3bf9925449c0839a7381dc8fd8222d2c7ee96122d",
    "transactionHash": "0xb2ba6cca35f0af99a9601d09ee19c1949d8130312550e3f5413c520c6d828f88"

conflux.getCode(address, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Returns the code of given contract.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<string> - Byte code of contract, or 0x if the contract does not exist.

Param Type Default Description
address string Address to contract.
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getCode('cfxtest:acb2nsctbanb9ezbw0mx1gapve60thyurjmxkage0f');

conflux.getStorageAt(address, position, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<(string|null)>

Returns storage entries from a given contract.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<(string|null)> - Storage entry of given query, or null if the it does not exist.

Param Type Default Description
address string Address to contract.
position string The given position.
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getStorageAt('cfxtest:acdgzwyh9634bnuf4jne0tp3xmae80bwej1w4hr66c', '0x6661e9d6d8b923d5bbaab1b96e1dd51ff6ea2a93520fdc9eb75d059238b8c5e9')

conflux.getStorageRoot(address, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<object>

Returns the storage root of a given contract.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<object> - A storage root object, or null if the contract does not exist

  • delta string: storage root in the delta trie.
  • intermediate string: storage root in the intermediate trie.
  • snapshot string: storage root in the snapshot.
Param Type Default Description
address string Address to contract.
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getStorageRoot('cfxtest:acdgzwyh9634bnuf4jne0tp3xmae80bwej1w4hr66c')
      "delta": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
      "intermediate": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
      "snapshot": "0x7bb7d43152e56f529fbef709aab7371b0672f2332ae0fb4786da350f664df5b4"

conflux.getSponsorInfo(address, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<SponsorInfo>

Returns the sponsor info of given contract.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<SponsorInfo> - A sponsor info object, if the contract doesn't have a sponsor, then the all fields in returned object will be 0:

  • sponsorBalanceForCollateral BigInt: the sponsored balance for storage.
  • sponsorBalanceForGas BigInt: the sponsored balance for gas.
  • sponsorGasBound BigInt: the max gas could be sponsored for one transaction.
  • sponsorForCollateral string: the address of the storage sponsor.
  • sponsorForGas string: the address of the gas sponsor.
Param Type Default Description
address string Address to contract.
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getSponsorInfo('cfxtest:achc8nxj7r451c223m18w2dwjnmhkd6rxa2gc31euw')
      sponsorBalanceForCollateral: 410625000000000000000n,
      sponsorBalanceForGas: 9999999993626232440n,
      sponsorGasBound: 10000000000n,

conflux.getAccountPendingInfo(address) ⇒ Promise.<AccountPendingInfo>

Return pending info of an account

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<AccountPendingInfo> - An account pending info object.

  • localNonce BigInt: then next nonce can use in the transaction pool
  • nextPendingTx string: the hash of next pending transaction
  • pendingCount BigInt: the count of pending transactions
  • pendingNonce BigInt: the nonce of pending transaction
Param Type Description
address string Address to account

conflux.getAccountPendingTransactions(address) ⇒ Promise.<AccountPendingTransactions>

Return pending transactions of one account

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<AccountPendingTransactions> - An account's pending transactions and info.

  • pendingTransactions Array: pending transactions
  • firstTxStatus Object: the status of first pending tx
  • pendingCount BigInt: the count of pending transactions
Param Type Description
address string base32 address

conflux.getCollateralForStorage(address, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<BigInt>

Returns the size of the collateral storage of given address, in Byte.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<BigInt> - - The collateral storage in Byte.

Param Type Default Description
address string Address to check for collateral storage.
[epochNumber] 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber


> await conflux.getCollateralForStorage('cfxtest:achc8nxj7r451c223m18w2dwjnmhkd6rxa2gc31euw')
   89375000000000000000n, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Virtually call a contract, return the output data.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<string> - The output data.

