Make sure to read our main readme first to find out details about projectId, chain specific packages and modal customisation options. Please ensure your build tools are set up to handle es2020
Vanilla html / javascript usage is based on various controllers like AccountCtrl
, TransactionCtrl
and others demonstrated below.
npm install @web3modal/core @web3modal/ui
npm install @web3modal/ethereum ethers
See @web3modal/ethereum readme for all available ethereum
options. Vanilla example is also available in examples/html folder.
import { ClientCtrl, ConfigCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
import { chains, providers } from '@web3modal/ethereum'
import '@web3modal/ui'
// Configure web3modal
projectId: '<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>',
theme: 'dark',
accentColor: 'default'
// Configure ethereum client
appName: 'web3Modal',
autoConnect: true,
chains: [chains.mainnet],
providers: [providers.walletConnectProvider({ projectId: '<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>' })]
Controllers to manage web3modal and read / write data from the blockchain
Controller to set up web3modal configuration.
import { ConfigCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
// types
interface Options {
projectId: string
theme: 'dark' | 'light'
accentColor: 'blackWhite' | 'blue' | 'default' | 'green' | 'magenta' | 'orange' | 'teal'
Controller to set up chain specific clients.
import { ClientCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const unwatch = ClientCtrl.subscribe(state => {})
// types
interface Options {
appName: string
autoConnect?: boolean
chains?: Chain[]
providers?: ChainProviderFn[]
interface State {
initialized: boolean
Controller to open, close and subscribe to modal state.
import { ModalCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const unwatch = ModalCtrl.subscribe(state => {})
// types
interface State {
open: boolean
Controller to get account data.
import { AccountCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const account = AccountCtrl.get() => {})
// types
interface Account {
address: string | ''
connector?: Connector
isConnecting?: boolean
isReconnecting?: boolean
isConnected?: boolean
isDisconnected?: boolean
status?: 'connecting' | 'reconnecting' | 'connected' | 'disconnected'
Controller for fetching balance information for Ethereum or ERC-20 tokens.
import { BalanceCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const balance = await BalanceCtrl.fetch(options), balance => {})
// types
interface Balance {
decimals: number
formatted: string
symbol: string
value: BigNumber
interface Options {
addressOrName: string
watch?: boolean
enabled?: boolean
chainId?: number
formatUnits?: number | 'wei' | 'kwei' | 'mwei' | 'gwei' | 'szabo' | 'finney' | 'ether'
token?: string
Controller for fetching the current block number.
import { BlockCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const block = await BlockCtrl.fetch(options) => {}, options)
// types
type Block = number
interface Options {
chainId?: number
Controller for creating and working with ethers Contract instance.
import { ContractCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const contract = ContractCtrl.get(config)
const read = await
const write = await ContractCtrl.write(writeConfig)
const unwatch = ContractCtrl.watchRead(read => {}, readConfig)
const unwatch = ContractCtrl.watchEvent((...event) => {}, eventConfig)
// types
interface Config {
address: string
abi: Narrow<TAbi>
signerOrProvider?: Provider | Signer | undefined
type Contract = ethers.Contract
interface ReadConfig {
address: string
abi: ContractInterface
functionName: string
args?: any[]
overrides?: CallOverrides
chainId?: number
type Read = Result
interface WriteConfig {
functionName: string
chainId?: number | undefined
args?: any[]
overrides?: CallOverrides
signer?: Signer
type Write = TransactionResponse
interface EventConfig {
address: string
abi: ContractInterface
eventName: string
chainId?: number
once?: boolean
Controller for fetching ENS data.
import { EnsCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const ensAddress = await ContractCtrl.fetchEnsAddress(addressArgs)
const ensAvatar = await ContractCtrl.fetchEnsAvatar(avatarArgs)
const ensName = await ContractCtrl.fetchEnsName(nameArgs)
const ensResolver = await ContractCtrl.fetchEnsResolver(resolverArgs)
// types
interface AddressArgs {
name: string
chainId?: number
type EnsAddress = string
interface AvatarArgs {
addressOrName: string
chainId?: number
type EnsAvatar = string
interface NameArgs {
address: string
chainId?: number
type EnsName = string
interface ResolverArgs {
address: string
abi: ContractInterface
eventName: string
chainId?: number
once?: boolean
type EnsResolver = string
Controller for fetching network fee information.
import { FeeCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const fees = await FeeCtrl.fetch(options)
const unwatch = => {}, options)
// types
interface Options {
formatUnits?: number | 'wei' | 'kwei' | 'mwei' | 'gwei' | 'szabo' | 'finney' | 'ether'
chainId?: number
interface Fees {
gasPrice: BigNumber
maxFeePerGas: BigNumber
maxPriorityFeePerGas: BigNumber
formatted: {
gasPrice: string
maxFeePerGas: string
maxPriorityFeePerGas: string
Controller for accessing network data, such as current connected chain and connector chains. Also switching to a different network.
import { NetworkCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const network = NetworkCtrl.get()
const unwatch = => {})
// types
interface Network {
chain?: Chain & { unsupported?: boolean }
chains?: Chain[]
interface Options {
chainId: number
Controller for accessing Client's ethers Provider.
import { ProviderCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const provider = ProviderCtrl.get(options)
const unwatch = => {}, options)
// types
interface Options {
chainId?: number
type Provider = ethers.Provider
Controller for accessing the Client's ethers WebSocket Provider.
import { WebsocketProviderCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const provider = WebsocketProviderCtrl.get(options)
const unwatch = => {}, options)
// types
interface Options {
chainId?: number
type Provider = ethers.WebsocketProvider
Controller for accessing ethers Signer object for connected account.
import { SignerCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const signer = await SignerCtrl.fetch(options)
const signMessage = await SignerCtrl.signMessage(signMessageArguments)
const signTypedData = await SignerCtrl.signTypedData(signTypedData)
const unwatch = => {}, options)
// types
interface Options {
chainId?: number
interface SignMessageArguments {
message: string | Bytes
type SignMessage = string
interface SignTypedDataArguments {
domain: {
name?: string
version?: string
chainId?: string | number | bigint
verifyingContract?: string
salt?: BytesLike
types: Record<
name: string
type: string
value: Record<string, any>
type SignTypedData = string
Controller for fetching ERC-20 token information.
import { TokenCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const token = await TokenCtrl.fetch(options)
// types
interface Options {
address: string
chainId?: number
formatUnits?: number | 'wei' | 'kwei' | 'mwei' | 'gwei' | 'szabo' | 'finney' | 'ether'
interface Token {
address: string
decimals: number
name: string
symbol: string
totalSupply: {
formatted: string
value: BigNumber
Controller for Hook for fetching / sending transactions.
import { TransactionCtrl } from '@web3modal/core'
// functions
const transaction = await TransactionCtrl.fetch(fetchOptions)
const transaction = await TransactionCtrl.send(sendOptions)
const transaction = await TransactionCtrl.wait(waitOptions)
// types
interface FetchOptions {
hash: string
chainId?: number
interface SendOptions {
request: TransactionRequest & {
to: string
chainId?: number
signer?: Signer
interface WaitOptions {
confirmations?: number
hash?: string
timeout?: number
chainId?: number
type Transaction = TransactionResponse