MAIN FOCUS: How is data becoming a material for creative expression?
- often feels like a battle between the qualitative and the quantitative
- But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Charts and Graphs
- Jessica Hagy’s graphs (published on Index)
Catalogtree treats data visualization from an editorial perspective
“Dear Data” (by Lupi and Posavec) - data can make us more humane and connect with people at a deeper level
****Language as Data
- Sosolimited’s Reconstitution 2008
Data as Conductor
Turning the London Eye into a Mood Ring for the Olympics
- Used a sentiment analysis on Twitter
- Rate sentiment from 0-4, scored emoticons too, punctuations and incorrect spelling bore on the rating too + an engine that captured these data
- Took 24 hour data and presented it in 24 minutes (visually)
Beyond the Screen
- See Ekene Ijeoma’s Wage Islands - visualizes the affordability of New York City
- Sosolimited’s Fusion Choir