Param Type Default Description
options TransactionMeta See Transaction
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber

conflux.estimateGasAndCollateral(options, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<EstimateResult>

Virtually call a contract, return the estimate gas used and storage collateralized.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<EstimateResult> - A estimate result object:

  • BigInt gasUsed: The gas used.
  • BigInt gasLimit: The gas limit.
  • BigInt storageCollateralized: The storage collateralized in Byte.
Param Type Default Description
options TransactionMeta See Transaction
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See format.epochNumber

conflux.estimateGasAndCollateralAdvance(options, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<object>

Estimate a transaction's gas and storageCollateralize, check whether user's balance is enough for fee and value

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<object> - A estimate result with advance info object:

  • BigInt gasUsed: The gas used.
  • BigInt gasLimit: The gas limit.
  • BigInt storageCollateralized: The storage collateralized in Byte.
  • BigInt balance: The balance of the options.from.
  • Boolean isBalanceEnough: indicate balance is enough for gas and storage fee
  • Boolean isBalanceEnoughForValueAndFee: indicate balance is enough for gas and storage fee plus value
  • Boolean willPayCollateral: false if the transaction is eligible for storage collateral sponsorship, true otherwise
  • Boolean willPayTxFee: false if the transaction is eligible for gas sponsorship, true otherwise
Param Type Default Description
options TransactionMeta See estimateGasAndCollateral
[epochNumber] string | number "'latest_state'" See estimateGasAndCollateral

conflux.checkBalanceAgainstTransaction(from, to, gas, gasPrice, storageLimit, [epochNumber]) ⇒ Promise.<object>

Check whether transaction sender's balance is enough for gas and storage fee

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<object> - A check result object:

  • Boolean isBalanceEnough: indicate balance is enough for gas and storage fee
  • Boolean willPayCollateral: false if the transaction is eligible for storage collateral sponsorship, true otherwise
  • Boolean willPayTxFee: false if the transaction is eligible for gas sponsorship, true otherwise
Param Type Description
from string sender address
to string target address
gas string | number gas limit (in drip)
gasPrice string | number gas price (in drip)
storageLimit string | number storage limit (in byte)
[epochNumber] string | number optional epoch number

conflux.getLogs([options]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Log>>

Returns logs matching the filter provided.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Log>> - Array of log, that the logs matching the filter provided:

  • address string: Address this event originated from.
  • topics string[]: Array of topics.
  • data string: The data containing non-indexed log parameter.
  • blockHash string: Hash of the block where the log in.
  • epochNumber number: Epoch number of the block where the log in.
  • transactionHash string: Hash of the transaction where the log in.
  • transactionIndex string: Transaction index in the block.
  • logIndex number: Log index in block.
  • transactionLogIndex number: Log index in transaction.
Param Type
[options] LogFilter


> await conflux.getLogs({
      address: 'cfxtest:achc8nxj7r451c223m18w2dwjnmhkd6rxa2gc31euw',
      fromEpoch: 39802,
      toEpoch: 39802,
      limit: 1,
      topics: ['0x2f8788117e7eff1d82e926ec794901d17c78024a50270940304540a733656f0d'],
      epochNumber: 39802,
      logIndex: 2,
      transactionIndex: 0,
      transactionLogIndex: 2,
      blockHash: '0xca00158a2a508170278d5bdc5ca258b6698306dd8c30fdba32266222c79e57e6',
      data: '0x',
      topics: [
      transactionHash: '0xeb75f47002720311f1709e36d7f7e9a91ee4aaa469a1de892839cb1ef66a9939'

conflux.traceBlock(blockHash) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<object>>

Return block's execution trace.

Note: need RPC server open trace_block method

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Array.<object>> - Array of transaction traces.

Param Type Description
blockHash string block hash


> await conflux.traceBlock('0xaf0e1d773dee28c95bcfa5480ed663fcc695b32c8c1dd81f57ff61ff09f55f88')
        "transactionTraces": [
                "traces": [
                        "action": {
                            "callType": "call",
                            "from": "CFXTEST:TYPE.USER:AAP6SU0S2UZ36X19HSCP55SR6N42YR1YK6HX8D8SD1",
                            "gas": "311592",
                            "input": "0x",
                            "value": "0"
                        "type": "call"
                "traces": [
                        "action": {
                            "from": "CFXTEST:TYPE.USER:AAR75DU3V36MG4U2DHAG44B40H6K4M2ARY46G0ECMB",
                            "gas": "83962",
                            "init": "0x",
                            "value": "0"
                        "type": "create"

conflux.traceTransaction(txHash) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Trace>>

Return transaction's trace

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Trace>> - Array of traces.

Param Type Description
txHash string transaction hash


> await conflux.traceTransaction('0xaf0e1d773dee28c95bcfa5480ed663fcc695b32c8c1dd81f57ff61ff09f55f88')

conflux.traceFilter(filter) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Trace>>

Return traces that satisfy an filter

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Trace>> - Array of traces.

Param Type Description
filter TraceFilter trace filters


> await conflux.traceFilter({
      fromEpoch: 1,
      toEpoch: 100,
      count: 100,
      after: 100,
      blockHashes: ['0xaf0e1d773dee28c95bcfa5480ed663fcc695b32c8c1dd81f57ff61ff09f55f88'],
      actionTypes: ['call_result']

conflux.getEpochReceipts(epochNumber) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Array.<TransactionReceipt>>>

Return one epoch's all receipts

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Array.<TransactionReceipt>>> - Array of array receipts.

Param Type Description
epochNumber number | string epoch number


> await conflux.getEpochReceipts('0x6')

conflux.getEpochReceiptsByPivotBlockHash(pivotBlockHash) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Array.<TransactionReceipt>>>

Return one epoch's all receipts by pivot block hash

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Array.<TransactionReceipt>>> - Array of array receipts.

Param Type Description
pivotBlockHash string epoch pivot block hash


> await conflux.getEpochReceiptsByPivotBlockHash('0x12291776d632d966896b6c580f3201cd2e2a3fd672378fc7965aa7f7058282b2')

conflux.getPoSEconomics() ⇒ Promise.<PoSEconomics>

Return PoS summary info

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<PoSEconomics> - PoS summary info

  • distributablePosInterest number: Currently total distributable PoS interest (Drip)
  • lastDistributeBlock number: Last distribute block number
  • totalPosStakingTokens number: Total token amount (Drip) staked in PoS

conflux.subscribe(name, ...args) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Subscribe event by name and got id, and provider will emit event by id

Note: suggest use conflux.subscribeXXX to subscribe

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<string> - Id of subscription

Param Type Description
name string Subscription name
...args array Subscription arguments


> conflux = new Conflux({url:'ws://'})
> id = await conflux.subscribe('epochs');
> conflux.provider.on(id, data=>console.log(data));
     epochHashesOrdered: [
     epochNumber: '0x8cb32'

conflux.subscribeEpochs([sub_epoch]) ⇒ Promise.<Subscription>

The epochs topic streams consensus results: the total order of blocks, as expressed by a sequence of epochs. The returned series of epoch numbers is monotonically increasing with an increment of one. If you see the same epoch twice, this suggests a pivot chain reorg has happened (this might happen for recent epochs). For each epoch, the last hash in epochHashesOrdered is the hash of the pivot block.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Subscription> - EventEmitter instance with the follow events:

  • 'data':
    • epochNumber number: epoch number
    • epochHashesOrdered array: epoch block hash in order
      • string: block hash
Param Type Description
[sub_epoch] string Available values are latest_mined(default value) and latest_state


> subscription = await conflux.subscribeEpochs()
> subscription.on('data', data=>console.log(data))
     epochNumber: 566031,
     epochHashesOrdered: [
     epochNumber: 566032,
     epochHashesOrdered: [

conflux.subscribeNewHeads() ⇒ Promise.<Subscription>

The newHeads topic streams all new block headers participating in the consensus.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Subscription> - EventEmitter instance with the follow events:

  • 'data': see getBlockByHash
> subscription = await conflux.subscribeNewHeads()
> subscription.on('data', data=>console.log(data))
      difficulty: 368178587115n,
      epochNumber: null,
      gasLimit: 30000000n,
      height: 1118247,
      timestamp: 1605005752,
      adaptive: false,
      blame: 0,
      deferredLogsBloomHash: '0xd397b3b043d87fcd6fad1291ff0bfd16401c274896d8c63a923727f077b8e0b5',
      deferredReceiptsRoot: '0x7ae0d5716513206755b6f7c95272b79dbc225759b6e17727e19c2f15c3166bda',
      deferredStateRoot: '0x3cf5deba77c8aa9072f1e972d6a97db487a0ce88455f371eb8ac8fa77321cb9d',
      hash: '0x194675173abbc5aab50326136008774eea1a289e6722c973dfed12b703ee5f2a',
      nonce: '0x799d35f695950fd6',
      parentHash: '0x4af3cf8cb358e75acad282ffa4b578b6211ea9eeb7cf87c282f120d8a1c809df',
      powQuality: '0xe7ac17feab',
      refereeHashes: [],
      transactionsRoot: '0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470'

conflux.subscribeLogs([options]) ⇒ Promise.<Subscription>

The logs topic streams all logs matching a certain filter, in order. In case of a pivot chain reorg (which might affect recent logs), a special revert message is sent. All logs received previously that belong to epochs larger than the one in this message should be considered invalid.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<Subscription> - EventEmitter instance with the follow events:

  • 'data': see getLogs
  • 'revert':
    • revertTo 'number': epoch number
Param Type Description
[options] object
[options.address] string | Array.<string> Search contract addresses. If null, match all. If specified, log must be produced by one of these addresses.
[options.topics] array Search topics. Logs can have 4 topics: the function signature and up to 3 indexed event arguments. The elements of topics match the corresponding log topics. Example: ["0xA", null, ["0xB", "0xC"], null] matches logs with "0xA" as the 1st topic AND ("0xB" OR "0xC") as the 3rd topic. If null, match all.


> subscription = await conflux.subscribeLogs()
> subscription.on('data', data=>console.log(data))
     epochNumber: 568224,
     logIndex: 0,
     transactionIndex: 0,
     transactionLogIndex: 0,
     blockHash: '0xc02689eea6a507250838463c13e6b633479e2757dfb7e9b2593d5c31b54adb63',
     data: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
     topics: [
     transactionHash: '0x950ddec9ce3b42c4d8ca120722fa318ae64dc2e24553201f55f68c00bfd9cc4c'


> subscription.on('revert', data=>console.log(data))
   { revertTo: 568230 }
   { revertTo: 568231 }

conflux.unsubscribe(id) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Unsubscribe subscription.

Kind: instance method of Conflux
Returns: Promise.<boolean> - Is success

Param Type Description
id string | Subscription Subscription id


> id = await conflux.subscribe('epochs');
> await conflux.unsubscribe(id);
> await conflux.unsubscribe(id);


> subscription = await conflux.subscribeLogs();
> await conflux.unsubscribe(subscription);

Conflux.create(options) ⇒ Conflux

Create a Conflux instance with networdId set up

Kind: static method of Conflux

Param Type
options ConfluxOption

ConfluxOption : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
[options.defaultGasPrice] string | number The default gas price in drip to use for transactions.
[options.defaultGasRatio] number 1.1 The ratio to multiply by gas.
[options.defaultStorageRatio] number 1.1 The ratio to multiply by storageLimit.
[options.url] string Url of Conflux node to connect.
[options.retry] number Retry times if request error occurs.
[options.timeout] number Request time out in ms
[options.logger] Object Logger object with 'info' and 'error' method.
[options.networkId] number Connected RPC's networkId
[options.useWechatProvider] boolean Use wechat provider
[options.useHexAddressInParameter] boolean Use hex address in parameter
[options.useVerboseAddress] boolean Use verbose address

TransactionMeta : TransactionMeta

Kind: global typedef